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Section 3p : POSIX Functions

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Man pages in this section
a64lconvert between a 32-bit integer and a radix-64 ASCII string
abortgenerate an abnormal process abort
absreturn an integer absolute value
acceptaccept a new connection on a socket
accessdetermine accessibility of a file descriptor
acosarc cosine functions
acoshinverse hyperbolic cosine functions
acoslarc cosine functions
aio_cancelcancel an asynchronous I/O request
aio_errorretrieve errors status for an asynchronous I/O operation
aio_fsyncasynchronous file synchronization
aio_readasynchronous read from a file
aio_returnretrieve return status of an asynchronous I/O operation
aio_suspendwait for an asynchronous I/O request
aio_writeasynchronous write to a file
alarmschedule an alarm signal
alphasortscan a directory
asctimeconvert date and time to a string
asinarc sine function
asinhinverse hyperbolic sine functions
asinlarc sine function
assertinsert program diagnostics
atanarc tangent function
atan2arc tangent functions
atanfarc tangent function
atanhinverse hyperbolic tangent functions
atanlarc tangent function
atexitregister a function to run at process termination
atofconvert a string to a double-precision number
atoiconvert a string to an integer
atolconvert a string to a long integer
basenamereturn the last component of a pathname
bindbind a name to a socket
bsearchbinary search a sorted table
btowcsingle byte to wide character conversion
cabsreturn a complex absolute value
cacoscomplex arc cosine functions
cacoshcomplex arc hyperbolic cosine functions
cacoslcomplex arc cosine functions
calloca memory allocator
cargcomplex argument functions
casincomplex arc sine functions
casinhcomplex arc hyperbolic sine functions
casinlcomplex arc sine functions
catancomplex arc tangent functions
catanhcomplex arc hyperbolic tangent functions
catanlcomplex arc tangent functions
catcloseclose a message catalog descriptor
catgetsread a program message
catopenopen a message catalog
cbrtcube root functions
ccoscomplex cosine functions
ccoshcomplex hyperbolic cosine functions
ccoslcomplex cosine functions
ceilceiling value function
cexpcomplex exponential functions
cfgetispeedget input baud rate
cfgetospeedget output baud rate
cfsetispeedset input baud rate
cfsetospeedset output baud rate
chdirchange working directory
chmodchange mode of a file
chownchange owner and group of a file
cimagcomplex imaginary functions
clearerrclear indicators on a stream
clockreport CPU time used
clock_getcpuclockidaccess a process CPU-time clock (ADVANCED REALTIME)
clock_getresclock and timer functions
clock_nanosleephigh resolution sleep with specifiable clock
clock_settimeclock and timer functions
clogcomplex natural logarithm functions
closeclose a file descriptor
closedirclose a directory stream
closelogcontrol system log
confstrget configurable variables
conjcomplex conjugate functions
connectconnect a socket
copysignnumber manipulation function
coscosine function
coshhyperbolic cosine functions
coslcosine function
cpowcomplex power functions
cprojcomplex projection functions
crealcomplex real functions
creatcreate a new file or rewrite an existing one
cryptstring encoding function (CRYPT)
csincomplex sine functions
csinhcomplex hyperbolic sine functions
csinlcomplex sine functions
csqrtcomplex square root functions
ctancomplex tangent functions
ctanhcomplex hyperbolic tangent functions
ctanlcomplex tangent functions
ctermidgenerate a pathname for the controlling terminal
ctimeconvert a time value to a date and time string
daylightdaylight savings time flag
dbm_clearerrdatabase functions
difftimecompute the difference between two calendar time values
dirfdextract the file descriptor used by a DIR stream
dirnamereport the parent directory name of a file pathname
divcompute the quotient and remainder of an integer division
dlcloseclose a symbol table handle
dlerrorget diagnostic information
dlopenopen a symbol table handle
dlsymget the address of a symbol from a symbol table handle
dprintfprint formatted output
drand48generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
dupduplicate an open file descriptor
duplocaleduplicate a locale object
encryptencoding function (CRYPT)
endgrentgroup database entry functions
endhostentnetwork host database functions
endnetentnetwork database functions
endprotoentnetwork protocol database functions
endpwentuser database functions
endserventnetwork services database functions
endutxentuser accounting database functions
environarray of character pointers to the environment strings
erand48generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random numbers
erferror functions
erfccomplementary error functions
erfferror functions
errnoerror return value
execexecute a file
_Exitterminate a process
exitterminate a process
expexponential function
exp2exponential base 2 functions
expm1compute exponential functions
fabsabsolute value function
faccessatdetermine accessibility of a file relative to directory file descriptor
fattachattach a STREAMS-based file descriptor to a file in the file system name space (STREAMS)
fchdirchange working directory
fchmodchange mode of a file
fchmodatchange mode of a file relative to directory file descriptor
fchownchange owner and group of a file
fchownatchange owner and group of a file relative to directory file descriptor
fcloseclose a stream
fcntlfile control
fdatasyncsynchronize the data of a file (REALTIME)
FD_CLRmacros for synchronous I/O multiplexing
fdetachdetach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor (STREAMS)
fdimcompute positive difference between two floating-point numbers
fdopenassociate a stream with a file descriptor
fdopendiropen directory associated with file descriptor
feclearexceptclear floating-point exception
fegetenvget and set current floating-point environment
fegetexceptflagget and set floating-point status flags
fegetroundget and set current rounding direction
feholdexceptsave current floating-point environment
feoftest end-of-file indicator on a stream
feraiseexceptraise floating-point exception
ferrortest error indicator on a stream
fesetenvset current floating-point environment
fesetexceptflagset floating-point status flags
fesetroundset current rounding direction
fetestexcepttest floating-point exception flags
feupdateenvupdate floating-point environment
fexecveexecute a file
fflushflush a stream
ffsfind first set bit
fgetcget a byte from a stream
fgetposget current file position information
fgetsget a string from a stream
fgetwcget a wide-character code from a stream
fgetwsget a wide-character string from a stream
filenomap a stream pointer to a file descriptor
flockfilestdio locking functions
floorfloor function
fmafloating-point multiply-add
fmaxdetermine maximum numeric value of two floating-point numbers
fmemopenopen a memory buffer stream
fmindetermine minimum numeric value of two floating-point numbers
fmodfloating-point remainder value function
fmtmsgdisplay a message in the specified format on standard error and/or a system console
fnmatchmatch a filename string or a pathname
fopenopen a stream
forkcreate a new process
fpathconfget configurable pathname variables
fpclassifyclassify real floating type
fprintfprint formatted output
fputcput a byte on a stream
fputsput a string on a stream
fputwcput a wide-character code on a stream
fputwsput a wide-character string on a stream
freadbinary input
freefree allocated memory
freeaddrinfoget address information
freelocalefree resources allocated for a locale object
freopenopen a stream
frexpextract mantissa and exponent from a double precision number
fscanfconvert formatted input
fseekreposition a file-position indicator in a stream
fsetposset current file position
fstatget file status
fstatatget file status
fstatvfsget file system information
fsyncsynchronize changes to a file
ftellreturn a file offset in a stream
ftokgenerate an IPC key
ftruncatetruncate a file to a specified length
ftrylockfilestdio locking functions
ftwtraverse (walk) a file tree
funlockfilestdio locking functions
futimensset file access and modification times
fwideset stream orientation
fwprintfprint formatted wide-character output
fwritebinary output
fwscanfconvert formatted wide-character input
gai_strerroraddress and name information error description
getaddrinfoget address information
getcget a byte from a stream
getcharget a byte from a stdin stream
getchar_unlockedstdio with explicit client locking
getc_unlockedstdio with explicit client locking
getcwdget the pathname of the current working directory
getdateconvert user format date and time
getdelimread a delimited record from stream
getegidget the effective group ID
getenvget value of an environment variable
geteuidget the effective user ID
getgidget the real group ID
getgrentget the group database entry
getgrgidget group database entry for a group ID
getgrnamsearch group database for a name
getgroupsget supplementary group IDs
gethostentnetwork host database functions
gethostidget an identifier for the current host
gethostnameget name of current host
getitimerget and set value of interval timer
getlineread a delimited record from stream
getloginget login name
getmsgreceive next message from a STREAMS file (STREAMS)
getnameinfoget name information
getnetbyaddrnetwork database functions
getoptcommand option parsing
getpeernameget the name of the peer socket
getpgidget the process group ID for a process
getpgrpget the process group ID of the calling process
getpidget the process ID
getpmsgreceive next message from a STREAMS file
getppidget the parent process ID
getpriorityget and set the nice value
getprotobynamenetwork protocol database functions
getpwentget user database entry
getpwnamsearch user database for a name
getpwuidsearch user database for a user ID
getrlimitcontrol maximum resource consumption
getrusageget information about resource utilization
getsget a string from a stdin stream
getservbynamenetwork services database functions
getsidget the process group ID of a session leader
getsocknameget the socket name
getsockoptget the socket options
getsuboptparse suboption arguments from a string
gettimeofdayget the date and time
getuidget a real user ID
getutxentget user accounting database entries
getwcget a wide character from a stream
getwcharget a wide character from a stdin stream
globgenerate pathnames matching a pattern
gmtimeconvert a time value to a broken-down UTC time
grantptgrant access to the slave pseudo-terminal device
hcreatemanage hash search table
htonlconvert values between host and network byte order
hypotEuclidean distance function
iconvcodeset conversion function
iconv_closecodeset conversion deallocation function
iconv_opencodeset conversion allocation function
if_freenameindexfree memory allocated by if_nameindex
if_indextonamemap a network interface index to its corresponding name
if_nameindexreturn all network interface names and indexes
if_nametoindexmap a network interface name to its corresponding index
ilogbreturn an unbiased exponent
imaxabsreturn absolute value
imaxdivreturn quotient and remainder
inet_addrIPv4 address manipulation
inet_ntopconvert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses between binary and text form
initstatepseudo-random number functions
insqueinsert or remove an element in a queue
ioctlcontrol a STREAMS device (STREAMS)
isalnumtest for an alphanumeric character
isalphatest for an alphabetic character
isasciitest for a 7-bit US-ASCII character
isastreamtest a file descriptor (STREAMS)
isattytest for a terminal device
isblanktest for a blank character
iscntrltest for a control character
isdigittest for a decimal digit
isfinitetest for finite value
isgraphtest for a visible character
isgreatertest if x greater than y
isgreaterequaltest if x is greater than or equal to y
isinftest for infinity
islesstest if x is less than y
islessequaltest if x is less than or equal to y
islessgreatertest if x is less than or greater than y
islowertest for a lowercase letter
isnantest for a NaN
isnormaltest for a normal value
isprinttest for a printable character
ispuncttest for a punctuation character
isspacetest for a white-space character
isunorderedtest if arguments are unordered
isuppertest for an uppercase letter
iswalnumtest for an alphanumeric wide-character code
iswalphatest for an alphabetic wide-character code
iswblanktest for a blank wide-character code
iswcntrltest for a control wide-character code
iswctypetest character for a specified class
iswdigittest for a decimal digit wide-character code
iswgraphtest for a visible wide-character code
iswlowertest for a lowercase letter wide-character code
iswprinttest for a printable wide-character code
iswpuncttest for a punctuation wide-character code
iswspacetest for a white-space wide-character code
iswuppertest for an uppercase letter wide-character code
iswxdigittest for a hexadecimal digit wide-character code
isxdigittest for a hexadecimal digit
j0Bessel functions of the first kind
jrand48generate a uniformly distributed pseudo-random long signed integer
killsend a signal to a process or a group of processes
killpgsend a signal to a process group
l64aconvert a 32-bit integer to a radix-64 ASCII string
labsreturn a long integer absolute value
lchownchange the owner and group of a symbolic link
lcong48seed a uniformly distributed pseudo-random signed long integer generator
ldexpload exponent of a floating-point number
ldivcompute quotient and remainder of a long division
lfindfind entry in a linear search table
lgammalog gamma function
linklink one file to another file
lio_listiolist directed I/O
listenlisten for socket connections and limit the queue of incoming connections
llabsreturn a long integer absolute value
lldivcompute quotient and remainder of a long division
llrintround to the nearest integer value using current rounding direction
llroundround to nearest integer value
localeconvreturn locale-specific information
localtimeconvert a time value to a broken-down local time
lockfrecord locking on files
lognatural logarithm function
log10base 10 logarithm function
log1pcompute a natural logarithm
log2compute base 2 logarithm functions
logbradix-independent exponent
logfnatural logarithm function
_longjmpnon-local goto
longjmpnon-local goto
lrand48generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random non-negative long integers
lrintround to nearest integer value using current rounding direction
lroundround to nearest integer value
lsearchlinear search and update
lseekmove the read/write file offset
lstatget file status
malloca memory allocator
mblenget number of bytes in a character
mbrlenget number of bytes in a character (restartable)
mbrtowcconvert a character to a wide-character code (restartable)
mbsinitdetermine conversion object status
mbsrtowcsconvert a character string to a wide-character string (restartable)
mbstowcsconvert a character string to a wide-character string
mbtowcconvert a character to a wide-character code
memccpycopy bytes in memory
memchrfind byte in memory
memcmpcompare bytes in memory
memcpycopy bytes in memory
memmovecopy bytes in memory with overlapping areas
memsetset bytes in memory
mkdirmake a directory
mkdtempcreate a unique directory or file
mkfifomake a FIFO special file
mknodmake directory, special file, or regular file
mkstempcreate a unique file
mktimeconvert broken-down time into time since the Epoch
mlocklock or unlock a range of process address space (REALTIME)
mlockalllock/unlock the address space of a process (REALTIME)
mmapmap pages of memory
modfdecompose a floating-point number
mprotectset protection of memory mapping
mq_closeclose a message queue (REALTIME)
mq_getattrget message queue attributes (REALTIME)
mq_notifynotify process that a message is available (REALTIME)
mq_openopen a message queue (REALTIME)
mq_receivereceive a message from a message queue (REALTIME)
mq_sendsend a message to a message queue (REALTIME)
mq_setattrset message queue attributes (REALTIME)
mq_timedreceivereceive a message from a message queue (ADVANCED REALTIME)
mq_timedsendsend a message to a message queue (ADVANCED REALTIME)
mq_unlinkremove a message queue (REALTIME)
mrand48generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random signed long integers
msgctlXSI message control operations
msggetget the XSI message queue identifier
msgrcvXSI message receive operation
msgsndXSI message send operation
msyncsynchronize memory with physical storage
munlockunlock a range of process address space
munlockallunlock the address space of a process
munmapunmap pages of memory
nanreturn quiet NaN
nanosleephigh resolution sleep
nearbyintfloating-point rounding functions
newlocalecreate or modify a locale object
nextafternext representable floating-point number
nftwwalk a file tree
nicechange the nice value of a process
nl_langinfolanguage information
nrand48generate uniformly distributed pseudo-random non-negative long integers
ntohlconvert values between host and network byte order
openopen file
openatopen file relative to directory file descriptor
opendiropen directory associated with file descriptor
openlogopen a connection to the logging facility
open_memstreamopen a dynamic memory buffer stream
optargoptions parsing variables
pathconfget configurable pathname variables
pausesuspend the thread until a signal is received
pcloseclose a pipe stream to or from a process
perrorwrite error messages to standard error
pipecreate an interprocess channel
pollinput/output multiplexing
popeninitiate pipe streams to or from a process
posix_fadvisefile advisory information (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_fallocatefile space control (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_madvisememory advisory information and alignment control (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_memalignaligned memory allocation (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_mem_offsetfind offset and length of a mapped typed memory block (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_openptopen a pseudo-terminal device
posix_spawnspawn a process (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_destroydestroy and initialize spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getflagsget and set the spawn-flags attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getpgroupget and set the spawn-pgroup attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getschedparamget and set the spawn-schedparam attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getschedpolicyget and set the spawn-schedpolicy attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getsigdefaultget and set the spawn-sigdefault attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_getsigmaskget and set the spawn-sigmask attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_initinitialize the spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setflagsset the spawn-flags attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setpgroupset the spawn-pgroup attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setschedparamset the spawn-schedparam attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setschedpolicyset the spawn-schedpolicy attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setsigdefaultset the spawn-sigdefault attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnattr_setsigmaskset the spawn-sigmask attribute of a spawn attributes object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawn_file_actions_addcloseadd close or open action to spawn file actions object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2add dup2 action to spawn file actions object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawn_file_actions_addopenadd open action to spawn file actions object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawn_file_actions_destroydestroy and initialize spawn file actions object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_spawnpspawn a process (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_trace_attr_destroydestroy and initialize the trace stream attributes object (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getclockresretrieve and set information about a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getinheritedretrieve and set the behavior of a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getlogsizeretrieve and set trace stream size attributes (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getnameretrieve and set information about a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getstreamfullpolicyretrieve and set the behavior of a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_getstreamsizeretrieve and set trace stream size attributes (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_initinitialize the trace stream attributes object (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_setinheritedretrieve and set the behavior of a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_setlogsizeretrieve and set trace stream size attributes (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_setnameretrieve and set information about a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_setstreamfullpolicyretrieve and set the behavior of a trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_attr_setstreamsizeretrieve and set trace stream size attributes (TRACING)
posix_trace_clearclear trace stream and trace log (TRACING)
posix_trace_closetrace log management (TRACING)
posix_trace_createtrace stream initialization, flush, and shutdown from a process (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventtrace functions for instrumenting application code (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventid_equalmanipulate the trace event type identifier (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventid_opentrace functions for instrumenting application code (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventset_addmanipulate trace event type sets (TRACING)
posix_trace_eventtypelist_getnext_iditerate over a mapping of trace event types (TRACING)
posix_trace_flushtrace stream flush from a process (TRACING)
posix_trace_get_attrretrieve the trace attributes or trace status (TRACING)
posix_trace_get_filterretrieve and set the filter of an initialized trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_getnext_eventretrieve a trace event (TRACING)
posix_trace_get_statusretrieve the trace status (TRACING)
posix_trace_opentrace log management (TRACING)
posix_trace_set_filterset filter of an initialized trace stream (TRACING)
posix_trace_shutdowntrace stream shutdown from a process (TRACING)
posix_trace_starttrace start and stop (TRACING)
posix_trace_timedgetnext_eventretrieve a trace event (TRACING)
posix_trace_trid_eventid_openopen a trace event type identifier (TRACING)
posix_trace_trygetnext_eventretrieve a trace event (TRACING)
posix_typed_mem_get_infoquery typed memory information (ADVANCED REALTIME)
posix_typed_mem_openopen a typed memory object (ADVANCED REALTIME)
powpower function
preadread from a file
printfprint formatted output
pselectsynchronous I/O multiplexing
psiginfowrite signal information to standard error
pthread_atforkregister fork handlers
pthread_attr_destroydestroy and initialize the thread attributes object
pthread_attr_getdetachstateget and set the detachstate attribute
pthread_attr_getguardsizeget and set the thread guardsize attribute
pthread_attr_getinheritschedget and set the inheritsched attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_getschedparamget and set the schedparam attribute
pthread_attr_getschedpolicyget and set the schedpolicy attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_getscopeget and set the contentionscope attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_getstackget and set stack attributes
pthread_attr_getstacksizeget and set the stacksize attribute
pthread_attr_initinitialize the thread attributes object
pthread_attr_setdetachstateset the detachstate attribute
pthread_attr_setguardsizeset the thread guardsize attribute
pthread_attr_setinheritschedset the inheritsched attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_setschedparamset the schedparam attribute
pthread_attr_setschedpolicyset the schedpolicy attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_setscopeset the contentionscope attribute (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_attr_setstackset the stack attribute
pthread_attr_setstacksizeset the stacksize attribute
pthread_barrierattr_destroydestroy and initialize the barrier attributes object
pthread_barrierattr_getpsharedget and set the process-shared attribute of the barrier attributes object
pthread_barrierattr_initinitialize the barrier attributes object
pthread_barrierattr_setpsharedset the process-shared attribute of the barrier attributes object
pthread_barrier_destroydestroy and initialize a barrier object
pthread_barrier_waitsynchronize at a barrier
pthread_cancelcancel execution of a thread
pthread_cleanup_popestablish cancellation handlers
pthread_condattr_destroydestroy and initialize the condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_getclockget and set the clock selection condition variable attribute
pthread_condattr_getpsharedget and set the process-shared condition variable attributes
pthread_condattr_initinitialize the condition variable attributes object
pthread_condattr_setclockset the clock selection condition variable attribute
pthread_condattr_setpsharedset the process-shared condition variable attribute
pthread_cond_broadcastbroadcast or signal a condition
pthread_cond_destroydestroy and initialize condition variables
pthread_cond_signalsignal a condition
pthread_cond_timedwaitwait on a condition
pthread_createthread creation
pthread_detachdetach a thread
pthread_equalcompare thread IDs
pthread_exitthread termination
pthread_getconcurrencyget and set the level of concurrency
pthread_getcpuclockidaccess a thread CPU-time clock (ADVANCED REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_getschedparamdynamic thread scheduling parameters access (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_getspecificthread-specific data management
pthread_joinwait for thread termination
pthread_key_createthread-specific data key creation
pthread_key_deletethread-specific data key deletion
pthread_killsend a signal to a thread
pthread_mutexattr_destroydestroy and initialize the mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceilingget and set the prioceiling attribute of the mutex attributes object (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocolget and set the protocol attribute of the mutex attributes object (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutexattr_getpsharedget and set the process-shared attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getrobustget and set the mutex robust attribute
pthread_mutexattr_gettypeget and set the mutex type attribute
pthread_mutexattr_initinitialize the mutex attributes object
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceilingset the prioceiling attribute of the mutex attributes object (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocolset the protocol attribute of the mutex attributes object (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutexattr_setpsharedset the process-shared attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setrobustget and set the mutex robust attribute
pthread_mutexattr_settypeset the mutex type attribute
pthread_mutex_consistentmark state protected by robust mutex as consistent
pthread_mutex_destroydestroy and initialize a mutex
pthread_mutex_getprioceilingget and set the priority ceiling of a mutex (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutex_initdestroy and initialize a mutex
pthread_mutex_locklock and unlock a mutex
pthread_mutex_setprioceilingchange the priority ceiling of a mutex (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_mutex_timedlocklock a mutex
pthread_mutex_trylocklock and unlock a mutex
pthread_oncedynamic package initialization
pthread_rwlockattr_destroydestroy and initialize the read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_getpsharedget and set the process-shared attribute of the read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_initinitialize the read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlockattr_setpsharedset the process-shared attribute of the read-write lock attributes object
pthread_rwlock_destroydestroy and initialize a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_rdlocklock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlocklock a read-write lock for reading
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlocklock a read-write lock for writing
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlocklock a read-write lock object for reading
pthread_rwlock_trywrlocklock a read-write lock object for writing
pthread_rwlock_unlockunlock a read-write lock object
pthread_rwlock_wrlocklock a read-write lock object for writing
pthread_selfget the calling thread ID
pthread_setcancelstateset cancelability state
pthread_setconcurrencyset the level of concurrency
pthread_setschedparamdynamic thread scheduling parameters access (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_setschedpriodynamic thread scheduling parameters access (REALTIME THREADS)
pthread_setspecificthread-specific data management
pthread_sigmaskexamine and change blocked signals
pthread_spin_destroydestroy or initialize a spin lock object
pthread_spin_locklock a spin lock object
pthread_spin_unlockunlock a spin lock object
pthread_testcancelset cancelability state
ptsnameget name of the slave pseudo-terminal device
putcput a byte on a stream
putcharput a byte on a stdout stream
putchar_unlockedstdio with explicit client locking
putc_unlockedstdio with explicit client locking
putenvchange or add a value to an environment
putmsgsend a message on a STREAM (STREAMS)
putsput a string on standard output
pututxlineput an entry into the user accounting database
putwcput a wide character on a stream
putwcharput a wide character on a stdout stream
pwritewrite on a file
qsortsort a table of data
raisesend a signal to the executing process
randpseudo-random number generator
randomgenerate pseudo-random number
readread from a file
readdirread a directory
readlinkread the contents of a symbolic link
readvread a vector
reallocmemory reallocator
realpathresolve a pathname
recvreceive a message from a connected socket
recvfromreceive a message from a socket
recvmsgreceive a message from a socket
regcompregular expression matching
remainderremainder function
removeremove a file
remqueremove an element from a queue
remquoremainder functions
renamerename file
rewindreset the file position indicator in a stream
rewinddirreset the position of a directory stream to the beginning of a directory
rintround-to-nearest integral value
rmdirremove a directory
roundround to the nearest integer value in a floating-point format
scalblncompute exponent using FLT_RADIX
scandirscan a directory
scanfconvert formatted input
sched_getparamget scheduling parameters (REALTIME)
sched_get_priority_maxget priority limits (REALTIME)
sched_getschedulerget scheduling policy (REALTIME)
sched_rr_get_intervalget execution time limits (REALTIME)
sched_setparamset scheduling parameters (REALTIME)
sched_setschedulerset scheduling policy and parameters (REALTIME)
sched_yieldyield the processor
seed48seed a uniformly distributed pseudo-random non-negative long integer generator
seekdirset the position of a directory stream
selectsynchronous I/O multiplexing
sem_closeclose a named semaphore
semctlXSI semaphore control operations
sem_destroydestroy an unnamed semaphore
semgetget set of XSI semaphores
sem_getvalueget the value of a semaphore
sem_initinitialize an unnamed semaphore
semopXSI semaphore operations
sem_openinitialize and open a named semaphore
sem_postunlock a semaphore
sem_timedwaitlock a semaphore
sem_trywaitlock a semaphore
sem_unlinkremove a named semaphore
sem_waitlock a semaphore
sendsend a message on a socket
sendmsgsend a message on a socket using a message structure
sendtosend a message on a socket
setbufassign buffering to a stream
setegidset the effective group ID
setenvadd or change environment variable
seteuidset effective user ID
setgrentreset the group database to the first entry
sethostentnetwork host database functions
setitimerset the value of an interval timer
setjmpset jump point for a non-local goto
setkeyset encoding key (CRYPT)
setlocaleset program locale
setlogmaskset the log priority mask
setnetentnetwork database function
setpgidset process group ID for job control
setpgrpset the process group ID
setpriorityset the nice value
setprotoentnetwork protocol database functions
setpwentuser database function
setregidset real and effective group IDs
setreuidset real and effective user IDs
setrlimitcontrol maximum resource consumption
setserventnetwork services database functions
setsidcreate session and set process group ID
setsockoptset the socket options
setstateswitch pseudo-random number generator state arrays
setuidset user ID
setutxentreset the user accounting database to the first entry
setvbufassign buffering to a stream
shmatXSI shared memory attach operation
shmctlXSI shared memory control operations
shmdtXSI shared memory detach operation
shmgetget an XSI shared memory segment
shm_openopen a shared memory object (REALTIME)
shm_unlinkremove a shared memory object (REALTIME)
shutdownshut down socket send and receive operations
sigactionexamine and change a signal action
sigaddsetadd a signal to a signal set
sigaltstackset and get signal alternate stack context
sigdelsetdelete a signal from a signal set
sigemptysetinitialize and empty a signal set
sigfillsetinitialize and fill a signal set
sigholdsignal management
siginterruptallow signals to interrupt functions
sigismembertest for a signal in a signal set
siglongjmpnon-local goto with signal handling
signalsignal management
signbittest sign
signgamlog gamma function
sigpauseremove a signal from the signal mask and suspend the thread
sigpendingexamine pending signals
sigprocmaskexamine and change blocked signals
sigqueuequeue a signal to a process
sigrelsesignal management
sigsetjmpset jump point for a non-local goto
sigsuspendwait for a signal
sigtimedwaitwait for queued signals
sigwaitwait for queued signals
sigwaitinfowait for queued signals
sinsine function
sinhhyperbolic sine functions
sinlsine function
sleepsuspend execution for an interval of time
snprintfprint formatted output
sockatmarkdetermine whether a socket is at the out-of-band mark
socketcreate an endpoint for communication
socketpaircreate a pair of connected sockets
sprintfprint formatted output
sqrtsquare root function
srandpseudo-random number generator
srand48seed the uniformly distributed double-precision pseudo-random number generator
srandomseed pseudo-random number generator
sscanfconvert formatted input
statget file status
statvfsget file system information
stdinstandard I/O streams
stpcpycopy a string and return a pointer to the end of the result
stpncpycopy fixed length string, returning a pointer to the array end
strcasecmpcase-insensitive string comparisons
strcatconcatenate two strings
strchrstring scanning operation
strcmpcompare two strings
strcollstring comparison using collating information
strcpycopy a string and return a pointer to the end of the result
strcspnget the length of a complementary substring
strdupduplicate a specific number of bytes from a string
strerrorget error message string
strfmonconvert monetary value to a string
strftimeconvert date and time to a string
strlenget length of fixed size string
strncasecmpcase-insensitive string comparisons
strncatconcatenate a string with part of another
strncmpcompare part of two strings
strncpycopy fixed length string, returning a pointer to the array end
strndupduplicate a specific number of bytes from a string
strnlenget length of fixed size string
strpbrkscan a string for a byte
strptimedate and time conversion
strrchrstring scanning operation
strsignalget name of signal
strspnget length of a substring
strstrfind a substring
strtodconvert a string to a double-precision number
strtoimaxconvert string to integer type
strtoksplit string into tokens
strtolconvert a string to a long integer
strtoldconvert a string to a double-precision number
strtollconvert a string to a long integer
strtoulconvert a string to an unsigned long
strtoumaxconvert a string to an integer type
strxfrmstring transformation
swabswap bytes
swprintfprint formatted wide-character output
swscanfconvert formatted wide-character input
symlinkmake a symbolic link
syncschedule file system updates
sysconfget configurable system variables
sysloglog a message
systemissue a command
tantangent function
tanhhyperbolic tangent functions
tanltangent function
tcdrainwait for transmission of output
tcflowsuspend or restart the transmission or reception of data
tcflushflush non-transmitted output data, non-read input data, or both
tcgetattrget the parameters associated with the terminal
tcgetpgrpget the foreground process group ID
tcgetsidget the process group ID for the session leader for the controlling terminal
tcsendbreaksend a break for a specific duration
tcsetattrset the parameters associated with the terminal
tcsetpgrpset the foreground process group ID
tdeletemanage a binary search tree
telldircurrent location of a named directory stream
tempnamcreate a name for a temporary file
tfindsearch binary search tree
tgammacompute gamma() function
timeget time
timer_createcreate a per-process timer
timer_deletedelete a per-process timer
timer_getoverrunper-process timers
timesget process and waited-for child process times
timezonedifference from UTC and local standard time
tmpfilecreate a temporary file
tmpnamcreate a name for a temporary file
toasciitranslate an integer to a 7-bit ASCII character
_tolowertransliterate uppercase characters to lowercase
tolowertransliterate uppercase characters to lowercase
_touppertransliterate lowercase characters to uppercase
touppertransliterate lowercase characters to uppercase
towctranswide-character transliteration
towlowertransliterate uppercase wide-character code to lowercase
towuppertransliterate lowercase wide-character code to uppercase
truncround to truncated integer value
truncatetruncate a file to a specified length
truncfround to truncated integer value
tsearchsearch a binary search tree
ttynamefind the pathname of a terminal
twalktraverse a binary search tree
tzsetset timezone conversion information
ulimitget and set process limits
umaskset and get the file mode creation mask
unameget the name of the current system
ungetcpush byte back into input stream
ungetwcpush wide-character code back into the input stream
unlinkremove a directory entry
unlockptunlock a pseudo-terminal master/slave pair
unsetenvremove an environment variable
uselocaleuse locale in current thread
utimeset file access and modification times
utimensatset file access and modification times
va_arghandle variable argument list
vfprintfformat output of a stdarg argument list
vfscanfformat input of a stdarg argument list
vfwprintfwide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vfwscanfwide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
vprintfformat the output of a stdarg argument list
vscanfformat input of a stdarg argument list
vsnprintfformat output of a stdarg argument list
vsscanfformat input of a stdarg argument list
vswprintfwide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vswscanfwide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
vwprintfwide-character formatted output of a stdarg argument list
vwscanfwide-character formatted input of a stdarg argument list
waitwait for a child process to stop or terminate
waitidwait for a child process to change state
waitpidwait for a child process to stop or terminate
wcpcpycopy a wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcpncpycopy a fixed-size wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcrtombconvert a wide-character code to a character (restartable)
wcscasecmpcase-insensitive wide-character string comparison
wcscatconcatenate two wide-character strings
wcschrwide-character string scanning operation
wcscmpcompare two wide-character strings
wcscollwide-character string comparison using collating information
wcscpycopy a wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcscspnget the length of a complementary wide substring
wcsdupduplicate a wide-character string
wcsftimeconvert date and time to a wide-character string
wcslenget length of a fixed-sized wide-character string
wcsncasecmpcase-insensitive wide-character string comparison
wcsncatconcatenate a wide-character string with part of another
wcsncmpcompare part of two wide-character strings
wcsncpycopy a fixed-size wide-character string, returning a pointer to its end
wcsnlenget length of a fixed-sized wide-character string
wcsnrtombsconvert wide-character string to multi-byte string
wcspbrkscan a wide-character string for a wide-character code
wcsrchrwide-character string scanning operation
wcsrtombsconvert a wide-character string to a character string (restartable)
wcsspnget the length of a wide substring
wcsstrfind a wide-character substring
wcstodconvert a wide-character string to a double-precision number
wcstoimaxconvert a wide-character string to an integer type
wcstoksplit a wide-character string into tokens
wcstolconvert a wide-character string to a long integer
wcstoldconvert a wide-character string to a double-precision number
wcstollconvert a wide-character string to a long integer
wcstombsconvert a wide-character string to a character string
wcstoulconvert a wide-character string to an unsigned long
wcstoumaxconvert a wide-character string to an integer type
wcswidthnumber of column positions of a wide-character string
wcsxfrmwide-character string transformation
wctobwide-character to single-byte conversion
wctombconvert a wide-character code to a character
wctransdefine character mapping
wctypedefine character class
wcwidthnumber of column positions of a wide-character code
wmemchrfind a wide character in memory
wmemcmpcompare wide characters in memory
wmemcpycopy wide characters in memory
wmemmovecopy wide characters in memory with overlapping areas
wmemsetset wide characters in memory
wordexpperform word expansions
wprintfprint formatted wide-character output
writewrite on a file
writevwrite a vector
wscanfconvert formatted wide-character input
y0Bessel functions of the second kind