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pioneers-server-console - Man Page

command-line game server for Pioneers


pioneers-server-console [ Options ]


This manual page documents briefly the pioneers-server-console command.

Pioneers is a computerized version of a well known strategy board game. The goal of the game is to colonize an island. The players play the first colonists hence the name pioneers. It uses a client/server model for networked play of between two and eight players.  This program provides a console-only server that pioneers clients can connect to.


Application options

-g,--game-title game title Load the ruleset specified by game title. The title can be found in the *.game files. You need quotes for titles with spaces.


Load the ruleset in the file filename.

-p,--port port

Use port port for player connections.

-P,--players num

Start a game for num total players (including computer players).

-v,--points points

Specify the number of "victory points" required to win the game.


"Sevens rule": Specify gameplay behavior when a player rolls a seven.  A value of 0 (the default) means that rolling a seven always moves the robber.  A value of 1 requires the player to re-roll if a seven is rolled on the first two turns.  A value of 2 means the player always re-rolls.


Choose a terrain type: 0 for the default, or 1 for random terrain.

-c,--computer-players num

Start up num computer players.


Show version information.

Metaserver options


Register with a metaserver.  The metaserver to use can be overridden with the -m option. Default metaserver: pioneers.debian.net

-m,--metaserver metaserver

Register this server with the metaserver at the specified address.

-n,  --hostname hostname

Use this hostname instead of the hostname reported by hostname(1).

Miscellaneous options

-x,--auto-quit Automatically exit after a player has won.

-k,--empty-timeout secs

Automatically stop the server if no one has connected after secs seconds.

-t,--tournament mins

Tournament mode: add AI players after mins minutes.

-a,--admin-port port

Listen for administrative commands on port port.


Don't start the game immediately; wait for a command on the admin port (-a) instead.


Give players numbers according to the order they enter the game.


Enable debug messages.


The default settings of the server can be influenced with the following three environment variables:


The hostname of the metaserver when no metaserver is specified on the command-line.


The hostname of the server. If it is not set, the hostname is determined by hostname(1).


The path to the game definition files. If it is not set, the default installation path will be used.


/usr/share/games/pioneers/*.game and $XDG_DATA_HOME/pioneers/*.game

Game definitions


A list of names the computer player can use


This manual page was written by Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>,  and updated by Roland Clobus <rclobus@rclobus.nl>. Pioneers was written by Dave Cole <dave@dccs.com.au>, Andy Heroff <aheroff@mediaone.net>, and Roman Hodek <roman@hodek.net>, with contributions from many other developers on the Internet; see the AUTHORS file in the pioneers distribution for a complete list of contributing authors.

See Also

pioneers(6), pioneers-server-gtk(6), pioneersai(6), hostname(1)

Referenced By

pioneers(6), pioneersai(6), pioneers-editor(6), pioneers-metaserver(6), pioneers-server-gtk(6).

February 24, 2013 pioneers