EVP_KDF-PBKDF1.7ossl - Man Page

The PBKDF1 EVP_KDF implementation


Support for computing the PBKDF1 password-based KDF through the EVP_KDF API.

The EVP_KDF-PBKDF1 algorithm implements the PBKDF1 password-based key derivation function, as described in RFC 8018; it derives a key from a password using a salt and iteration count.


"PBKDF1" is the name for this implementation; it can be used with the EVP_KDF_fetch() function.

Supported parameters

The supported parameters are:

"pass" (OSSL_KDF_PARAM_PASSWORD) <octet string>
"salt" (OSSL_KDF_PARAM_SALT) <octet string>
"iter" (OSSL_KDF_PARAM_ITER) <unsigned integer>

This parameter has a default value of 0 and should be set.

"properties" (OSSL_KDF_PARAM_PROPERTIES) <UTF8 string>
"digest" (OSSL_KDF_PARAM_DIGEST) <UTF8 string>

These parameters work as described in "PARAMETERS" in EVP_KDF(3).


A typical application of this algorithm is to derive keying material for an encryption algorithm from a password in the "pass", a salt in "salt", and an iteration count.

Increasing the "iter" parameter slows down the algorithm which makes it harder for an attacker to perform a brute force attack using a large number of candidate passwords.

No assumption is made regarding the given password; it is simply treated as a byte sequence.

The legacy provider needs to be available in order to access this algorithm.

Conforming to

RFC 8018

See Also

EVP_KDF(3), EVP_KDF_CTX_new(3), EVP_KDF_CTX_free(3), EVP_KDF_CTX_set_params(3), EVP_KDF_derive(3), "PARAMETERS" in EVP_KDF(3), OSSL_PROVIDER-legacy(7)


This functionality was added in OpenSSL 3.0.


2024-07-18 3.2.2 OpenSSL