rte_cryptodev.h - Man Page
#include <rte_compat.h>
#include 'rte_kvargs.h'
#include 'rte_crypto.h'
#include <rte_common.h>
#include <rte_rcu_qsbr.h>
#include 'rte_cryptodev_trace_fp.h'
#include <rte_cryptodev_core.h>
Data Structures
struct rte_crypto_param_range
struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability
struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability
struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_capability
struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities
struct rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_idx
struct rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_idx
struct rte_cryptodev_info
struct rte_cryptodev_qp_conf
struct rte_cryptodev_stats
struct rte_cryptodev_config
struct rte_cryptodev_cb
union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx
struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx
#define rte_crypto_op_ctod_offset(c, t, o) ((t)((char *)(c) + (o)))
#define rte_crypto_op_ctophys_offset(c, o) (rte_iova_t)((c)->phys_addr + (o))
#define RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AVX512 (1ULL << 8)
typedef uint16_t(* rte_cryptodev_callback_fn) (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, void *user_param)
typedef void(* rte_cryptodev_cb_fn) (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, void *cb_arg)
typedef uint32_t(* cryptodev_sym_raw_enqueue_burst_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, void *user_data[], int *enqueue_status)
typedef int(* cryptodev_sym_raw_enqueue_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, struct rte_crypto_vec *data_vec, uint16_t n_data_vecs, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *iv, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *digest, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *aad_or_auth_iv, void *user_data)
typedef int(* cryptodev_sym_raw_operation_done_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, uint32_t n)
typedef uint32_t(* rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t) (void *user_data)
typedef void(* rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t) (void *user_data, uint32_t index, uint8_t is_op_success)
typedef uint32_t(* cryptodev_sym_raw_dequeue_burst_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count, uint32_t max_nb_to_dequeue, rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue, void **out_user_data, uint8_t is_user_data_array, uint32_t *n_success, int *dequeue_status)
typedef void *(* cryptodev_sym_raw_dequeue_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, int *dequeue_status, enum rte_crypto_op_status *op_status)
const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability * rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_get (uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_idx *idx)
const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability * rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_get (uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_idx *idx)
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_cipher (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability *capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t iv_size)
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_auth (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability *capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t digest_size, uint16_t iv_size)
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_aead (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability *capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t digest_size, uint16_t aad_size, uint16_t iv_size)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_optype (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability *capability, enum rte_crypto_asym_op_type op_type)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_modlen (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability *capability, uint16_t modlen)
bool rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_hash (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability *capability, enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm hash)
int rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_cipher_algorithm *algo_enum, const char *algo_string)
int rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm *algo_enum, const char *algo_string)
int rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_aead_algorithm *algo_enum, const char *algo_string)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_enum (enum rte_crypto_asym_xform_type *xform_enum, const char *xform_string)
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_cipher_algorithm algo_enum)
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm algo_enum)
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_aead_algorithm algo_enum)
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_string (enum rte_crypto_asym_xform_type xform_enum)
const char * rte_cryptodev_get_feature_name (uint64_t flag)
int rte_cryptodev_get_dev_id (const char *name)
const char * rte_cryptodev_name_get (uint8_t dev_id)
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_count (void)
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_device_count_by_driver (uint8_t driver_id)
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_devices_get (const char *driver_name, uint8_t *devices, uint8_t nb_devices)
int rte_cryptodev_configure (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_config *config)
int rte_cryptodev_start (uint8_t dev_id)
void rte_cryptodev_stop (uint8_t dev_id)
int rte_cryptodev_close (uint8_t dev_id)
int rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_setup (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_pair_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_qp_conf *qp_conf, int socket_id)
int rte_cryptodev_get_qp_status (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_pair_id)
uint16_t rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_count (uint8_t dev_id)
int rte_cryptodev_stats_get (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_stats *stats)
void rte_cryptodev_stats_reset (uint8_t dev_id)
void rte_cryptodev_info_get (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_info *dev_info)
int rte_cryptodev_callback_register (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, rte_cryptodev_cb_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg)
int rte_cryptodev_callback_unregister (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, rte_cryptodev_cb_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg)
__rte_experimental int rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_event_error_query (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id)
RTE_TAILQ_HEAD (rte_cryptodev_cb_list, rte_cryptodev_callback)
void * rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx (uint8_t dev_id)
struct rte_mempool * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_pool_create (const char *name, uint32_t nb_elts, uint32_t elt_size, uint32_t cache_size, uint16_t priv_size, int socket_id)
struct rte_mempool * rte_cryptodev_asym_session_pool_create (const char *name, uint32_t nb_elts, uint32_t cache_size, uint16_t user_data_size, int socket_id)
void * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_create (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_crypto_sym_xform *xforms, struct rte_mempool *mp)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_create (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_crypto_asym_xform *xforms, struct rte_mempool *mp, void **session)
int rte_cryptodev_sym_session_free (uint8_t dev_id, void *sess)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_free (uint8_t dev_id, void *sess)
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_header_session_size (void)
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size (uint8_t dev_id)
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_private_session_size (uint8_t dev_id)
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev (uint8_t dev_id)
int rte_cryptodev_driver_id_get (const char *name)
const char * rte_cryptodev_driver_name_get (uint8_t driver_id)
int rte_cryptodev_sym_session_set_user_data (void *sess, void *data, uint16_t size)
static uint64_t rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_get (void *sess)
static void rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_set (void *sess, uint64_t opaque)
void * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_get_user_data (void *sess)
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_set_user_data (void *sess, void *data, uint16_t size)
void * rte_cryptodev_asym_session_get_user_data (void *sess)
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process (uint8_t dev_id, void *sess, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec)
int rte_cryptodev_get_raw_dp_ctx_size (uint8_t dev_id)
int rte_cryptodev_session_event_mdata_set (uint8_t dev_id, void *sess, enum rte_crypto_op_type op_type, enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type, void *ev_mdata, uint16_t size)
int rte_cryptodev_configure_raw_dp_ctx (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type, union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx session_ctx, uint8_t is_update)
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_burst (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, void **user_data, int *enqueue_status)
static __rte_experimental __rte_always_inline int rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, struct rte_crypto_vec *data_vec, uint16_t n_data_vecs, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *iv, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *digest, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *aad_or_auth_iv, void *user_data)
int rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, uint32_t n)
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_burst (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count, uint32_t max_nb_to_dequeue, rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue, void **out_user_data, uint8_t is_user_data_array, uint32_t *n_success, int *dequeue_status)
static __rte_experimental __rte_always_inline void * rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, int *dequeue_status, enum rte_crypto_op_status *op_status)
int rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx *ctx, uint32_t n)
struct rte_cryptodev_cb * rte_cryptodev_add_enq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, rte_cryptodev_callback_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg)
int rte_cryptodev_remove_enq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_cryptodev_cb *cb)
struct rte_cryptodev_cb * rte_cryptodev_add_deq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, rte_cryptodev_callback_fn cb_fn, void *cb_arg)
int rte_cryptodev_remove_deq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_cryptodev_cb *cb)
static uint16_t rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops)
static uint16_t rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops)
Detailed Description
RTE Cryptographic Device APIs
Defines RTE Crypto Device APIs for the provisioning of cipher and authentication operations.
Definition in file rte_cryptodev.h.
Macro Definition Documentation
#define rte_crypto_op_ctod_offset( c, t, o) ((t)((char *)(c) + (o)))
A macro that points to an offset from the start of the crypto operation structure (rte_crypto_op)
The returned pointer is cast to type t.
- Parameters
c The crypto operation.
o The offset from the start of the crypto operation.
t The type to cast the result into.
Definition at line 66 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
#define rte_crypto_op_ctophys_offset( c, o) (rte_iova_t)((c)->phys_addr + (o))
A macro that returns the physical address that points to an offset from the start of the crypto operation (rte_crypto_op)
- Parameters
c The crypto operation.
o The offset from the start of the crypto operation to calculate address from.
Definition at line 80 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Data-unit supported lengths of cipher algorithms. A bit can represent any set of data-unit sizes (single size, multiple size, range, etc).
Definition at line 102 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Macro used at end of crypto PMD list
Definition at line 478 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Crypto device supported feature flags
Note: New features flags should be added to the end of the list
Keep these flags synchronised with rte_cryptodev_get_feature_name() Symmetric crypto operations are supported
Definition at line 490 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Asymmetric crypto operations are supported
Definition at line 492 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Chaining symmetric crypto operations are supported
Definition at line 494 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises CPU SIMD SSE instructions
Definition at line 496 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises CPU SIMD AVX instructions
Definition at line 498 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises CPU SIMD AVX2 instructions
Definition at line 500 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises CPU AES-NI instructions
Definition at line 502 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Operations are off-loaded to an external hardware accelerator
Definition at line 504 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
#define RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AVX512 (1ULL << 8)
Utilises CPU SIMD AVX512 instructions
Definition at line 508 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
In-place Scatter-gather (SGL) buffers, with multiple segments, are supported
Definition at line 510 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Out-of-place Scatter-gather (SGL) buffers are supported in input and output
Definition at line 514 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Out-of-place Scatter-gather (SGL) buffers are supported in input, combined with linear buffers (LB), with a single segment in output
Definition at line 518 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Out-of-place Scatter-gather (SGL) buffers are supported in output, combined with linear buffers (LB) in input
Definition at line 523 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Out-of-place linear buffers (LB) are supported in input and output
Definition at line 527 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises CPU NEON instructions
Definition at line 529 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Utilises ARM CPU Cryptographic Extensions
Definition at line 531 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support Security Protocol Processing
Definition at line 533 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support RSA Private Key OP with exponent
Definition at line 535 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support RSA Private Key OP with CRT (quintuple) Keys
Definition at line 537 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support encrypted-digest operations where digest is appended to data
Definition at line 539 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support asymmetric session-less operations
Definition at line 541 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support symmetric cpu-crypto processing
Definition at line 543 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support symmetric session-less operations
Definition at line 545 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support operations on data which is not byte aligned
Definition at line 547 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support accelerator specific symmetric raw data-path APIs
Definition at line 549 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support operations on multiple data-units message
Definition at line 551 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support wrapped key in cipher xform
Definition at line 553 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support inner checksum computation/verification
Definition at line 555 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Support Rx injection after security processing
Definition at line 557 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Max length of name of crypto PMD
Definition at line 672 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Typedef Documentation
typedef uint16_t(* rte_cryptodev_callback_fn) (uint16_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op **ops, uint16_t nb_ops, void *user_param)
Function type used for processing crypto ops when enqueue/dequeue burst is called.
The callback function is called on enqueue/dequeue burst immediately.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair on which ops are enqueued/dequeued. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
ops The address of an array of nb_ops pointers to rte_crypto_op structures which contain the crypto operations to be processed.
nb_ops The number of operations to process.
user_param The arbitrary user parameter passed in by the application when the callback was originally registered.- Returns
The number of ops to be enqueued to the crypto device.
Definition at line 643 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef void(* rte_cryptodev_cb_fn) (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, void *cb_arg)
Typedef for application callback function to be registered by application software for notification of device events
- Parameters
dev_id Crypto device identifier
event Crypto device event to register for notification of.
cb_arg User specified parameter to be passed as to passed to users callback function.
Definition at line 655 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef uint32_t(* cryptodev_sym_raw_enqueue_burst_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec *vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, void *user_data[], int *enqueue_status)
Enqueue a vectorized operation descriptor into the device queue but the driver may or may not start processing until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- Parameters
qp Driver specific queue pair data.
drv_ctx Driver specific context data.
vec Vectorized operation descriptor.
ofs Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations.
user_data The array of user data for dequeue later.
enqueue_status Driver written value to specify the enqueue status. Possible values:- 1: The number of operations returned are enqueued successfully.
- 0: The number of operations returned are cached into the queue but are not processed until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
- Returns
- The number of operations in the descriptor successfully enqueued or cached into the queue but not enqueued yet, depends on the 'enqueue_status' value.
Definition at line 1369 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef int(* cryptodev_sym_raw_enqueue_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, struct rte_crypto_vec *data_vec, uint16_t n_data_vecs, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *iv, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *digest, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr *aad_or_auth_iv, void *user_data)
Enqueue single raw data vector into the device queue but the driver may or may not start processing until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- Parameters
qp Driver specific queue pair data.
drv_ctx Driver specific context data.
data_vec The buffer data vector.
n_data_vecs Number of buffer data vectors.
ofs Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations.
iv IV virtual and IOVA addresses
digest digest virtual and IOVA addresses
aad_or_auth_iv AAD or auth IV virtual and IOVA addresses, depends on the algorithm used.
user_data The user data.
- 1: The data vector is enqueued successfully.
- 0: The data vector is cached into the queue but is not processed until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- negative integer: failure.
Definition at line 1394 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef int(* cryptodev_sym_raw_operation_done_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, uint32_t n)
Inform the cryptodev queue pair to start processing or finish dequeuing all enqueued/dequeued operations.
- Parameters
qp Driver specific queue pair data.
drv_ctx Driver specific context data.
n The total number of processed operations.- Returns
- On success return 0.
- On failure return negative integer.
Definition at line 1413 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef uint32_t(* rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t) (void *user_data)
Typedef that the user provided for the driver to get the dequeue count. The function may return a fixed number or the number parsed from the user data stored in the first processed operation.
- Parameters
user_data Dequeued user data.
- Returns
- The number of operations to be dequeued.
Definition at line 1425 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef void(* rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t) (void *user_data, uint32_t index, uint8_t is_op_success)
Typedef that the user provided to deal with post dequeue operation, such as filling status.
- Parameters
user_data Dequeued user data.
index Index number of the processed descriptor.
is_op_success Operation status provided by the driver.
Definition at line 1435 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef uint32_t(* cryptodev_sym_raw_dequeue_burst_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count, uint32_t max_nb_to_dequeue, rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue, void **out_user_data, uint8_t is_user_data_array, uint32_t *n_success, int *dequeue_status)
Dequeue a burst of symmetric crypto processing.
- Parameters
qp Driver specific queue pair data.
drv_ctx Driver specific context data.
get_dequeue_count User provided callback function to obtain dequeue operation count.
max_nb_to_dequeue When get_dequeue_count is NULL this value is used to pass the maximum number of operations to be dequeued.
post_dequeue User provided callback function to post-process a dequeued operation.
out_user_data User data pointer array to be retrieve from device queue. In case of is_user_data_array is set there should be enough room to store all user data.
is_user_data_array Set 1 if every dequeued user data will be written into out_user_data array. Set 0 if only the first user data will be written into out_user_data array.
n_success Driver written value to specific the total successful operations count.
dequeue_status Driver written value to specify the dequeue status. Possible values:- 1: Successfully dequeued the number of operations returned. The user data previously set during enqueue is stored in the 'out_user_data'.
- 0: The number of operations returned are completed and the user data is stored in the 'out_user_data', but they are not freed from the queue until rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
- Returns
- The number of operations dequeued or completed but not freed from the queue, depends on 'dequeue_status' value.
Definition at line 1479 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
typedef void *(* cryptodev_sym_raw_dequeue_t) (void *qp, uint8_t *drv_ctx, int *dequeue_status, enum rte_crypto_op_status *op_status)
Dequeue a symmetric crypto processing.
- Parameters
qp Driver specific queue pair data.
drv_ctx Driver specific context data.
dequeue_status Driver written value to specify the dequeue status. Possible values:- 1: Successfully dequeued a operation. The user data is returned.
- 0: The first operation in the queue is completed and the user data previously set during enqueue is returned, but it is not freed from the queue until rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
op_status Driver written value to specify operation status.
- Returns
- The user data pointer retrieved from device queue or NULL if no operation is ready for dequeue.
Definition at line 1510 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Enumeration Type Documentation
enum rte_cryptodev_event_type
Definitions of Crypto device event types
unknown event type
error interrupt event
max value of this enum
Definition at line 607 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Function Documentation
const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability * rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_get (uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_idx * idx)
Provide capabilities available for defined device and algorithm
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
idx Description of crypto algorithms.- Returns
- Return description of the symmetric crypto capability if exist.
- Return NULL if the capability not exist.
const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability * rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_get (uint8_t dev_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_idx * idx)
Provide capabilities available for defined device and xform
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
idx Description of asym crypto xform.- Returns
- Return description of the asymmetric crypto capability if exist.
- Return NULL if the capability not exist.
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_cipher (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability * capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t iv_size)
Check if key size and initial vector are supported in crypto cipher capability
- Parameters
capability Description of the symmetric crypto capability.
key_size Cipher key size.
iv_size Cipher initial vector size.- Returns
- Return 0 if the parameters are in range of the capability.
- Return -1 if the parameters are out of range of the capability.
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_auth (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability * capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t digest_size, uint16_t iv_size)
Check if key size and initial vector are supported in crypto auth capability
- Parameters
capability Description of the symmetric crypto capability.
key_size Auth key size.
digest_size Auth digest size.
iv_size Auth initial vector size.- Returns
- Return 0 if the parameters are in range of the capability.
- Return -1 if the parameters are out of range of the capability.
int rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_aead (const struct rte_cryptodev_symmetric_capability * capability, uint16_t key_size, uint16_t digest_size, uint16_t aad_size, uint16_t iv_size)
Check if key, digest, AAD and initial vector sizes are supported in crypto AEAD capability
- Parameters
capability Description of the symmetric crypto capability.
key_size AEAD key size.
digest_size AEAD digest size.
aad_size AEAD AAD size.
iv_size AEAD IV size.- Returns
- Return 0 if the parameters are in range of the capability.
- Return -1 if the parameters are out of range of the capability.
int rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_optype (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability * capability, enum rte_crypto_asym_op_type op_type)
Check if op type is supported
- Parameters
capability Description of the asymmetric crypto capability.
op_type op type- Returns
- Return 1 if the op type is supported
- Return 0 if unsupported
int rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_modlen (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability * capability, uint16_t modlen)
Check if modulus length is in supported range
- Parameters
capability Description of the asymmetric crypto capability.
modlen modulus length.- Returns
- Return 0 if the parameters are in range of the capability.
- Return -1 if the parameters are out of range of the capability.
bool rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_hash (const struct rte_cryptodev_asymmetric_xform_capability * capability, enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm hash)
Check if hash algorithm is supported.
- Parameters
capability Asymmetric crypto capability.
hash Hash algorithm.- Returns
- Return true if the hash algorithm is supported.
- Return false if the hash algorithm is not supported.
int rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_cipher_algorithm * algo_enum, const char * algo_string)
Provide the cipher algorithm enum, given an algorithm string
- Parameters
algo_enum A pointer to the cipher algorithm enum to be filled
algo_string Authentication algo string- Returns
- Return -1 if string is not valid
- Return 0 is the string is valid
int rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm * algo_enum, const char * algo_string)
Provide the authentication algorithm enum, given an algorithm string
- Parameters
algo_enum A pointer to the authentication algorithm enum to be filled
algo_string Authentication algo string- Returns
- Return -1 if string is not valid
- Return 0 is the string is valid
int rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_enum (enum rte_crypto_aead_algorithm * algo_enum, const char * algo_string)
Provide the AEAD algorithm enum, given an algorithm string
- Parameters
algo_enum A pointer to the AEAD algorithm enum to be filled
algo_string AEAD algorithm string- Returns
- Return -1 if string is not valid
- Return 0 is the string is valid
int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_enum (enum rte_crypto_asym_xform_type * xform_enum, const char * xform_string)
Provide the Asymmetric xform enum, given an xform string
- Parameters
xform_enum A pointer to the xform type enum to be filled
xform_string xform string- Returns
- Return -1 if string is not valid
- Return 0 if the string is valid
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_cipher_algorithm algo_enum)
Provide the cipher algorithm string, given an algorithm enum.
- Parameters
algo_enum cipher algorithm enum
- Returns
- Return NULL if enum is not valid
- Return algo_string corresponding to enum
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_auth_algorithm algo_enum)
Provide the authentication algorithm string, given an algorithm enum.
- Parameters
algo_enum auth algorithm enum
- Returns
- Return NULL if enum is not valid
- Return algo_string corresponding to enum
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_string (enum rte_crypto_aead_algorithm algo_enum)
Provide the AEAD algorithm string, given an algorithm enum.
- Parameters
algo_enum AEAD algorithm enum
- Returns
- Return NULL if enum is not valid
- Return algo_string corresponding to enum
__rte_experimental const char * rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_string (enum rte_crypto_asym_xform_type xform_enum)
Provide the Asymmetric xform string, given an xform enum.
- Parameters
xform_enum xform type enum
- Returns
- Return NULL, if enum is not valid.
- Return xform string, for valid enum.
const char * rte_cryptodev_get_feature_name (uint64_t flag)
Get the name of a crypto device feature flag
- Parameters
flag The mask describing the flag.
- Returns
The name of this flag, or NULL if it's not a valid feature flag.
int rte_cryptodev_get_dev_id (const char * name)
Get the device identifier for the named crypto device.
- Parameters
name device name to select the device structure.
- Returns
- Returns crypto device identifier on success.
- Return -1 on failure to find named crypto device.
const char * rte_cryptodev_name_get (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the crypto device name given a device identifier.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device
- Returns
- Returns crypto device name.
- Returns NULL if crypto device is not present.
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_count (void )
Get the total number of crypto devices that have been successfully initialised.
- Returns
- The total number of usable crypto devices.
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_device_count_by_driver (uint8_t driver_id)
Get number of crypto device defined type.
- Parameters
driver_id driver identifier.
- Returns
Returns number of crypto device.
uint8_t rte_cryptodev_devices_get (const char * driver_name, uint8_t * devices, uint8_t nb_devices)
Get number and identifiers of attached crypto devices that use the same crypto driver.
- Parameters
driver_name driver name.
devices output devices identifiers.
nb_devices maximal number of devices.- Returns
Returns number of attached crypto device.
int rte_cryptodev_configure (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_config * config)
Configure a device.
This function must be invoked first before any other function in the API. This function can also be re-invoked when a device is in the stopped state.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device to configure.
config The crypto device configuration structure.
- 0: Success, device configured.
- <0: Error code returned by the driver configuration function.
int rte_cryptodev_start (uint8_t dev_id)
Start an device.
The device start step is the last one and consists of setting the configured offload features and in starting the transmit and the receive units of the device. On success, all basic functions exported by the API (link status, receive/transmit, and so on) can be invoked.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
- 0: Success, device started.
- <0: Error code of the driver device start function.
void rte_cryptodev_stop (uint8_t dev_id)
Stop an device. The device can be restarted with a call to rte_cryptodev_start()
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
int rte_cryptodev_close (uint8_t dev_id)
Close an device. The device cannot be restarted!
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
- 0 on successfully closing device
- <0 on failure to close device
int rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_setup (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_pair_id, const struct rte_cryptodev_qp_conf * qp_conf, int socket_id)
Allocate and set up a receive queue pair for a device.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
queue_pair_id The index of the queue pairs to set up. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pair- 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure().
qp_conf The pointer to the configuration data to be used for the queue pair.
socket_id The socket_id argument is the socket identifier in case of NUMA. The value can be SOCKET_ID_ANY if there is no NUMA constraint for the DMA memory allocated for the receive queue pair.
- 0: Success, queue pair correctly set up.
- <0: Queue pair configuration failed
int rte_cryptodev_get_qp_status (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t queue_pair_id)
Get the status of queue pairs setup on a specific crypto device
- Parameters
dev_id Crypto device identifier.
queue_pair_id The index of the queue pairs to set up. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pair- 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure().
- 0: qp was not configured
- 1: qp was configured
- -EINVAL: device was not configured
uint16_t rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_count (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the number of queue pairs on a specific crypto device
- Parameters
dev_id Crypto device identifier.
- Returns
- The number of configured queue pairs.
int rte_cryptodev_stats_get (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_stats * stats)
Retrieve the general I/O statistics of a device.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
stats A pointer to a structure of type rte_cryptodev_stats to be filled with the values of device counters.- Returns
- Zero if successful.
- Non-zero otherwise.
void rte_cryptodev_stats_reset (uint8_t dev_id)
Reset the general I/O statistics of a device.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
void rte_cryptodev_info_get (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_cryptodev_info * dev_info)
Retrieve the contextual information of a device.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
dev_info A pointer to a structure of type rte_cryptodev_info to be filled with the contextual information of the device.- Note
The capabilities field of dev_info is set to point to the first element of an array of struct rte_cryptodev_capabilities. The element after the last valid element has it's op field set to RTE_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_UNDEFINED.
int rte_cryptodev_callback_register (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, rte_cryptodev_cb_fn cb_fn, void * cb_arg)
Register a callback function for specific device id.
- Parameters
dev_id Device id.
event Event interested.
cb_fn User supplied callback function to be called.
cb_arg Pointer to the parameters for the registered callback.- Returns
- On success, zero.
- On failure, a negative value.
int rte_cryptodev_callback_unregister (uint8_t dev_id, enum rte_cryptodev_event_type event, rte_cryptodev_cb_fn cb_fn, void * cb_arg)
Unregister a callback function for specific device id.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
event Event interested.
cb_fn User supplied callback function to be called.
cb_arg Pointer to the parameters for the registered callback.- Returns
- On success, zero.
- On failure, a negative value.
__rte_experimental int rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_event_error_query (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id)
- Warning
EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice.
Query a cryptodev queue pair if there are pending RTE_CRYPTODEV_EVENT_ERROR events.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
qp_id Queue pair index to be queried.
- 1 if requested queue has a pending event.
- 0 if no pending event is found.
- a negative value on failure
RTE_TAILQ_HEAD (rte_cryptodev_cb_list , rte_cryptodev_callback )
Structure to keep track of registered callbacks
void * rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the security context for the cryptodev.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
- Returns
- NULL on error.
- Pointer to security context on success.
struct rte_mempool * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_pool_create (const char * name, uint32_t nb_elts, uint32_t elt_size, uint32_t cache_size, uint16_t priv_size, int socket_id)
Create a symmetric session mempool.
- Parameters
name The unique mempool name.
nb_elts The number of elements in the mempool.
elt_size The size of the element. This should be the size of the cryptodev PMD session private data obtained through rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size() function call. For the user who wants to use the same mempool for heterogeneous PMDs this value should be the maximum value of their private session sizes. Please note the created mempool will have bigger elt size than this value as necessary session header and the possible padding are filled into each elt.
cache_size The number of per-lcore cache elements
priv_size The private data size of each session.
socket_id The socket_id argument is the socket identifier in the case of NUMA. The value can be SOCKET_ID_ANY if there is no NUMA constraint for the reserved zone.- Returns
- On success returns the created session mempool pointer
- On failure returns NULL
struct rte_mempool * rte_cryptodev_asym_session_pool_create (const char * name, uint32_t nb_elts, uint32_t cache_size, uint16_t user_data_size, int socket_id)
Create an asymmetric session mempool.
- Parameters
name The unique mempool name.
nb_elts The number of elements in the mempool.
cache_size The number of per-lcore cache elements
user_data_size The size of user data to be placed after session private data.
socket_id The socket_id argument is the socket identifier in the case of NUMA. The value can be SOCKET_ID_ANY if there is no NUMA constraint for the reserved zone.- Returns
- On success return mempool
- On failure returns NULL
void * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_create (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_crypto_sym_xform * xforms, struct rte_mempool * mp)
Create symmetric crypto session and fill out private data for the device id, based on its device type.
- Parameters
dev_id ID of device that we want the session to be used on
xforms Symmetric crypto transform operations to apply on flow processed with this session
mp Mempool to allocate symmetric session objects from
- ·
On success return pointer to sym-session.
- ·
On failure returns NULL and rte_errno is set to the error code:
- ·
EINVAL on invalid arguments.
- ·
ENOMEM on memory error for session allocation.
- ·
ENOTSUP if device doesn't support session configuration.
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_create (uint8_t dev_id, struct rte_crypto_asym_xform * xforms, struct rte_mempool * mp, void ** session)
Create and initialise an asymmetric crypto session structure. Calls the PMD to configure the private session data.
- Parameters
dev_id ID of device that we want the session to be used on
xforms Asymmetric crypto transform operations to apply on flow processed with this session
mp mempool to allocate asymmetric session objects from
session void ** for session to be used
- 0 on success.
- -EINVAL on invalid arguments.
- -ENOMEM on memory error for session allocation.
- -ENOTSUP if device doesn't support session configuration.
int rte_cryptodev_sym_session_free (uint8_t dev_id, void * sess)
Frees session for the device id and returning it to its mempool. It is the application's responsibility to ensure that the session is not still in-flight operations using it.
- Parameters
dev_id ID of device that uses the session.
sess Session header to be freed.
- 0 if successful.
- -EINVAL if session is NULL or the mismatched device ids.
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_free (uint8_t dev_id, void * sess)
Clears and frees asymmetric crypto session header and private data, returning it to its original mempool.
- Parameters
dev_id ID of device that uses the asymmetric session.
sess Session header to be freed.
- 0 if successful.
- -EINVAL if device is invalid or session is NULL.
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_header_session_size (void )
Get the size of the asymmetric session header.
- Returns
Size of the asymmetric header session.
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the size of the private symmetric session data for a device.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
- Returns
- Size of the private data, if successful
- 0 if device is invalid or does not have private symmetric session
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_asym_get_private_session_size (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the size of the private data for asymmetric session on device
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
- Returns
- Size of the asymmetric private data, if successful
- 0 if device is invalid or does not have private session
unsigned int rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev (uint8_t dev_id)
Validate if the crypto device index is valid attached crypto device.
- Parameters
dev_id Crypto device index.
- Returns
- If the device index is valid (1) or not (0).
int rte_cryptodev_driver_id_get (const char * name)
Provide driver identifier.
- Parameters
name The pointer to a driver name.
- Returns
The driver type identifier or -1 if no driver found
const char * rte_cryptodev_driver_name_get (uint8_t driver_id)
Provide driver name.
- Parameters
driver_id The driver identifier.
- Returns
The driver name or null if no driver found
int rte_cryptodev_sym_session_set_user_data (void * sess, void * data, uint16_t size)
Store user data in a session.
- Parameters
sess Session pointer allocated by rte_cryptodev_sym_session_create.
data Pointer to the user data.
size Size of the user data.- Returns
- On success, zero.
- On failure, a negative value.
static uint64_t rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_get (void * sess) [inline], [static]
Get opaque data from session handle
Definition at line 1227 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
static void rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_set (void * sess, uint64_t opaque) [inline], [static]
Set opaque data in session handle
Definition at line 1236 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
void * rte_cryptodev_sym_session_get_user_data (void * sess)
Get user data stored in a session.
- Parameters
sess Session pointer allocated by rte_cryptodev_sym_session_create.
- Returns
- On success return pointer to user data.
- On failure returns NULL.
int rte_cryptodev_asym_session_set_user_data (void * sess, void * data, uint16_t size)
Store user data in an asymmetric session.
- Parameters
sess Session pointer allocated by rte_cryptodev_asym_session_create.
data Pointer to the user data.
size Size of the user data.- Returns
- On success, zero.
- -EINVAL if the session pointer is invalid.
- -ENOMEM if the available user data size is smaller than the size parameter.
void * rte_cryptodev_asym_session_get_user_data (void * sess)
Get user data stored in an asymmetric session.
- Parameters
sess Session pointer allocated by rte_cryptodev_asym_session_create.
- Returns
- On success return pointer to user data.
- On failure returns NULL.
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process (uint8_t dev_id, void * sess, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec * vec)
Perform actual crypto processing (encrypt/digest or auth/decrypt) on user provided data.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
sess Cryptodev session structure
ofs Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations
vec Vectorized operation descriptor- Returns
- Returns number of successfully processed packets.
int rte_cryptodev_get_raw_dp_ctx_size (uint8_t dev_id)
Get the size of the raw data-path context buffer.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
- Returns
- If the device supports raw data-path APIs, return the context size.
- If the device does not support the APIs, return -1.
int rte_cryptodev_session_event_mdata_set (uint8_t dev_id, void * sess, enum rte_crypto_op_type op_type, enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type, void * ev_mdata, uint16_t size)
Set session event meta data
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
sess Crypto or security session.
op_type Operation type.
sess_type Session type.
ev_mdata Pointer to the event crypto meta data (aka union rte_event_crypto_metadata)
size Size of ev_mdata.- Returns
- On success, zero.
- On failure, a negative value.
int rte_cryptodev_configure_raw_dp_ctx (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, enum rte_crypto_op_sess_type sess_type, union rte_cryptodev_session_ctx session_ctx, uint8_t is_update)
Configure raw data-path context data.
- Parameters
dev_id The device identifier.
qp_id The index of the queue pair from which to retrieve processed packets. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pair - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure().
ctx The raw data-path context data.
sess_type Session type.
session_ctx Session context data.
is_update Set 0 if it is to initialize the ctx. Set 1 if ctx is initialized and only to update session context data.
- ·
On success return 0.
- ·
On failure return negative integer.
- ·
-EINVAL if input parameters are invalid.
- ·
-ENOTSUP if crypto device does not support raw DP operations with the provided session.
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_burst (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, struct rte_crypto_sym_vec * vec, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, void ** user_data, int * enqueue_status)
Enqueue a vectorized operation descriptor into the device queue but the driver may or may not start processing until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
vec Vectorized operation descriptor.
ofs Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations.
user_data The array of user data for dequeue later.
enqueue_status Driver written value to specify the enqueue status. Possible values:- 1: The number of operations returned are enqueued successfully.
- 0: The number of operations returned are cached into the queue but are not processed until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
- Returns
- The number of operations in the descriptor successfully enqueued or cached into the queue but not enqueued yet, depends on the 'enqueue_status' value.
static __rte_experimental __rte_always_inline int rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, struct rte_crypto_vec * data_vec, uint16_t n_data_vecs, union rte_crypto_sym_ofs ofs, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr * iv, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr * digest, struct rte_crypto_va_iova_ptr * aad_or_auth_iv, void * user_data) [static]
Enqueue single raw data vector into the device queue but the driver may or may not start processing until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
data_vec The buffer data vector.
n_data_vecs Number of buffer data vectors.
ofs Start and stop offsets for auth and cipher operations.
iv IV virtual and IOVA addresses
digest digest virtual and IOVA addresses
aad_or_auth_iv AAD or auth IV virtual and IOVA addresses, depends on the algorithm used.
user_data The user data.
- 1: The data vector is enqueued successfully.
- 0: The data vector is cached into the queue but is not processed until rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done() is called.
- negative integer: failure.
Definition at line 1612 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
int rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, uint32_t n)
Start processing all enqueued operations from last rte_cryptodev_configure_raw_dp_ctx() call.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
n The number of operations cached.- Returns
- On success return 0.
- On failure return negative integer.
uint32_t rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_burst (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t get_dequeue_count, uint32_t max_nb_to_dequeue, rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t post_dequeue, void ** out_user_data, uint8_t is_user_data_array, uint32_t * n_success, int * dequeue_status)
Dequeue a burst of symmetric crypto processing.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
get_dequeue_count User provided callback function to obtain dequeue operation count.
max_nb_to_dequeue When get_dequeue_count is NULL this value is used to pass the maximum number of operations to be dequeued.
post_dequeue User provided callback function to post-process a dequeued operation.
out_user_data User data pointer array to be retrieve from device queue. In case of is_user_data_array is set there should be enough room to store all user data.
is_user_data_array Set 1 if every dequeued user data will be written into out_user_data array. Set 0 if only the first user data will be written into out_user_data array.
n_success Driver written value to specific the total successful operations count.
dequeue_status Driver written value to specify the dequeue status. Possible values:- 1: Successfully dequeued the number of operations returned. The user data previously set during enqueue is stored in the 'out_user_data'.
- 0: The number of operations returned are completed and the user data is stored in the 'out_user_data', but they are not freed from the queue until rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
- Returns
- The number of operations dequeued or completed but not freed from the queue, depends on 'dequeue_status' value.
static __rte_experimental __rte_always_inline void * rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, int * dequeue_status, enum rte_crypto_op_status * op_status) [static]
Dequeue a symmetric crypto processing.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
dequeue_status Driver written value to specify the dequeue status. Possible values:- 1: Successfully dequeued a operation. The user data is returned.
- 0: The first operation in the queue is completed and the user data previously set during enqueue is returned, but it is not freed from the queue until rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done() is called.
- negative integer: Error occurred.
op_status Driver written value to specify operation status.
- Returns
- The user data pointer retrieved from device queue or NULL if no operation is ready for dequeue.
Definition at line 1712 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
int rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done (struct rte_crypto_raw_dp_ctx * ctx, uint32_t n)
Inform the queue pair dequeue operations is finished.
- Parameters
ctx The initialized raw data-path context data.
n The number of operations.- Returns
- On success return 0.
- On failure return negative integer.
struct rte_cryptodev_cb * rte_cryptodev_add_enq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, rte_cryptodev_callback_fn cb_fn, void * cb_arg)
Add a user callback for a given crypto device and queue pair which will be called on crypto ops enqueue.
This API configures a function to be called for each burst of crypto ops received on a given crypto device queue pair. The return value is a pointer that can be used later to remove the callback using rte_cryptodev_remove_enq_callback().
Callbacks registered by application would not survive rte_cryptodev_configure() as it reinitializes the callback list. It is user responsibility to remove all installed callbacks before calling rte_cryptodev_configure() to avoid possible memory leakage. Application is expected to call add API after rte_cryptodev_configure().
Multiple functions can be registered per queue pair & they are called in the order they were added. The API does not restrict on maximum number of callbacks.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair on which ops are to be enqueued for processing. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
cb_fn The callback function
cb_arg A generic pointer parameter which will be passed to each invocation of the callback function on this crypto device and queue pair.- Returns
- NULL on error & rte_errno will contain the error code.
- On success, a pointer value which can later be used to remove the callback.
int rte_cryptodev_remove_enq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_cryptodev_cb * cb)
Remove a user callback function for given crypto device and queue pair.
This function is used to remove enqueue callbacks that were added to a crypto device queue pair using rte_cryptodev_add_enq_callback().
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair on which ops are to be enqueued. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
cb Pointer to user supplied callback created via rte_cryptodev_add_enq_callback().
- 0: Success. Callback was removed.
- <0: The dev_id or the qp_id is out of range, or the callback is NULL or not found for the crypto device queue pair.
struct rte_cryptodev_cb * rte_cryptodev_add_deq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, rte_cryptodev_callback_fn cb_fn, void * cb_arg)
Add a user callback for a given crypto device and queue pair which will be called on crypto ops dequeue.
This API configures a function to be called for each burst of crypto ops received on a given crypto device queue pair. The return value is a pointer that can be used later to remove the callback using rte_cryptodev_remove_deq_callback().
Callbacks registered by application would not survive rte_cryptodev_configure() as it reinitializes the callback list. It is user responsibility to remove all installed callbacks before calling rte_cryptodev_configure() to avoid possible memory leakage. Application is expected to call add API after rte_cryptodev_configure().
Multiple functions can be registered per queue pair & they are called in the order they were added. The API does not restrict on maximum number of callbacks.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair on which ops are to be dequeued. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
cb_fn The callback function
cb_arg A generic pointer parameter which will be passed to each invocation of the callback function on this crypto device and queue pair.- Returns
- NULL on error & rte_errno will contain the error code.
- On success, a pointer value which can later be used to remove the callback.
int rte_cryptodev_remove_deq_callback (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_cryptodev_cb * cb)
Remove a user callback function for given crypto device and queue pair.
This function is used to remove dequeue callbacks that were added to a crypto device queue pair using rte_cryptodev_add_deq_callback().
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair on which ops are to be dequeued. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
cb Pointer to user supplied callback created via rte_cryptodev_add_deq_callback().
- 0: Success. Callback was removed.
- <0: The dev_id or the qp_id is out of range, or the callback is NULL or not found for the crypto device queue pair.
static uint16_t rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op ** ops, uint16_t nb_ops) [inline], [static]
Dequeue a burst of processed crypto operations from a queue on the crypto device. The dequeued operation are stored in rte_crypto_op structures whose pointers are supplied in the ops array.
The rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst() function returns the number of ops actually dequeued, which is the number of rte_crypto_op data structures effectively supplied into the ops array.
A return value equal to nb_ops indicates that the queue contained at least nb_ops operations, and this is likely to signify that other processed operations remain in the devices output queue. Applications implementing a 'retrieve as many processed operations as possible' policy can check this specific case and keep invoking the rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst() function until a value less than nb_ops is returned.
The rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst() function does not provide any error notification to avoid the corresponding overhead.
- Parameters
dev_id The symmetric crypto device identifier
qp_id The index of the queue pair from which to retrieve processed packets. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pair - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure().
ops The address of an array of pointers to rte_crypto_op structures that must be large enough to store nb_ops pointers in it.
nb_ops The maximum number of operations to dequeue.- Returns
- The number of operations actually dequeued, which is the number of pointers to rte_crypto_op structures effectively supplied to the ops array.
Definition at line 1901 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
static uint16_t rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst (uint8_t dev_id, uint16_t qp_id, struct rte_crypto_op ** ops, uint16_t nb_ops) [inline], [static]
Enqueue a burst of operations for processing on a crypto device.
The rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst() function is invoked to place crypto operations on the queue qp_id of the device designated by its dev_id.
The nb_ops parameter is the number of operations to process which are supplied in the ops array of rte_crypto_op structures.
The rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst() function returns the number of operations it actually enqueued for processing. A return value equal to nb_ops means that all packets have been enqueued.
- Parameters
dev_id The identifier of the device.
qp_id The index of the queue pair which packets are to be enqueued for processing. The value must be in the range [0, nb_queue_pairs - 1] previously supplied to rte_cryptodev_configure.
ops The address of an array of nb_ops pointers to rte_crypto_op structures which contain the crypto operations to be processed.
nb_ops The number of operations to process.- Returns
The number of operations actually enqueued on the crypto device. The return value can be less than the value of the nb_ops parameter when the crypto devices queue is full or if invalid parameters are specified in a rte_crypto_op.
Definition at line 1973 of file rte_cryptodev.h.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for DPDK from the source code.
Referenced By
The man pages RTE_CRYPTO_CIPHER_DATA_UNIT_LEN_512_BYTES(3), rte_cryptodev_add_deq_callback(3), rte_cryptodev_add_enq_callback(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_capability_get(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_get_header_session_size(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_get_private_session_size(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_enum(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_get_xform_string(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_session_create(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_session_free(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_session_get_user_data(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_session_pool_create(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_session_set_user_data(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_hash(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_modlen(3), rte_cryptodev_asym_xform_capability_check_optype(3), rte_cryptodev_callback_fn(3), rte_cryptodev_callback_register(3), rte_cryptodev_callback_unregister(3), rte_cryptodev_cb_fn(3), rte_cryptodev_close(3), rte_cryptodev_configure(3), rte_cryptodev_configure_raw_dp_ctx(3), rte_cryptodev_count(3), rte_cryptodev_dequeue_burst(3), rte_cryptodev_device_count_by_driver(3), rte_cryptodev_devices_get(3), rte_cryptodev_driver_id_get(3), rte_cryptodev_driver_name_get(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_END_OF_CAPABILITIES_LIST(3), rte_cryptodev_enqueue_burst(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_EVENT_ERROR(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_EVENT_MAX(3), rte_cryptodev_event_type(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_EVENT_UNKNOWN(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_ASYMMETRIC_CRYPTO(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_ASYM_SESSIONLESS(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CIPHER_MULTIPLE_DATA_UNITS(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CIPHER_WRAPPED_KEY(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AESNI(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_ARM_CE(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AVX(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AVX2(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_AVX512(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_NEON(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_CPU_SSE(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_DIGEST_ENCRYPTED(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_HW_ACCELERATED(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_IN_PLACE_SGL(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_NON_BYTE_ALIGNED_DATA(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_OOP_LB_IN_LB_OUT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_OOP_LB_IN_SGL_OUT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_OOP_SGL_IN_LB_OUT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_OOP_SGL_IN_SGL_OUT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_RSA_PRIV_OP_KEY_EXP(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_RSA_PRIV_OP_KEY_QT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SECURITY(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SECURITY_INNER_CSUM(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SECURITY_RX_INJECT(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SYM_CPU_CRYPTO(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SYMMETRIC_CRYPTO(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SYM_OPERATION_CHAINING(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SYM_RAW_DP(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_FF_SYM_SESSIONLESS(3), rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_enum(3), rte_cryptodev_get_aead_algo_string(3), rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_enum(3), rte_cryptodev_get_auth_algo_string(3), rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_enum(3), rte_cryptodev_get_cipher_algo_string(3), rte_cryptodev_get_dev_id(3), rte_cryptodev_get_feature_name(3), rte_cryptodev_get_qp_status(3), rte_cryptodev_get_raw_dp_ctx_size(3), rte_cryptodev_get_sec_ctx(3), rte_cryptodev_info_get(3), rte_cryptodev_is_valid_dev(3), rte_cryptodev_name_get(3), RTE_CRYPTODEV_NAME_MAX_LEN(3), rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_count(3), rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_event_error_query(3), rte_cryptodev_queue_pair_setup(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_burst(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_dequeue_done(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_burst(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_enqueue_done(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_get_dequeue_count_t(3), rte_cryptodev_raw_post_dequeue_t(3), rte_cryptodev_remove_deq_callback(3), rte_cryptodev_remove_enq_callback(3), rte_cryptodev_session_event_mdata_set(3), rte_cryptodev_start(3), rte_cryptodev_stats_get(3), rte_cryptodev_stats_reset(3), rte_cryptodev_stop(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_aead(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_auth(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_check_cipher(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_capability_get(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_cpu_crypto_process(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_get_private_session_size(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_create(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_free(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_get_user_data(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_get(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_opaque_data_set(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_pool_create(3), rte_cryptodev_sym_session_set_user_data(3), rte_crypto_op_ctod_offset(3) and rte_crypto_op_ctophys_offset(3) are aliases of rte_cryptodev.h(3).