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smi_module - Man Page

SMI module information routines


#include <time.h>
#include <smi.h>

SmiModule *smiGetModule(char *module);

SmiModule *smiGetFirstModule();

SmiModule *smiGetNextModule(SmiModule *smiModulePtr);

SmiNode *smiGetModuleIdentityNode(SmiModule *smiModulePtr);

SmiImport *smiGetFirstImport(SmiModule *smiModulePtr);

SmiImport *smiGetNextImport(SmiImport *smiImportPtr);

int smiIsImported(SmiModule *smiModulePtr, SmiModule *importedModulePtr, char *importedName);

SmiRevision *smiGetFirstRevision(SmiModule *smiModulePtr);

SmiRevision *smiGetNextRevision(SmiRevision *smiRevisionPtr);

typedef struct SmiModule {
   SmiIdentifier       name;
   char                *path;
   char                *organization;
   char                *contactinfo;
   char                *description;
   char                *reference;
   SmiLanguage         language;
   int                 conformance; } SmiModule;

typedef struct SmiRevision {
   time_t              date;
   char                *description; } SmiRevision;

typedef struct SmiImport {
   SmiIdentifier       module;
   SmiIdentifier       name; } SmiImport;


These functions retrieve various meta information on MIB modules. Other functions to retrieve the definitions within a module are documented in smi_type(3), smi_node(3), and smi_macro(3).

The smiGetModule() function retrieves a struct SmiModule that represents the SMI module named module. Elements not available or not present for this module contain NULL. The conformance member of a struct SmiModule indicates the smallest error/warning severity raised while parsing the module or the value 0 if no error/warning was raised. If the module is not found, smiGetModule() returns NULL.

The smiGetFirstModule() and smiGetNextModule() functions are used to iteratively retrieve struct SmiModules of all known modules. smiGetFirstModule() returns the first known module. Subsequent calls to smiGetNextModule() return the following ones.  If there are no more modules NULL is returned.

The smiGetModuleIdentityNode() function retrieves a struct SmiNode that represents the node that is used to identify the containing MIB module specified by smiModulePtr. If there is no such identity node, i.e. if this is not an SMIv2 or SMIng module converted from SMIv2, smiGetModuleIdentityNode() returns NULL.

The smiGetFirstImport() and smiGetNextImport() functions are used to iteratively retrieve struct SmiImports of a given module. smiGetFirstImport() returns the first identifier imported by the module specified by smiModulePtr. Subsequent calls to smiGetNextImport() return the following ones. If there are no more imported identifiers NULL is returned.

The smiIsImported() function returns a positive value if the identifier importedName defined in the module specified by importedModulePtr is imported in the module specified by smiModulePtr, or zero otherwise.

The smiGetFirstRevision() and smiGetNextRevision() functions are used to iteratively retrieve struct SmiRevisions of a given module. smiGetFirstRevision() returns the first (that is most recent) revision information of the module specified by smiModulePtr. Subsequent calls to smiGetNextRevision() return the revision after (timely before) that one. If there are no more revisions NULL is returned.


/usr/include/smi.h    SMI library header file

See Also

libsmi(3), smi_config(3), smi_node(3), smi.h


(C) 1999-2001 Frank Strauss, TU Braunschweig, Germany <strauss@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>

Referenced By

libsmi(3), smi_attribute(3), smi_class(3), smi_event(3), smi_identity(3), smi_macro(3), smi_node(3), smi_type(3), smi_util(3).

August 16, 2001 IBR SMI Management Information Library