rte_pmd_cnxk.h - Man Page
#include <rte_compat.h>
#include <rte_ethdev.h>
#include <rte_ether.h>
#include <rte_security.h>
Data Structures
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats
union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_outer_ip_hdr
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_inb_ctx_update_reg
union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_outb_iv
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_outb_ctx_update_reg
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_inb_sa
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_outb_sa
union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa
union rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s::rte_pmd_cpt_cn10k_res_s
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s::rte_pmd_cpt_cn9k_res_s
struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_inb_cfg
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_read (uint16_t portid, void *sess, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa *data, uint32_t len, bool inb)
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_write (uint16_t portid, void *sess, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa *data, uint32_t len, bool inb)
__rte_experimental union rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s * rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_ipsec_res (struct rte_mbuf *mbuf)
__rte_experimental union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa * rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_session_base_get (uint16_t portid, bool inb)
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_sa_flush (uint16_t portid, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa *sess, bool inb)
__rte_experimental struct rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_q * rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_qptr_get (void)
__rte_experimental uint16_t rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_submit (struct rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_q *qptr, void *inst, uint16_t nb_inst)
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_get (uint16_t portid, enum rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_type type, struct rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats *stats, uint16_t idx)
__rte_experimental void rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_inline_inb_cfg_set (uint16_t portid, struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_inb_cfg *cfg)
__rte_experimental const char * rte_pmd_cnxk_model_str_get (void)
Detailed Description
CNXK PMD specific functions.
Definition in file rte_pmd_cnxk.h.
Macro Definition Documentation
Anti reply window size supported
Definition at line 91 of file rte_pmd_cnxk.h.
u64 array size to fit anti replay window bits
Definition at line 96 of file rte_pmd_cnxk.h.
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum rte_pmd_cnxk_sec_action_alg
Algorithm type to be used with security action to calculate SA_index
No swizzling of SPI bits into SA index. SA_index is from SA_XOR if enabled.
SPI<31:28> has 4 upper bits which segment the sequence number space. Initial SA_index is from SA_XOR if enabled. SA_alg = { 4'b0, SA_mcam[27:0] + SPI[31:28]}
SPI<27:25> segment the sequence number space. Initial SA_index is from SA_XOR if enabled. SA_alg = { 7'b0, SA_mcam[24:0] + SPI[27:25]}
SPI<28:25> segment the sequence number space. Initial SA_index is from SA_XOR if enabled. SA_alg = { 7'b0, SA_mcam[24:0] + SPI[28:25]}
The inbound SPI maybe "random", therefore we want the MCAM to be capable of remapping the SPI to an arbitrary SA_index. SPI to SA is done using a lookup in NIX/NPC cam entry with key as SPI, MATCH_ID, LFID.
Definition at line 22 of file rte_pmd_cnxk.h.
enum rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_type
CPT queue type for obtaining queue hardware statistics.
Type to get Inline Device queue(s) statistics
Type to get Inline Inbound queue which is attached to kernel device statistics.
Type to get CPT queue which is attached to ethdev statistics
Definition at line 51 of file rte_pmd_cnxk.h.
Function Documentation
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_read (uint16_t portid, void * sess, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa * data, uint32_t len, bool inb)
Read HW SA context from session.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
sess Handle of the security session as void *.
data Destination pointer to copy SA context for application.
len Length of SA context to copy into data parameter.
inb Determines the type of specified SA.
0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise.
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_write (uint16_t portid, void * sess, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa * data, uint32_t len, bool inb)
Write HW SA context to session.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
sess Handle of the security session as void *.
data Source data pointer from application to copy SA context into session.
len Length of SA context to copy from data parameter.
inb Determines the type of specified SA.
0 on success, a negative errno value otherwise.
__rte_experimental union rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s * rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_ipsec_res (struct rte_mbuf * mbuf)
Get pointer to CPT result info for inline inbound processed pkt.
It is recommended to use this API only when mbuf indicates packet was processed with inline IPsec and there was a failure with the same i.e mbuf->ol_flags indicates (RTE_MBUF_F_RX_SEC_OFFLOAD | RTE_MBUF_F_RX_SEC_OFFLOAD_FAILED).
- Parameters
mbuf Pointer to packet that was just received and was processed with Inline IPsec.
- Returns
- Pointer to mbuf location where union rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_res_s is stored on success.
- NULL on failure.
__rte_experimental union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa * rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_session_base_get (uint16_t portid, bool inb)
Get pointer to the Inline Inbound or Outbound SA table base.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
inb Determines the type of SA base to be returned. When inb is true, the method returns the Inbound SA base. When inb is false, the method returns the Outbound SA base.- Returns
Pointer to Inbound or Outbound SA base.
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_sa_flush (uint16_t portid, union rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_hw_sa * sess, bool inb)
Executes a CPT flush on the specified session.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
sess Handle of the session on which the CPT flush will be executed.
inb Determines the type of SA to be flushed, Inbound or Outbound.
0 Upon success, a negative errno value otherwise.
__rte_experimental struct rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_q * rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_qptr_get (void )
Get queue pointer of Inline Device.
- Returns
- Pointer to queue structure that would be the input to submit API.
- NULL upon failure.
__rte_experimental uint16_t rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_submit (struct rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_q * qptr, void * inst, uint16_t nb_inst)
Submit CPT instruction(s) (cpt_inst_s) to Inline Device.
- Parameters
qptr Pointer obtained with rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_qptr_get.
inst Pointer to an array of cpt_inst_s prapared by application.
nb_inst Number of instructions to be processed.- Returns
Number of instructions processed.
__rte_experimental int rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_get (uint16_t portid, enum rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_type type, struct rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats * stats, uint16_t idx)
Retrieves the hardware statistics of a given port and stats type.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
type The type of hardware statistics to retrieve, as defined in the enum rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_type.
stats Pointer where the retrieved statistics will be stored.
idx The index of the queue of a given type.
0 Upon success, a negative errno value otherwise.
__rte_experimental void rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_inline_inb_cfg_set (uint16_t portid, struct rte_pmd_cnxk_ipsec_inb_cfg * cfg)
Set the configuration for hardware inline inbound IPsec processing. This API must be called before calling the rte_eth_dev_configure API.
- Parameters
portid Port identifier of Ethernet device.
cfg Pointer to the IPsec inbound configuration structure.
__rte_experimental const char * rte_pmd_cnxk_model_str_get (void )
Retrieves model name on which it is running as a string.
- Returns
Returns model string, ex."cn10ka_a1"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for DPDK from the source code.
Referenced By
The man pages RTE_PMD_CNXK_AR_WINBITS_SZ(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_AR_WIN_SIZE_MIN(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_CPT_Q_STATS_ETHDEV(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_get(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_CPT_Q_STATS_INL_DEV(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_CPT_Q_STATS_KERNEL(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_cpt_q_stats_type(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_inline_inb_cfg_set(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_read(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_sa_write(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_hw_session_base_get(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_qptr_get(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_dev_submit(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_inl_ipsec_res(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_model_str_get(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_sa_flush(3), rte_pmd_cnxk_sec_action_alg(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_SEC_ACTION_ALG0(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_SEC_ACTION_ALG1(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_SEC_ACTION_ALG2(3), RTE_PMD_CNXK_SEC_ACTION_ALG3(3) and RTE_PMD_CNXK_SEC_ACTION_ALG4(3) are aliases of rte_pmd_cnxk.h(3).