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ccgo - Man Page

a program for playing the game Go


ccgo [options] [<sgf_filename>]


ccgo is a program that provides a graphical interface for playing Go on the IGS (Internet Go Server) or with GMP (Go modem protocol) programs like GNUGO. It's also a SGF (smart game format) Go record viewer. When <sgf_filename> exists and of the extension .sgf, it is opened as a game record.


Most properties of ccgo can be configured at runtime with the "Properties" button in the main menu. Other command line options are as following:

-d,  --debug=NUM

Set debugging level to NUM

-c,  --command=CMD

send CMD as remote command to existing ccgo process

-?,  --help

display help list and exit

-V,  --version

print program version and exit



The fifo used for sending command to a running ccgo process.

See Also

The program is also documented at "http://ccdw.org/~cjj/prog/ccgo/".


This manual page was written by Chun-Chung Chen <cjj@u.washington.edu>.


2005-04-03 Chun-Chung Chen Games