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sd2-trackgen - Man Page

Speed Dreams 2 terrain generator for tracks


sd2-trackgen -c category -n name [-a] [-m] [-s] [-S] [-E <n> [-H <nb>]]


This manual describes the track terrain generator that is shipped with Speed Dreams 2.


-c category

track category (road, speedway, dirt...)

-n name

track name


draw bump track


Don't use terrain border (relief supplied int clockwise, ext CC)


draw all (default is track only)


split the track and the terrain


split all

-E <n>

save elevation file n

0: all elevatation files

1: elevation file of terrain + track

2: elevation file of terrain with track white

3: track only

4: track elevations with height steps

-H <nb>

nb of height steps for 4th elevation file [30]


sd2-trackgen is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.


This manual page was written by Jean-Philippe Meuret <pouillot@users.sourceforge.net>, based on TORCS 1.2.2 version by Rudy Godoy <rudy@kernel-panik.org>, for the Debian project ; of course, it may be used by any other.

Bug Reports

In case you discover a bug (sure you won't ;-), please report it here:
of course after checking that it is not already filed.

See Also

Web site: http://www.speed-dreams.org/
Community: http://community.speed-dreams.org/
Sourceforge pages: http://sourceforge.net/projects/speed-dreams/
Wiki: http://sourceforge.net/p/speed-dreams/wiki/Home/
speed-dreams-2(6), sd2-accc(6), sd2-menuview(6), sd2-nfs2ac(6), sd2-nfsperf(6)

Referenced By

sd2-accc(6), sd2-nfs2ac(6), sd2-nfsperf(6), speed-dreams-2(6).

March 2012 Speed Dreams 2.x Games