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supertux2 - Man Page

SuperTux, a classic jump'n'run platformer featuring Tux


supertux2 [options]
supertux2 [options] level.stl
supertux2 [options] worldmap.stwm


SuperTux is a classic style 2D platform game. Run and jump through multiple worlds, fighting off enemies by jumping on them, bumping them from below or tossing objects at them, grabbing power-ups and other stuff on the way.


These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). A summary of options is included below.

-h,  --help

Show this help message

-v,  --version

Show SuperTux version and quit


Print verbose messages


Print extra verbose messages


Print SuperTux's primary data directory.


Print the licenses of libraries used by SuperTux.

-f,  --fullscreen

Run in fullscreen mode

-w,  --window

Run in window mode

-g,  --geometry WIDTHxHEIGHT

Run SuperTux in given resolution (eg. -g 800x600)

-a,  --aspect WIDTH:HEIGHT

Run SuperTux with given aspect ratio (eg. -a 4:3)

-d,  --default

Reset video settings to default values (-g 800x600 -a auto -w)

--renderer RENDERER

Render the game using the specified video renderer. Valid values are sdl, opengl20, opengl33, and auto (the default).

--disable-sound,  --disable-sfx

Disable sound effects


Disable music


Open given level in editor


Loads given level and saves it


Display framerate in levels


Do not display framerate in levels


Display player's current position


Do not display player's position


Enable Christmas mode outside Christmas times


Disable Christmas mode during Christmas times


Enable developer features

-s,  --debug-scripts

Enable script debugger.

--spawn-pos X,Y

Where in the level to spawn Tux. Only used if [level] is specified.

--sector SECTOR

Spawn Tux in SECTOR

--spawnpoint SPAWNPOINT


--record-demo FILE LEVEL

Record a demo to FILE

--play-demo FILE LEVEL

Play a recorded demo

--datadir DIR

Set the directory for the games datafiles

--userdir DIR

Set the directory for user data (savegames, etc.)

--repository-url URL

Set the URL to the Add-On repository



Directory for user data (savegames, etc.)


Directory for the games datafiles


~/.local/share/supertux2, ~/.supertux2

Contains configuration and savegames. Also acts as an overlay of the SuperTux game data path:  Files placed here will override or supplement game data files.


To play level /tmp/mylevel.stl in a window of size 800x600, run  the program like this:

supertux2 --window --geometry 800x600 /tmp/mylevel.stl

To play a previously recorded demo /tmp/mylevel.demo of level  /tmp/mylevel.stl, run SuperTux like this:

supertux2 --play-demo /tmp/mylevel.demo /tmp/mylevel.stl

Custom-made levels can be conveniently stored in the overlay data folder.

  (version 2)
  (name (_ "Sample Level"))
  (author "Myself")

Make sure to also create an "info" file, so the collection will be  recognized by SuperTux.

  (title "Sample Collection")
  (description "")

For easier distribution, the level collection can be bundled in a Zip archive.



This is a development version, so expect plenty of bugs.


This manual page was written by the SuperTux Devel Team  and is placed in the public domain.


December 20, 2021 SuperTux 0.6.3 Games