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davfs2.conf - Man Page

Configuration file for mount.davfs


There is a system wide configuration file /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and user configuration files ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf. When mount.davfs is invoked by root, only the system wide configuration file is read. When invoked by an ordinary user, the user configuration file is read in addition. Settings from the user configuration file will take precedence over the system wide configuration.

The configuration file consists of lines where each line contains a keyword value pair. Keyword and value are separated by spaces and/or tabs.

The file may contain sections that are for one specific mount point only. Such a section starts with a line, that contains the full path of the mount point enclosed in square brackets. The section ends at the start of the next section or the end of file. Options that shall apply to all mounted file system must come before the first sections. Options given in a mount specific section will have precedence.


proxy foo.bar:8080
use_locks 0

use_locks 1

gui_optimize 1

All mounted davfs2 file systems will use the proxy foo.bar. All davfs2 file systems except /media/dav will disable the use of the locks. /home/otto/mywebspace will use the gui_optimize option.

General Syntax Rules

Lines that only contain spaces and tabs (empty lines) are ignored.

# indicates a comment. The rest of the line is ignored.

\ is the escape character.

"" is used for quotation.

If a value contains one of the special characters space, tab, #, \, or ", this character must be escaped by a preceding \. Use ’\ ’ instead of ’ ’, ’\#’ instead of ’#’, ’\\’ instead of ’\’ and ’\"’ instead of ’"’.

Values containing spaces, tabs or # may instead be enclosed in double quotes. But " and ’ must be escaped even within double quotes. If the starting line of a section is enclosed in double quotes, the square brakets must be within the quotes (like "[/home/otto/with space]").

Boolean option values (yes/no) must be given as numerical value. 0 for no, 1 for yes.

Available Configuration Options

General Options


When invoked by root the mount.davfs daemon will run as this user. Value must be given as name, not as numerical id.
Default: davfs2
Only allowed in the system wide configuration file.


The group of the running mount.davfs daemon. Ordinary users must be member of this group in order to mount a davfs2 file system. Value must be given as name, not as numerical id.
Default: davfs2
Only allowed in the system wide configuration file.


Size in KiByte of the buffer used to communicate with the kernel file system. Only useful with fuse, where read and write operations may profit from a larger buffer.
Default: 16

Debugging Options


Send debug messages to the syslog daemon. The value tells what kind of information shall be logged. The messages are send with facility LOG_DAEMON and priority LOG_DEBUG. It depends from the configuration of the syslog daemon where the messages will go (propably /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog or /var/log/daemon.log). Whether HTTP related debug messages are available depends on your neon library.
Unlike other options, this option is cumulative. If there are several debug entries with different values, all of them will be applied. Also debug options from /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf and ~/.davfs2/davfs2.conf are merged.
Note: Debug messages let the log-files grow quickly. Never use this option in normal operation of mount.davfs.
Default: no debugging messages

Recognized values:

Command line and configuration options.


Upcalls from the kernel file system.


Cache operations like adding and removing nodes.


HTTP headers.


Parsing of the XML-body of WebDAV-requests.


Negotiation of authentication.


Information about locks.


TLS/SSL related stuff like certificates.


Complete body of HTTP-responses.


Also print confidential information, which is usually omitted or obscured.


Includes config, kernel, cache and http.


This man page was written by by Werner Baumann <werner.baumann@onlinehome.de>.

Davfs2 Home


See Also

mount.davfs(8), umount.davfs(8), mount(8), umount(8), fstab(5)

Referenced By

mount.davfs(8), umount.davfs(8).

2020-08-06 davfs2 1.7.0