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sc_BlockedSCElementOp - Man Page



Inherits sc::SCElementOp.

Inherited by sc::LevelShift.

Public Member Functions

void working_on (int)
int current_block () const

Public Member Functions inherited from sc::SCElementOp
SCElementOp (StateIn &s)
virtual int has_collect ()
If duplicates of the SCElementOp exist (that is, there is more than one node), then if has_collect returns nonzero then collect is called with a MessageGrp reference after all of the blocks have been processed.
virtual void defer_collect (int)
virtual void collect (const Ref< MessageGrp > &)
virtual void collect (const Ref< SCElementOp > &)
Multithreaded use of cloneable SCElementOp objects requires that data from cloned objects be collected.
virtual int has_side_effects ()
By default this returns nonzero.
virtual bool threadsafe ()
Returns true if this SCElementOp is threadsafe.
virtual bool cloneable ()
Returns true if this SCElementOp supports the cloneable member.
virtual Ref< SCElementOp > clone ()
Returns a clone of this object.
virtual void process (SCMatrixBlockIter &)=0
This is the fallback routine to process blocks and is called by process_spec members that are not overridden.
void process_base (SCMatrixBlock *block)
Lazy matrix implementors can call this member when the type of block specialization is unknown.
virtual void process_spec_rect (SCMatrixRectBlock *)
Matrices should call these members when the type of block is known.
virtual void process_spec_ltri (SCMatrixLTriBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_diag (SCMatrixDiagBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_vsimp (SCVectorSimpleBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_rectsub (SCMatrixRectSubBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_ltrisub (SCMatrixLTriSubBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_diagsub (SCMatrixDiagSubBlock *)
virtual void process_spec_vsimpsub (SCVectorSimpleSubBlock *)

Public Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState
SavableState & operator= (const SavableState &)
void save_state (StateOut &)
Save the state of the object as specified by the StateOut object.
void save_object_state (StateOut &)
This can be used for saving state when the exact type of the object is known for both the save and the restore.
virtual void save_vbase_state (StateOut &)
Save the virtual bases for the object.
virtual void save_data_state (StateOut &)
Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them.

Public Member Functions inherited from sc::DescribedClass
DescribedClass (const DescribedClass &)
DescribedClass & operator= (const DescribedClass &)
ClassDesc * class_desc () const  throw ()
This returns the unique pointer to the ClassDesc corresponding to the given type_info object.
const char * class_name () const
Return the name of the object's exact type.
int class_version () const
Return the version of the class.
virtual void print (std::ostream &=ExEnv::out0()) const
Print the object.

Public Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
int lock_ptr () const
Lock this object.
int unlock_ptr () const
Unlock this object.
void use_locks (bool inVal)
start and stop using locks on this object
refcount_t nreference () const
Return the reference count.
refcount_t reference ()
Increment the reference count and return the new count.
refcount_t dereference ()
Decrement the reference count and return the new count.
int managed () const
void unmanage ()
Turn off the reference counting mechanism for this object.
int managed () const
Return 1 if the object is managed. Otherwise return 0.

Public Member Functions inherited from sc::Identity
Identifier identifier ()
Return the Identifier for this argument.

Additional Inherited Members

Static Public Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState

static void save_state (SavableState *s, StateOut &)
static SavableState * restore_state (StateIn &si)
Restores objects saved with save_state.
static SavableState * key_restore_state (StateIn &si, const char *keyword)
Like restore_state, but keyword is used to override values while restoring.
static SavableState * dir_restore_state (StateIn &si, const char *objectname, const char *keyword=0)

Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::SavableState
SavableState (const SavableState &)
SavableState (StateIn &)
Each derived class StateIn CTOR handles the restore corresponding to calling save_object_state, save_vbase_state, and save_data_state listed above.

Protected Member Functions inherited from sc::RefCount
RefCount (const RefCount &)
RefCount & operator= (const RefCount &)


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Version 2.3.1 MPQC