streqvmap - Man Page

Set the character mappings for the streqv functions


#include <your-opts.h>
cc [...] -o outfile infile.c -lopts [...]

void streqvmap(char from, char to, int ct);


Set the character mapping.  If the count (ct) is set to zero, then the map is cleared by setting all entries in the map to their index value.  Otherwise, the "From" character is mapped to the "To" character.  If ct is greater than 1, then From and To are incremented and the process repeated until ct entries have been set. For example,

    streqvmap('a', 'A', 26);

will alter the mapping so that all English lower case letters will map to upper case.

This function name is mapped to option_streqvmap so as to not conflict with the POSIX name space.


Input character


Mapped-to character


compare length



See Also

The info documentation for the -lopts library.
ao_string_tokenize(3), configFileLoad(3), optionFileLoad(3), optionFindNextValue(3), optionFindValue(3), optionFree(3), optionGetValue(3), optionLoadLine(3), optionMemberList(3), optionNextValue(3), optionOnlyUsage(3), optionPrintVersion(3), optionPrintVersionAndReturn(3), optionProcess(3), optionRestore(3), optionSaveFile(3), optionSaveState(3), optionUnloadNested(3), optionVersion(3), strequate(3), streqvcmp(3), strneqvcmp(3), strtransform(3),

Referenced By

ao_string_tokenize(3), configFileLoad(3), optionFileLoad(3), optionFindNextValue(3), optionFindValue(3), optionFree(3), optionGetValue(3), optionLoadLine(3), optionMemberList(3), optionNextValue(3), optionOnlyUsage(3), optionPrintVersion(3), optionPrintVersionAndReturn(3), optionProcess(3), optionRestore(3), optionSaveFile(3), optionSaveState(3), optionUnloadNested(3), optionVersion(3), strequate(3), streqvcmp(3), strneqvcmp(3), strtransform(3).

2024-07-17 Programmer's Manual