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lordsawar-game-list-client - Man Page

administer or query a game list server


lordsawar-game-list-client [OPTION...] [HOST]


A command-line tool to manage a LordsAWar! game list server located at HOST.  

-p,  --profile ID

Use this identity to make requests to the remote server.  The ID looks like a guid.

-a,  --advertise

Ask the server to advertise a game.

-u,  --unadvertise ID

Ask the server to stop advertising a game.  The ID looks like a guid.

-r,  --remove-all ID

Ask the server to stop advertising games owned by the given profile ID.  The ID looks like a guid.

-p, --port NUMBER

Connect to the remote server on the given port.

-t,  --terminate

Ask the server to stop running.

-r, --reload

Ask the server to reload it's list of advertised games from disk.

-l,  --list

Ask the server to show a list of games it is advertising.

-?,  --help

Give this help list.

When --profile is not specified, the first profile in profiles.xml is used by default.

Specifying an ID of -1 to the --remove-all option will remove all games  from the game list.

When a --port is not specified, port 18998 is assumed.

When HOST is not specified on the command-line, this tool will try to connect to



The configuration file.


The data file representing the list of profiles.

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <lordsawar-discuss@nongnu.org>.


June 2014 lordsawar 0.3.0 Games