rte_table_action.h - Man Page
#include <stdint.h>
#include <rte_compat.h>
#include <rte_ether.h>
#include <rte_ip6.h>
#include <rte_meter.h>
#include <rte_table_hash.h>
#include 'rte_pipeline.h'
Data Structures
struct rte_table_action_common_config
struct rte_table_action_fwd_params
struct rte_table_action_lb_config
struct rte_table_action_lb_params
struct rte_table_action_dscp_table_entry
struct rte_table_action_dscp_table
struct rte_table_action_meter_profile
struct rte_table_action_mtr_tc_params
struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters_tc
struct rte_table_action_mtr_config
struct rte_table_action_mtr_params
struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters
struct rte_table_action_tm_config
struct rte_table_action_tm_params
struct rte_table_action_ether_hdr
struct rte_table_action_vlan_hdr
struct rte_table_action_mpls_hdr
struct rte_table_action_pppoe_hdr
struct rte_table_action_ipv4_header
struct rte_table_action_ipv6_header
struct rte_table_action_udp_header
struct rte_table_action_vxlan_hdr
struct rte_table_action_encap_ether_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_vlan_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_qinq_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_mpls_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_pppoe_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_vxlan_params
struct rte_table_action_encap_config
struct rte_table_encap_ether_qinq_pppoe
struct rte_table_action_encap_params
struct rte_table_action_nat_config
struct rte_table_action_nat_params
struct rte_table_action_ttl_config
struct rte_table_action_ttl_params
struct rte_table_action_ttl_counters
struct rte_table_action_stats_config
struct rte_table_action_stats_params
struct rte_table_action_stats_counters
struct rte_table_action_time_params
struct rte_table_action_vlo
struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_config
struct rte_table_action_sym_crypto_params
struct rte_table_action_tag_params
struct rte_table_action_decap_params
enum rte_table_action_meter_algorithm { RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_SRTCM, RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_TRTCM }
__rte_experimental struct rte_table_action_profile * rte_table_action_profile_create (struct rte_table_action_common_config *common)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_free (struct rte_table_action_profile *profile)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_action_register (struct rte_table_action_profile *profile, enum rte_table_action_type type, void *action_config)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_freeze (struct rte_table_action_profile *profile)
__rte_experimental struct rte_table_action * rte_table_action_create (struct rte_table_action_profile *profile, uint32_t socket_id)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_free (struct rte_table_action *action)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_table_params_get (struct rte_table_action *action, struct rte_pipeline_table_params *params)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_apply (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data, enum rte_table_action_type type, void *action_params)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_dscp_table_update (struct rte_table_action *action, uint64_t dscp_mask, struct rte_table_action_dscp_table *table)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_profile_add (struct rte_table_action *action, uint32_t meter_profile_id, struct rte_table_action_meter_profile *profile)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_profile_delete (struct rte_table_action *action, uint32_t meter_profile_id)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_read (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data, uint32_t tc_mask, struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters *stats, int clear)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_ttl_read (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data, struct rte_table_action_ttl_counters *stats, int clear)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_stats_read (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data, struct rte_table_action_stats_counters *stats, int clear)
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_time_read (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data, uint64_t *timestamp)
__rte_experimental struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session * rte_table_action_crypto_sym_session_get (struct rte_table_action *action, void *data)
Detailed Description
RTE Pipeline Table Actions
This API provides a common set of actions for pipeline tables to speed up application development.
Each match-action rule added to a pipeline table has associated data that stores the action context. This data is input to the table action handler called for every input packet that hits the rule as part of the table lookup during the pipeline execution. The pipeline library allows the user to define his own table actions by providing customized table action handlers (table lookup) and complete freedom of setting the rules and their data (table rule add/delete). While the user can still follow this process, this API is intended to provide a quicker development alternative for a set of predefined actions.
The typical steps to use this API are:
- Define a table action profile. This is a configuration template that can potentially be shared by multiple tables from the same or different pipelines, with different tables from the same pipeline likely to use different action profiles. For every table using a given action profile, the profile defines the set of actions and the action configuration to be implemented for all the table rules. API functions: rte_table_action_profile_create(), rte_table_action_profile_action_register(), rte_table_action_profile_freeze().
- Instantiate the table action profile to create table action objects. Each pipeline table has its own table action object. API functions: rte_table_action_create().
- Use the table action object to generate the pipeline table action handlers (invoked by the pipeline table lookup operation). API functions: rte_table_action_table_params_get().
- Use the table action object to generate the rule data (for the pipeline table rule add operation) based on given action parameters. API functions: rte_table_action_apply().
- Use the table action object to read action data (e.g. stats counters) for any given rule. API functions: rte_table_action_XYZ_read().
- Warning
EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
Definition in file rte_table_action.h.
Macro Definition Documentation
RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB Load balance key size min (number of bytes).
Definition at line 137 of file rte_table_action.h.
Load balance key size max (number of bytes).
Definition at line 140 of file rte_table_action.h.
Load balance table size.
Definition at line 143 of file rte_table_action.h.
RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MTR Max number of traffic classes (TCs).
Definition at line 185 of file rte_table_action.h.
Max number of queues per traffic class.
Definition at line 188 of file rte_table_action.h.
Max number of MPLS labels per output packet for MPLS encapsulation.
Definition at line 461 of file rte_table_action.h.
Definition at line 709 of file rte_table_action.h.
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum rte_table_action_type
Table actions.
Forward to next pipeline table, output port or drop.
Load balance.
Traffic Metering and Policing.
Traffic Management.
Packet encapsulations.
Network Address Translation (NAT).
Time to Live (TTL) update.
Packet decapsulations.
Definition at line 70 of file rte_table_action.h.
enum rte_table_action_meter_algorithm
Supported traffic metering algorithms.
Single Rate Three Color Marker (srTCM) - IETF RFC 2697.
Two Rate Three Color Marker (trTCM) - IETF RFC 2698.
Definition at line 216 of file rte_table_action.h.
enum rte_table_action_policer
Policer actions.
Recolor the packet as green.
Recolor the packet as yellow.
Recolor the packet as red.
Drop the packet.
Number of policer actions.
Definition at line 239 of file rte_table_action.h.
enum rte_table_action_encap_type
RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP Supported packet encapsulation types.
IP -> { Ether | IP }
IP -> { Ether | VLAN | IP }
IP -> { Ether | S-VLAN | C-VLAN | IP }
IP -> { Ether | MPLS | IP }
IP -> { Ether | PPPoE | PPP | IP }
Ether -> { Ether | IP | UDP | VXLAN | Ether } Ether -> { Ether | VLAN | IP | UDP | VXLAN | Ether }
IP -> { Ether | S-VLAN | C-VLAN | PPPoE | PPP | IP }
Definition at line 363 of file rte_table_action.h.
Function Documentation
__rte_experimental struct rte_table_action_profile * rte_table_action_profile_create (struct rte_table_action_common_config * common)
Table action profile create.
- Parameters
common Common action configuration.
- Returns
Table action profile handle on success, NULL otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_free (struct rte_table_action_profile * profile)
Table action profile free.
- Parameters
profile Table profile action handle (needs to be valid).
- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_action_register (struct rte_table_action_profile * profile, enum rte_table_action_type type, void * action_config)
Table action profile action register.
- Parameters
profile Table profile action handle (needs to be valid and not in frozen state).
type Specific table action to be registered for profile.
action_config Configuration for the type action. If struct rte_table_action_*type*_config is defined by the Table Action API, it needs to point to a valid instance of this structure, otherwise it needs to be set to NULL.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_profile_freeze (struct rte_table_action_profile * profile)
Table action profile freeze.
Once this function is called successfully, the given profile enters the frozen state with the following immediate effects: no more actions can be registered for this profile, so the profile can be instantiated to create table action objects.
- Parameters
profile Table profile action handle (needs to be valid and not in frozen state).
- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
- See also
__rte_experimental struct rte_table_action * rte_table_action_create (struct rte_table_action_profile * profile, uint32_t socket_id)
Table action create.
Instantiates the given table action profile to create a table action object.
- Parameters
profile Table profile action handle (needs to be valid and in frozen state).
socket_id CPU socket ID where the internal data structures required by the new table action object should be allocated.- Returns
Handle to table action object on success, NULL on error.
- See also
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_free (struct rte_table_action * action)
Table action free.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_table_params_get (struct rte_table_action * action, struct rte_pipeline_table_params * params)
Table action table params get.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
params Pipeline table parameters (needs to be pre-allocated).- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_apply (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data, enum rte_table_action_type type, void * action_params)
Table action apply.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) to apply action type on.
type Specific table action previously registered for the table action profile of the action object.
action_params Parameters for the type action. If struct rte_table_action_*type*_params is defined by the Table Action API, it needs to point to a valid instance of this structure, otherwise it needs to be set to NULL.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_dscp_table_update (struct rte_table_action * action, uint64_t dscp_mask, struct rte_table_action_dscp_table * table)
Table action DSCP table update.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
dscp_mask 64-bit mask defining the DSCP table entries to be updated. If bit N is set in this bit mask, then DSCP table entry N is to be updated, otherwise not.
table DSCP table.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_profile_add (struct rte_table_action * action, uint32_t meter_profile_id, struct rte_table_action_meter_profile * profile)
Table action meter profile add.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
meter_profile_id Meter profile ID to be used for the profile once it is successfully added to the action object (needs to be unused by the set of meter profiles currently registered for the action object).
profile Meter profile to be added.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_profile_delete (struct rte_table_action * action, uint32_t meter_profile_id)
Table action meter profile delete.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
meter_profile_id Meter profile ID of the meter profile to be deleted from the action object (needs to be valid for the action object).- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_meter_read (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data, uint32_t tc_mask, struct rte_table_action_mtr_counters * stats, int clear)
Table action meter read.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) with meter action previously applied on it.
tc_mask Bit mask defining which traffic classes should have the meter stats counters read from data and stored into stats. If bit N is set in this bit mask, then traffic class N is part of this operation, otherwise it is not. If bit N is set in this bit mask, then traffic class N must be one of the traffic classes that are enabled for the meter action in the table action profile used by the action object.
stats When non-NULL, it points to the area where the meter stats counters read from data are saved. Only the meter stats counters for the tc_mask traffic classes are read and stored to stats.
clear When non-zero, the meter stats counters are cleared (i.e. set to zero), otherwise the counters are not modified. When the read operation is enabled (stats is non-NULL), the clear operation is performed after the read operation is completed.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_ttl_read (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data, struct rte_table_action_ttl_counters * stats, int clear)
Table action TTL read.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) with TTL action previously applied on it.
stats When non-NULL, it points to the area where the TTL stats counters read from data are saved.
clear When non-zero, the TTL stats counters are cleared (i.e. set to zero), otherwise the counters are not modified. When the read operation is enabled (stats is non-NULL), the clear operation is performed after the read operation is completed.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_stats_read (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data, struct rte_table_action_stats_counters * stats, int clear)
Table action stats read.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) with stats action previously applied on it.
stats When non-NULL, it points to the area where the stats counters read from data are saved.
clear When non-zero, the stats counters are cleared (i.e. set to zero), otherwise the counters are not modified. When the read operation is enabled (stats is non-NULL), the clear operation is performed after the read operation is completed.- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_table_action_time_read (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data, uint64_t * timestamp)
Table action timestamp read.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) with timestamp action previously applied on it.
timestamp Pre-allocated memory where the timestamp read from data is saved (has to be non-NULL).- Returns
Zero on success, non-zero error code otherwise.
__rte_experimental struct rte_cryptodev_sym_session * rte_table_action_crypto_sym_session_get (struct rte_table_action * action, void * data)
Table action cryptodev symmetric session get.
- Parameters
action Handle to table action object (needs to be valid).
data Data byte array (typically table rule data) with sym crypto action.- Returns
The pointer to the session on success, NULL otherwise.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for DPDK from the source code.
Referenced By
The man pages rte_table_action_apply(3), rte_table_action_create(3), rte_table_action_crypto_sym_session_get(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_DECAP(3), rte_table_action_dscp_table_update(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_ETHER(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_MPLS(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_PPPOE(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_QINQ(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_QINQ_PPPOE(3), rte_table_action_encap_type(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_VLAN(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_ENCAP_VXLAN(3), rte_table_action_free(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_FWD(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_KEY_SIZE_MAX(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_KEY_SIZE_MIN(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_LB_TABLE_SIZE(3), rte_table_action_meter_algorithm(3), rte_table_action_meter_profile_add(3), rte_table_action_meter_profile_delete(3), rte_table_action_meter_read(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_SRTCM(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_METER_TRTCM(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MPLS_LABELS_MAX(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_MTR(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_NAT(3), rte_table_action_policer(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_COLOR_GREEN(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_COLOR_RED(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_COLOR_YELLOW(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_DROP(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_POLICER_MAX(3), rte_table_action_profile_action_register(3), rte_table_action_profile_create(3), rte_table_action_profile_free(3), rte_table_action_profile_freeze(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_STATS(3), rte_table_action_stats_read(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_SYM_CRYPTO(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_SYM_CRYPTO_IV_SIZE_MAX(3), rte_table_action_table_params_get(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TAG(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_MAX(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TC_QUEUE_MAX(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TIME(3), rte_table_action_time_read(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TM(3), RTE_TABLE_ACTION_TTL(3), rte_table_action_ttl_read(3) and rte_table_action_type(3) are aliases of rte_table_action.h(3).