pingd.conf - Man Page
pingd configuration file
The pingd configuration file configures the pingd daemon.
The default configuration file loaded is /etc/pingd.conf.
The configuration options that can be specified in the configuration file are listed below. Each configuration option must be listed on a separate line. Arguments for an option are separated by any amount of whitespace. Multiple arguments are also separated by whitespace. Comments can be marked by using the pound sign ("#") character, and lines can be continued on the next using backslash ("\").
Pingd Configuration Options
- ping_period num
Specify the period time in milliseconds that ICMP pings should be regularly sent out. Default is 15000.
- pingd_server_port port
Specify the alternate default port the pingd server should listen for requests off of. Default is 9125.
- host string
Specify a host the pingd daemon whould regularly ping. Can be specified as many times as necessary.