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th_get_pathname - Man Page


th_get_pathname, th_get_uid, th_get_gid, th_get_mode, th_get_crc, th_get_size, th_get_mtime, th_get_devmajor, th_get_devminor, th_get_linkname — extract individual fields of a tar header

TH_ISREG, TH_ISLNK, TH_ISSYM, TH_ISCHR, TH_ISBLK, TH_ISDIR, TH_ISFIFO — determine what kind of file a tar header refers to

TH_ISLONGNAME, TH_ISLONGLINK — determine whether the GNU extensions are in use


#include <libtar.h>

char *th_get_linkname(TAR *t);

char *th_get_pathname(TAR *t);

mode_t th_get_mode(TAR *t);

uid_t th_get_uid(TAR *t);

gid_t th_get_gid(TAR *t);

int th_get_crc(TAR *t);

off_t th_get_size(TAR *t);

time_t th_get_mtime(TAR *t);

major_t th_get_devmajor(TAR *t);

minor_t th_get_devminor(TAR *t);

int TH_ISREG(TAR *t);

int TH_ISLNK(TAR *t);

int TH_ISSYM(TAR *t);

int TH_ISCHR(TAR *t);

int TH_ISBLK(TAR *t);

int TH_ISDIR(TAR *t);

int TH_ISFIFO(TAR *t);




This man page documents version 1.2 of libtar.


The th_get_*() functions extract individual fields from the current tar header associated with the TAR handle t.

The TH_IS*() macros are used to evaluate what kind of file is pointed to by the current tar header associated with the TAR handle t.

The TH_ISLONGNAME() and TH_ISLONGLINK() macros evaluate whether or not the GNU extensions are used by the current tar header associated with the TAR handle t.  This is only relevant if the TAR_GNU option was used when tar_open() was called.

See Also


Referenced By

The man pages th_get_crc(3), th_get_devmajor(3), th_get_devminor(3), th_get_gid(3), th_get_linkname(3), th_get_mode(3), th_get_mtime(3), th_get_size(3), th_get_uid(3), TH_ISBLK(3), TH_ISCHR(3), TH_ISDIR(3), TH_ISFIFO(3), TH_ISLNK(3), TH_ISLONGLINK(3), TH_ISLONGNAME(3), TH_ISREG(3) and TH_ISSYM(3) are aliases of th_get_pathname(3).

Jan 2001 University of Illinois C Library Calls