spotlight - Man Page

move spotlight around desktop


spotlight [--display host:display.screen] [--foreground color] [--background color] [--window] [--root] [--window-id number][--mono] [--install] [--visual visual] [--delay usecs] [--duration secs] [--radius pixels] [--fps]


The spotlight program takes an image and exposes small sections of it as if through a wandering spotlight beam.

The image that it manipulates will be grabbed from the portion of the screen underlying the window, or from the system's video input, or from a random file on disk, as indicated by the grabDesktopImages, grabVideoFrames, and chooseRandomImages options in the ~/.xscreensaver file; see xscreensaver-settings(1) for more details.


spotlight accepts the following options:


Draw on a newly-created window.  This is the default.


Draw on the root window.

--window-id number

Draw on the specified window.


If on a color display, pretend we're on a monochrome display.


Install a private colormap for the window.

--visual visual

Specify which visual to use.  Legal values are the name of a visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.

--delay microseconds

Slow it down.

--duration seconds

How long to run before loading a new image.  Default 120 seconds.

--radius pixels

Radius of the spotlight in pixels.


Display the current frame rate and CPU load.



to get the default host and display number.


to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.


The window ID to use with --root.

See Also

X(1), xscreensaver(1), xscreensaver-settings(1), xscreensaver-getimage(6x)


Hacked together by Rick Schultz <>, based on StefView for BackSpace by Darcy Brockbank and on several other xscreensaver hacks.


6.09-3.fc42 (23-Sep-2024) X Version 11 XScreenSaver manual