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ezad_looks.py - Man Page

run Pyskool in Ezad Looks mode


ezad_looks.py [options]


ezad_looks.py runs Pyskool in Ezad Looks mode. Pyskool is a remake of the classic ZX Spectrum games Skool Daze and Back to Skool by Microsphere.



Show Pyskool's version number and exit.

-h,  --help

Show a summary of the available options.

-c,  --cheat

Enable cheat keys. This option is equivalent to '--config Cheat,1'.

--config P,V

Set the value of the configuration parameter P to V; this option may be used multiple times.


Create the images required by the game in ~/.pyskool/images and exit.


Create the ini files required by the game in ~/.pyskool/ini/ezad_looks and exit.


Create the sound files required by the game in ~/.pyskool/sounds and exit.


Overwrite existing images, ini files and sound files (when using the --create-images, --create-ini, --create-sounds or --setup option).

-i,  --inidir INIDIR

Read ini files from this directory instead of ini/ezad_looks.

-l,  --load SAVEFILE

Load a saved game from the specified file.


Show the path to the pyskool package directory and exit.

-q,  --quick-start

Start the game quickly by skipping the scroll-skool-into-view and theme tune sequence. This option is equivalent to '--config QuickStart,1'.

-r,  --load-last SAVEDIR

Load the most recently saved game in the specified directory.

--sample-rate RATE

Set the sample rate of the sound files created by --create-sounds. The default sample rate is 44100.

-s,  --scale SCALE

Scale graphics by this factor (1=original Speccy size). This option is equivalent to '--config Scale,SCALE'.


Show the locations that Pyskool searches for data files and exit.


Create the images, ini files and sound files required by the game in ~/.pyskool and exit. This option is equivalent to combining the --create-images, --create-ini and --create-sounds options.


When Pyskool starts in Ezad Looks mode, it looks for the following things:

- a file named pyskool.ini (the main ini file)
- a directory named images
- a directory named sounds
- a directory named ini/ezad_looks

Each of these things must be present in one of the following directories in order for Pyskool to find it:

- the current working directory
- ~/.pyskool
- the directory containing ezad_looks.py
- /usr/share/pyskool

where $PACKAGE_DIR is the directory in which the pyskool package is installed, as shown by:

ezad_looks.py --package-dir

When you need a reminder of these locations, run:

ezad_looks.py --search-dirs


The --create-images option first looks for Skool Daze and Back to Skool tape or snapshot files by the following names in ~/.pyskool:


If no such files are found, TZX files are downloaded from one of the sources listed in images.ini and saved to ~/.pyskool. Then the required images are built from the tape or snapshot files and saved to the appropriate subdirectories under ~/.pyskool/images/originalx1.

See Also

skool_daze.py(6), back_to_skool.py(6), skool_daze_take_too.py(6), back_to_skool_daze.py(6).


Richard Dymond

Referenced By

back_to_skool_daze.py(6), back_to_skool.py(6), skool_daze.py(6), skool_daze_take_too.py(6).

2014-12-08 1.2.1