pmiErrStr - Man Page

convert a LOGIMPORT error code into a string

C Synopsis

#include <pcp/pmapi.h>
#include <pcp/import.h>

const char *pmiErrStr(int code);
char *pmiErrStr_r(int code, char buf, int buflen);

cc ... -lpcp_import -lpcp


use PCP::LogImport;



As part of the Performance Co-Pilot Log Import API (see LOGIMPORT(3)), pmiErrStr translates error codes returned from the other routines in the Log Import library into printable error messages.

code would normally have a negative value. As a special case, if code is -1 then the error code returned from the last routine called in the LOGIMPORT library for this context will be used.

The pmiErrStr_r function does the same, but stores the result in a user-supplied buffer buf of length buflen, which should have room for at least PMI_MAXERRMSGLEN bytes.

The set of possible error codes and messages is all those defined by pmErrStr(3) and PCPIntro(3), plus the additonal ones defined in <pcp/import.h> with error code names of the form PMI_ERR_....

See Also

LOGIMPORT(3), PCPIntro(3) and pmErrStr(3).

Referenced By

LOGIMPORT(3), pmiAddInstance(3), pmiAddMetric(3), pmiEnd(3), pmiGetHandle(3), pmiPutLabel(3), pmiPutMark(3), pmiPutResult(3), pmiPutText(3), pmiPutValue(3), pmiPutValueHandle(3), pmiSetHostname(3), pmiSetTimezone(3), pmiSetVersion(3), pmiStart(3), pmiUseContext(3), pmiWrite(3).

The man page pmiErrStr_r(3) is an alias of pmiErrStr(3).

PCP Performance Co-Pilot