zip_fread - Man Page

read from file


libzip (-lzip)


#include <zip.h>

zip_fread(zip_file_t *file, void *buf, zip_uint64_t nbytes);


The zip_fread() function reads up to nbytes bytes from file into buf from the current position in the file (see zip_fseek(3)). After reading, the current position is updated by the number of bytes read.

Return Values

If successful, the number of bytes actually read is returned. When zip_fread() is called after reaching the end of the file, 0 is returned. In case of error, -1 is returned.

See Also

libzip(3), zip_fclose(3), zip_fopen(3), zip_fseek(3)


zip_fread() was added in libzip 0.6. In libzip 0.10 the return type was changed from ssize_t to zip_int64_t. In libzip 0.10 the type of nbytes was changed from size_t to zip_uint64_t.


Dieter Baron <> and Thomas Klausner <>

Referenced By

libzip(3), zip_fclose(3), zip_fopen(3), zip_fopen_encrypted(3), zip_fseek(3), zip_ftell(3).

November 3, 2022