physfs.h - Man Page


Data Structures

struct PHYSFS_File
A PhysicsFS file handle.
struct PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo
Information on various PhysicsFS-supported archives.
struct PHYSFS_Version
Information the version of PhysicsFS in use.
struct PHYSFS_Allocator
PhysicsFS allocation function pointers.
struct PHYSFS_Stat
Meta data for a file or directory.
struct PHYSFS_Io
An abstract i/o interface.
struct PHYSFS_Archiver
Abstract interface to provide support for user-defined archives.


#define PHYSFS_file   PHYSFS_File
1.0 API compatibility define.
Macro to determine PhysicsFS version program was compiled against.


typedef unsigned char PHYSFS_uint8
An unsigned, 8-bit integer type.
typedef signed char PHYSFS_sint8
A signed, 8-bit integer type.
typedef unsigned short PHYSFS_uint16
An unsigned, 16-bit integer type.
typedef signed short PHYSFS_sint16
A signed, 16-bit integer type.
typedef unsigned int PHYSFS_uint32
An unsigned, 32-bit integer type.
typedef signed int PHYSFS_sint32
A signed, 32-bit integer type.
typedef unsigned long long PHYSFS_uint64
An unsigned, 64-bit integer type.
typedef signed long long PHYSFS_sint64
A signed, 64-bit integer type.
typedef struct PHYSFS_File PHYSFS_File
typedef struct PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo
typedef struct PHYSFS_Version PHYSFS_Version
typedef struct PHYSFS_Allocator PHYSFS_Allocator
typedef void(* PHYSFS_StringCallback) (void *data, const char *str)
Function signature for callbacks that report strings.
typedef void(* PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback) (void *data, const char *origdir, const char *fname)
Function signature for callbacks that enumerate files.
typedef enum PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult
typedef PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult(* PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback) (void *data, const char *origdir, const char *fname)
Possible return values from PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback.
typedef enum PHYSFS_FileType PHYSFS_FileType
typedef struct PHYSFS_Stat PHYSFS_Stat
typedef struct PHYSFS_Io PHYSFS_Io
typedef enum PHYSFS_ErrorCode PHYSFS_ErrorCode
typedef struct PHYSFS_Archiver PHYSFS_Archiver


enum PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult { PHYSFS_ENUM_ERROR = -1, PHYSFS_ENUM_STOP = 0, PHYSFS_ENUM_OK = 1 }
Type of a File.
Values that represent specific causes of failure.


void PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion (PHYSFS_Version *ver)
Get the version of PhysicsFS that is linked against your program.
int PHYSFS_init (const char *argv0)
Initialize the PhysicsFS library.
int PHYSFS_deinit (void)
Deinitialize the PhysicsFS library.
const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo ** PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes (void)
Get a list of supported archive types.
void PHYSFS_freeList (void *listVar)
Deallocate resources of lists returned by PhysicsFS.
const char * PHYSFS_getLastError (void)
Get human-readable error information.
const char * PHYSFS_getDirSeparator (void)
Get platform-dependent dir separator string.
void PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks (int allow)
Enable or disable following of symbolic links.
char ** PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs (void)
Get an array of paths to available CD-ROM drives.
const char * PHYSFS_getBaseDir (void)
Get the path where the application resides.
const char * PHYSFS_getUserDir (void)
Get the path where user's home directory resides.
const char * PHYSFS_getWriteDir (void)
Get path where PhysicsFS will allow file writing.
int PHYSFS_setWriteDir (const char *newDir)
Tell PhysicsFS where it may write files.
int PHYSFS_addToSearchPath (const char *newDir, int appendToPath)
Add an archive or directory to the search path.
int PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath (const char *oldDir)
Remove a directory or archive from the search path.
char ** PHYSFS_getSearchPath (void)
Get the current search path.
int PHYSFS_setSaneConfig (const char *organization, const char *appName, const char *archiveExt, int includeCdRoms, int archivesFirst)
Set up sane, default paths.
int PHYSFS_mkdir (const char *dirName)
Create a directory.
int PHYSFS_delete (const char *filename)
Delete a file or directory.
const char * PHYSFS_getRealDir (const char *filename)
Figure out where in the search path a file resides.
char ** PHYSFS_enumerateFiles (const char *dir)
Get a file listing of a search path's directory.
int PHYSFS_exists (const char *fname)
Determine if a file exists in the search path.
int PHYSFS_isDirectory (const char *fname)
Determine if a file in the search path is really a directory.
int PHYSFS_isSymbolicLink (const char *fname)
Determine if a file in the search path is really a symbolic link.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_getLastModTime (const char *filename)
Get the last modification time of a file.
PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openWrite (const char *filename)
Open a file for writing.
PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openAppend (const char *filename)
Open a file for appending.
PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openRead (const char *filename)
Open a file for reading.
int PHYSFS_close (PHYSFS_File *handle)
Close a PhysicsFS filehandle.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_read (PHYSFS_File *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount)
Read data from a PhysicsFS filehandle.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_write (PHYSFS_File *handle, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount)
Write data to a PhysicsFS filehandle.
int PHYSFS_eof (PHYSFS_File *handle)
Check for end-of-file state on a PhysicsFS filehandle.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_tell (PHYSFS_File *handle)
Determine current position within a PhysicsFS filehandle.
int PHYSFS_seek (PHYSFS_File *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 pos)
Seek to a new position within a PhysicsFS filehandle.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_fileLength (PHYSFS_File *handle)
Get total length of a file in bytes.
int PHYSFS_setBuffer (PHYSFS_File *handle, PHYSFS_uint64 bufsize)
Set up buffering for a PhysicsFS file handle.
int PHYSFS_flush (PHYSFS_File *handle)
Flush a buffered PhysicsFS file handle.
PHYSFS_sint16 PHYSFS_swapSLE16 (PHYSFS_sint16 val)
Swap littleendian signed 16 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint16 PHYSFS_swapULE16 (PHYSFS_uint16 val)
Swap littleendian unsigned 16 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_sint32 PHYSFS_swapSLE32 (PHYSFS_sint32 val)
Swap littleendian signed 32 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint32 PHYSFS_swapULE32 (PHYSFS_uint32 val)
Swap littleendian unsigned 32 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_swapSLE64 (PHYSFS_sint64 val)
Swap littleendian signed 64 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint64 PHYSFS_swapULE64 (PHYSFS_uint64 val)
Swap littleendian unsigned 64 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_sint16 PHYSFS_swapSBE16 (PHYSFS_sint16 val)
Swap bigendian signed 16 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint16 PHYSFS_swapUBE16 (PHYSFS_uint16 val)
Swap bigendian unsigned 16 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_sint32 PHYSFS_swapSBE32 (PHYSFS_sint32 val)
Swap bigendian signed 32 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint32 PHYSFS_swapUBE32 (PHYSFS_uint32 val)
Swap bigendian unsigned 32 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_swapSBE64 (PHYSFS_sint64 val)
Swap bigendian signed 64 to platform's native byte order.
PHYSFS_uint64 PHYSFS_swapUBE64 (PHYSFS_uint64 val)
Swap bigendian unsigned 64 to platform's native byte order.
int PHYSFS_readSLE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint16 *val)
Read and convert a signed 16-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readULE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint16 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 16-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readSBE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint16 *val)
Read and convert a signed 16-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_readUBE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint16 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 16-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_readSLE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint32 *val)
Read and convert a signed 32-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readULE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint32 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 32-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readSBE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint32 *val)
Read and convert a signed 32-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_readUBE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint32 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 32-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_readSLE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint64 *val)
Read and convert a signed 64-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readULE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint64 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 64-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_readSBE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint64 *val)
Read and convert a signed 64-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_readUBE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint64 *val)
Read and convert an unsigned 64-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSLE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint16 val)
Convert and write a signed 16-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeULE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint16 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 16-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSBE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint16 val)
Convert and write a signed 16-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeUBE16 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint16 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 16-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSLE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint32 val)
Convert and write a signed 32-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeULE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint32 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 32-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSBE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint32 val)
Convert and write a signed 32-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeUBE32 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint32 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 32-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSLE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint64 val)
Convert and write a signed 64-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeULE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint64 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 64-bit littleendian value.
int PHYSFS_writeSBE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_sint64 val)
Convert and write a signed 64-bit bigending value.
int PHYSFS_writeUBE64 (PHYSFS_File *file, PHYSFS_uint64 val)
Convert and write an unsigned 64-bit bigendian value.
int PHYSFS_isInit (void)
Determine if the PhysicsFS library is initialized.
int PHYSFS_symbolicLinksPermitted (void)
Determine if the symbolic links are permitted.
int PHYSFS_setAllocator (const PHYSFS_Allocator *allocator)
Hook your own allocation routines into PhysicsFS.
int PHYSFS_mount (const char *newDir, const char *mountPoint, int appendToPath)
Add an archive or directory to the search path.
const char * PHYSFS_getMountPoint (const char *dir)
Determine a mounted archive's mountpoint.
void PHYSFS_getCdRomDirsCallback (PHYSFS_StringCallback c, void *d)
Enumerate CD-ROM directories, using an application-defined callback.
void PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback (PHYSFS_StringCallback c, void *d)
Enumerate the search path, using an application-defined callback.
void PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback (const char *dir, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback c, void *d)
Get a file listing of a search path's directory, using an application-defined callback.
void PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4 (const PHYSFS_uint32 *src, char *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UCS-4 string to a UTF-8 string.
void PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs4 (const char *src, PHYSFS_uint32 *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-4 string.
void PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs2 (const PHYSFS_uint16 *src, char *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UCS-2 string to a UTF-8 string.
void PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs2 (const char *src, PHYSFS_uint16 *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-2 string.
void PHYSFS_utf8FromLatin1 (const char *src, char *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UTF-8 string to a Latin1 string.
int PHYSFS_caseFold (const PHYSFS_uint32 from, PHYSFS_uint32 *to)
'Fold' a Unicode codepoint to a lowercase equivalent.
int PHYSFS_utf8stricmp (const char *str1, const char *str2)
Case-insensitive compare of two UTF-8 strings.
int PHYSFS_utf16stricmp (const PHYSFS_uint16 *str1, const PHYSFS_uint16 *str2)
Case-insensitive compare of two UTF-16 strings.
int PHYSFS_ucs4stricmp (const PHYSFS_uint32 *str1, const PHYSFS_uint32 *str2)
Case-insensitive compare of two UCS-4 strings.
int PHYSFS_enumerate (const char *dir, PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback c, void *d)
Get a file listing of a search path's directory, using an application-defined callback, with errors reported.
int PHYSFS_unmount (const char *oldDir)
Remove a directory or archive from the search path.
const PHYSFS_Allocator * PHYSFS_getAllocator (void)
Discover the current allocator.
int PHYSFS_stat (const char *fname, PHYSFS_Stat *stat)
Get various information about a directory or a file.
void PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16 (const PHYSFS_uint16 *src, char *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UTF-16 string to a UTF-8 string.
void PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16 (const char *src, PHYSFS_uint16 *dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Convert a UTF-8 string to a UTF-16 string.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_readBytes (PHYSFS_File *handle, void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Read bytes from a PhysicsFS filehandle.
PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_writeBytes (PHYSFS_File *handle, const void *buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len)
Write data to a PhysicsFS filehandle.
int PHYSFS_mountIo (PHYSFS_Io *io, const char *newDir, const char *mountPoint, int appendToPath)
Add an archive, built on a PHYSFS_Io, to the search path.
int PHYSFS_mountMemory (const void *buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len, void(*del)(void *), const char *newDir, const char *mountPoint, int appendToPath)
Add an archive, contained in a memory buffer, to the search path.
int PHYSFS_mountHandle (PHYSFS_File *file, const char *newDir, const char *mountPoint, int appendToPath)
Add an archive, contained in a PHYSFS_File handle, to the search path.
PHYSFS_ErrorCode PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode (void)
Get machine-readable error information.
const char * PHYSFS_getErrorByCode (PHYSFS_ErrorCode code)
Get human-readable description string for a given error code.
void PHYSFS_setErrorCode (PHYSFS_ErrorCode code)
Set the current thread's error code.
const char * PHYSFS_getPrefDir (const char *org, const char *app)
Get the user-and-app-specific path where files can be written.
int PHYSFS_registerArchiver (const PHYSFS_Archiver *archiver)
Add a new archiver to the system.
int PHYSFS_deregisterArchiver (const char *ext)
Remove an archiver from the system.

Detailed Description

Main header file for PhysicsFS.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PHYSFS_file   PHYSFS_File

1.0 API compatibility define. PHYSFS_file is identical to PHYSFS_File. This #define is here for backwards compatibility with the 1.0 API, which had an inconsistent capitalization convention in this case. New code should use PHYSFS_File, as this #define may go away someday.

See also


#define PHYSFS_VERSION( x)


{ \
    (x)->major = PHYSFS_VER_MAJOR; \
    (x)->minor = PHYSFS_VER_MINOR; \
    (x)->patch = PHYSFS_VER_PATCH; \

Macro to determine PhysicsFS version program was compiled against. This macro fills in a PHYSFS_Version structure with the version of the library you compiled against. This is determined by what header the compiler uses. Note that if you dynamically linked the library, you might have a slightly newer or older version at runtime. That version can be determined with PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(), which, unlike PHYSFS_VERSION, is not a macro.


x A pointer to a PHYSFS_Version struct to initialize.

See also



Typedef Documentation

typedef PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult(* PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback) (void *data, const char *origdir, const char *fname)

Possible return values from PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback. Function signature for callbacks that enumerate and return results.

These values dictate if an enumeration callback should continue to fire, or stop (and why it is stopping).

See also



This is the same thing as PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback from PhysicsFS 2.0, except it can return a result from the callback: namely: if you're looking for something specific, once you find it, you can tell PhysicsFS to stop enumerating further. This is used with PHYSFS_enumerate(), which we hopefully got right this time. :)


data User-defined data pointer, passed through from the API that eventually called the callback.
origdir A string containing the full path, in platform-independent notation, of the directory containing this file. In most cases, this is the directory on which you requested enumeration, passed in the callback for your convenience.
fname The filename that is being enumerated. It may not be in alphabetical order compared to other callbacks that have fired, and it will not contain the full path. You can recreate the fullpath with $origdir/$fname ... The file can be a subdirectory, a file, a symlink, etc.


A value from PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult. All other values are (currently) undefined; don't use them.

See also



typedef void(* PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback) (void *data, const char *origdir, const char *fname)

Function signature for callbacks that enumerate files.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, Use PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback with PHYSFS_enumerate() instead; it gives you more control over the process.

These are used to report a list of directory entries to an original caller, one file/dir/symlink per callback. All strings are UTF-8 encoded. Functions should not try to modify or free any string's memory.

These callbacks are used, starting in PhysicsFS 1.1, as an alternative to functions that would return lists that need to be cleaned up with PHYSFS_freeList(). The callback means that the library doesn't need to allocate an entire list and all the strings up front.

Be aware that promised data ordering in the list versions are not necessarily so in the callback versions. Check the documentation on specific APIs, but strings may not be sorted as you expect and you might get duplicate strings.


data User-defined data pointer, passed through from the API that eventually called the callback.
origdir A string containing the full path, in platform-independent notation, of the directory containing this file. In most cases, this is the directory on which you requested enumeration, passed in the callback for your convenience.
fname The filename that is being enumerated. It may not be in alphabetical order compared to other callbacks that have fired, and it will not contain the full path. You can recreate the fullpath with $origdir/$fname ... The file can be a subdirectory, a file, a symlink, etc.

See also


typedef signed long long PHYSFS_sint64

A signed, 64-bit integer type.


on platforms without any sort of 64-bit datatype, this is equivalent to PHYSFS_sint32!

typedef void(* PHYSFS_StringCallback) (void *data, const char *str)

Function signature for callbacks that report strings. These are used to report a list of strings to an original caller, one string per callback. All strings are UTF-8 encoded. Functions should not try to modify or free the string's memory.

These callbacks are used, starting in PhysicsFS 1.1, as an alternative to functions that would return lists that need to be cleaned up with PHYSFS_freeList(). The callback means that the library doesn't need to allocate an entire list and all the strings up front.

Be aware that promises data ordering in the list versions are not necessarily so in the callback versions. Check the documentation on specific APIs, but strings may not be sorted as you expect.


data User-defined data pointer, passed through from the API that eventually called the callback.
str The string data about which the callback is meant to inform.

See also



typedef unsigned long long PHYSFS_uint64

An unsigned, 64-bit integer type.


on platforms without any sort of 64-bit datatype, this is equivalent to PHYSFS_uint32!

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult



Stop enumerating, report error to app.


Stop enumerating, report success to app.


Keep enumerating, no problems

enum PHYSFS_ErrorCode

Values that represent specific causes of failure. Most of the time, you should only concern yourself with whether a given operation failed or not, but there may be occasions where you plan to handle a specific failure case gracefully, so we provide specific error codes.

Most of these errors are a little vague, and most aren't things you can fix...if there's a permission error, for example, all you can really do is pass that information on to the user and let them figure out how to handle it. In most these cases, your program should only care that it failed to accomplish its goals, and not care specifically why.

See also





Success; no error.


Error not otherwise covered here.


Memory allocation failed.


PhysicsFS is not initialized.


PhysicsFS is already initialized.


Needed argv[0], but it is NULL.


Operation or feature unsupported.


Attempted to access past end of file.


Files still open.


Bad parameter passed to an function.


Requested archive/dir not mounted.


File (or whatever) not found.


Symlink seen when not permitted.


No write dir has been specified.


Wrote to a file opened for reading.


Read from a file opened for writing.


Needed a file, got a directory (etc).


Wrote to a read-only filesystem.


Corrupted data encountered.


Infinite symbolic link loop.


i/o error (hardware failure, etc).


Permission denied.


No space (disk full, over quota, etc)


Filename is bogus/insecure.


Tried to modify a file the OS needs.


Tried to delete dir with files in it.


Unspecified OS-level error.


Duplicate entry.


Bad password.


Application callback reported error.

enum PHYSFS_FileType

Type of a File. Possible types of a file.

See also




a normal file


a directory


a symlink


something completely different like a device

Function Documentation

int PHYSFS_addToSearchPath (const char * newDir, int appendToPath)

Add an archive or directory to the search path.


As of PhysicsFS 2.0, use PHYSFS_mount() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow.

This function is equivalent to:

PHYSFS_mount(newDir, NULL, appendToPath);

You must use this and not PHYSFS_mount if binary compatibility with PhysicsFS 1.0 is important (which it may not be for many people).

See also




int PHYSFS_caseFold (const PHYSFS_uint32 from, PHYSFS_uint32 * to)

This will convert a Unicode codepoint into its lowercase equivalent. Bogus codepoints and codepoints without a lowercase equivalent will be returned unconverted.

Note that you might get multiple codepoints in return! The German Eszett, for example, will fold down to two lowercase latin 's' codepoints. The theory is that if you fold two strings, one with an Eszett and one with 'SS' down, they will match.


Anyone that is a student of Unicode knows about the 'Turkish I' problem. This API does not handle it. Assume this one letter in all of Unicode will definitely fold sort of incorrectly. If you don't know what this is about, you can probably ignore this problem for most of the planet, but perfection is impossible.


from The codepoint to fold.
to Buffer to store the folded codepoint values into. This should point to space for at least 3 PHYSFS_uint32 slots.


The number of codepoints the folding produced. Between 1 and 3.

int PHYSFS_close (PHYSFS_File * handle)

Close a PhysicsFS filehandle. This call is capable of failing if the operating system was buffering writes to the physical media, and, now forced to write those changes to physical media, can not store the data for some reason. In such a case, the filehandle stays open. A well-written program should ALWAYS check the return value from the close call in addition to every writing call!


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().


nonzero on success, zero on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also




int PHYSFS_deinit (void )

Deinitialize the PhysicsFS library. This closes any files opened via PhysicsFS, blanks the search/write paths, frees memory, and invalidates all of your file handles.

Note that this call can FAIL if there's a file open for writing that refuses to close (for example, the underlying operating system was buffering writes to network filesystem, and the fileserver has crashed, or a hard drive has failed, etc). It is usually best to close all write handles yourself before calling this function, so that you can gracefully handle a specific failure.

Once successfully deinitialized, PHYSFS_init() can be called again to restart the subsystem. All default API states are restored at this point, with the exception of any custom allocator you might have specified, which survives between initializations.


nonzero on success, zero on error. Specifics of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError(). If failure, state of PhysFS is undefined, and probably badly screwed up.

See also



int PHYSFS_delete (const char * filename)

Delete a file or directory. (filename) is specified in platform-independent notation in relation to the write dir.

A directory must be empty before this call can delete it.

Deleting a symlink will remove the link, not what it points to, regardless of whether you 'permitSymLinks' or not.

So if you've got the write dir set to 'C:\mygame\writedir' and call PHYSFS_delete('downloads/maps/') then the file 'C:\mygame\writedir\downloads\maps\' is removed from the physical filesystem, if it exists and the operating system permits the deletion.

Note that on Unix systems, deleting a file may be successful, but the actual file won't be removed until all processes that have an open filehandle to it (including your program) close their handles.

Chances are, the bits that make up the file still exist, they are just made available to be written over at a later point. Don't consider this a security method or anything. :)


filename Filename to delete.


nonzero on success, zero on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

int PHYSFS_deregisterArchiver (const char * ext)

Remove an archiver from the system. If for some reason, you only need your previously-registered archiver to live for a portion of your app's lifetime, you can remove it from the system once you're done with it through this function.

This fails if there are any archives still open that use this archiver.

This function can also remove internally-supplied archivers, like .zip support or whatnot. This could be useful in some situations, like disabling support for them outright or overriding them with your own implementation. Once an internal archiver is disabled like this, PhysicsFS provides no mechanism to recover them, short of calling PHYSFS_deinit() and PHYSFS_init() again.

PHYSFS_deinit() will automatically deregister all archivers, so you don't need to explicitly deregister yours if you otherwise shut down cleanly.


ext Filename extension that the archiver handles.


Zero on error, non-zero on success.

See also



int PHYSFS_enumerate (const char * dir, PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback c, void * d)

Get a file listing of a search path's directory, using an application-defined callback, with errors reported. Internally, PHYSFS_enumerateFiles() just calls this function and then builds a list before returning to the application, so functionality is identical except for how the information is represented to the application.

Unlike PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(), this function does not return an array. Rather, it calls a function specified by the application once per element of the search path:

static int printDir(void *data, const char *origdir, const char *fname)
    printf(" * We've got [%s] in [%s].\n", fname, origdir);
    return 1;  // give me more data, please.

// ...
PHYSFS_enumerate("/some/path", printDir, NULL);

Items sent to the callback are not guaranteed to be in any order whatsoever. There is no sorting done at this level, and if you need that, you should probably use PHYSFS_enumerateFiles() instead, which guarantees alphabetical sorting. This form reports whatever is discovered in each archive before moving on to the next. Even within one archive, we can't guarantee what order it will discover data. Any sorting you find in these callbacks is just pure luck. Do not rely on it. As this walks the entire list of archives, you may receive duplicate filenames.

This API and the callbacks themselves are capable of reporting errors. Prior to this API, callbacks had to accept every enumerated item, even if they were only looking for a specific thing and wanted to stop after that, or had a serious error and couldn't alert anyone. Furthermore, if PhysicsFS itself had a problem (disk error or whatnot), it couldn't report it to the calling app, it would just have to skip items or stop enumerating outright, and the caller wouldn't know it had lost some data along the way.

Now the caller can be sure it got a complete data set, and its callback has control if it wants enumeration to stop early. See the documentation for PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback for details on how your callback should behave.


dir Directory, in platform-independent notation, to enumerate.
c Callback function to notify about search path elements.
d Application-defined data passed to callback. Can be NULL.


non-zero on success, zero on failure. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error. If the callback returns PHYSFS_ENUM_STOP to stop early, this will be considered success. Callbacks returning PHYSFS_ENUM_ERROR will make this function return zero and set the error code to PHYSFS_ERR_APP_CALLBACK.

See also



char ** PHYSFS_enumerateFiles (const char * dir)

Get a file listing of a search path's directory.


In PhysicsFS versions prior to 2.1, this function would return as many items as it could in the face of a failure condition (out of memory, disk i/o error, etc). Since this meant apps couldn't distinguish between complete success and partial failure, and since the function could always return NULL to report catastrophic failures anyway, in PhysicsFS 2.1 this function's policy changed: it will either return a list of complete results or it will return NULL for any failure of any kind, so we can guarantee that the enumeration ran to completion and has no gaps in its results.

Matching directories are interpolated. That is, if 'C:\mydir' is in the search path and contains a directory 'savegames' that contains 'x.sav', 'y.sav', and 'z.sav', and there is also a 'C:\userdir' in the search path that has a 'savegames' subdirectory with 'w.sav', then the following code:

char **rc = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles("savegames");
char **i;

for (i = rc; *i != NULL; i++)
    printf(" * We've got [%s].\n", *i);

* We've got [x.sav].
* We've got [y.sav].
* We've got [z.sav].
* We've got [w.sav]

Feel free to sort the list however you like. However, the returned data will always contain no duplicates, and will be always sorted in alphabetic (rather: case-sensitive Unicode) order for you.

Don't forget to call PHYSFS_freeList() with the return value from this function when you are done with it.

  dir directory in platform-independent notation to enumerate. 

  Null-terminated array of null-terminated strings, or NULL for failure cases.

See also

void PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback (const char * dir, PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback c, void * d)

Get a file listing of a search path's directory, using an application-defined callback.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_enumerate() instead. This function has no way to report errors (or to have the callback signal an error or request a stop), so if data will be lost, your callback has no way to direct the process, and your calling app has no way to know.

As of PhysicsFS 2.1, this function just wraps PHYSFS_enumerate() and ignores errors. Consider using PHYSFS_enumerate() or PHYSFS_enumerateFiles() instead.

See also




int PHYSFS_eof (PHYSFS_File * handle)

Check for end-of-file state on a PhysicsFS filehandle. Determine if the end of file has been reached in a PhysicsFS filehandle.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_openRead().


nonzero if EOF, zero if not.

See also



int PHYSFS_exists (const char * fname)

Determine if a file exists in the search path. Reports true if there is an entry anywhere in the search path by the name of (fname).

Note that entries that are symlinks are ignored if PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1) hasn't been called, so you might end up further down in the search path than expected.


fname filename in platform-independent notation.


non-zero if filename exists. zero otherwise.

PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_fileLength (PHYSFS_File * handle)

Get total length of a file in bytes. Note that if another process/thread is writing to this file at the same time, then the information this function supplies could be incorrect before you get it. Use with caution, or better yet, don't use at all.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().


size in bytes of the file. -1 if can't be determined.

See also



int PHYSFS_flush (PHYSFS_File * handle)

Flush a buffered PhysicsFS file handle. For buffered files opened for writing, this will put the current contents of the buffer to disk and flag the buffer as empty if possible.

For buffered files opened for reading or unbuffered files, this is a safe no-op, and will report success.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().


nonzero if successful, zero on error.

See also



void PHYSFS_freeList (void * listVar)

Deallocate resources of lists returned by PhysicsFS. Certain PhysicsFS functions return lists of information that are dynamically allocated. Use this function to free those resources.

It is safe to pass a NULL here, but doing so will cause a crash in versions before PhysicsFS 2.1.0.


listVar List of information specified as freeable by this function. Passing NULL is safe; it is a valid no-op.

See also




const PHYSFS_Allocator * PHYSFS_getAllocator (void )

Discover the current allocator. (This is for limited, hardcore use. If you don't immediately see a need for it, you can probably ignore this forever.)

This function exposes the function pointers that make up the currently used allocator. This can be useful for apps that want to access PhysicsFS's internal, default allocation routines, as well as for external code that wants to share the same allocator, even if the application specified their own.

This call is only valid between PHYSFS_init() and PHYSFS_deinit() calls; it will return NULL if the library isn't initialized. As we can't guarantee the state of the internal allocators unless the library is initialized, you shouldn't use any allocator returned here after a call to PHYSFS_deinit().

Do not call the returned allocator's Init() or Deinit() methods under any circumstances.

If you aren't immediately sure what to do with this function, you can safely ignore it altogether.


Current allocator, as set by PHYSFS_setAllocator(), or PhysicsFS's internal, default allocator if no application defined allocator is currently set. Will return NULL if the library is not initialized.

See also



const char * PHYSFS_getBaseDir (void )

Get the path where the application resides. Helper function.

Get the 'base dir'. This is the directory where the application was run from, which is probably the installation directory, and may or may not be the process's current working directory.

You should probably use the base dir in your search path.


READ ONLY string of base dir in platform-dependent notation.

See also


char ** PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs (void )

Get an array of paths to available CD-ROM drives. The dirs returned are platform-dependent ('D:\' on Win32, '/cdrom' or
whatnot on Unix). Dirs are only returned if there is a disc ready and
accessible in the drive. So if you've got two drives (D: and E:), and only
E: has a disc in it, then that's all you get. If the user inserts a disc
in D: and you call this function again, you get both drives. If, on a
Unix box, the user unmounts a disc and remounts it elsewhere, the next
call to this function will reflect that change.

This function refers to 'CD-ROM' media, but it really means 'inserted disc media,' such as DVD-ROM, HD-DVD, CDRW, and Blu-Ray discs. It looks for
filesystems, and as such won't report an audio CD, unless there's a
mounted filesystem track on it.

The returned value is an array of strings, with a NULL entry to signify the
end of the list:

@code  char **cds = PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(); char **i;

for (i = cds; *i != NULL; i++)
   printf('cdrom dir [s] is available.
", *i);


This call may block while drives spin up. Be forewarned.

When you are done with the returned information, you may dispose of the resources by calling PHYSFS_freeList() with the returned pointer.


Null-terminated array of null-terminated strings.

See also


void PHYSFS_getCdRomDirsCallback (PHYSFS_StringCallback c, void * d)

Enumerate CD-ROM directories, using an application-defined callback. Internally, PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs() just calls this function and then builds a list before returning to the application, so functionality is identical except for how the information is represented to the application.

Unlike PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(), this function does not return an array. Rather, it calls a function specified by the application once per detected disc:

static void foundDisc(void *data, const char *cddir)
    printf("cdrom dir [%s] is available.\n", cddir);

// ...
PHYSFS_getCdRomDirsCallback(foundDisc, NULL);

This call may block while drives spin up. Be forewarned.


c Callback function to notify about detected drives.
d Application-defined data passed to callback. Can be NULL.

See also



const char * PHYSFS_getDirSeparator (void )

Get platform-dependent dir separator string. This returns '\\' on win32, '/' on Unix, and ':" on MacOS. It may be more than one character, depending on the platform, and your code should take that into account. Note that this is only useful for setting up the search/write paths, since access into those dirs always use '/' (platform-independent notation) to separate directories. This is also handy for getting platform-independent access when using stdio calls.


READ ONLY null-terminated string of platform's dir separator.

const char * PHYSFS_getErrorByCode (PHYSFS_ErrorCode code)

Get human-readable description string for a given error code. Get a static string, in UTF-8 format, that represents an English description of a given error code.

This string is guaranteed to never change (although we may add new strings for new error codes in later versions of PhysicsFS), so you can use it for keying a localization dictionary.

It is safe to call this function at anytime, even before PHYSFS_init().

These strings are meant to be passed on directly to the user. Generally, applications should only concern themselves with whether a given function failed, but not care about the specifics much.

Do not attempt to free the returned strings; they are read-only and you don't own their memory pages.


code Error code to convert to a string.


READ ONLY string of requested error message, NULL if this is not a valid PhysicsFS error code. Always check for NULL if you might be looking up an error code that didn't exist in an earlier version of PhysicsFS.

See also


const char * PHYSFS_getLastError (void )

Get human-readable error information.


Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() and PHYSFS_getErrorByCode() instead.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, this function has been nerfed. Before PhysicsFS 2.1, this function was the only way to get error details beyond a given function's basic return value. This was meant to be a human-readable string in one of several languages, and was not useful for application parsing. This was a problem, because the developer and not the user chose the language at compile time, and the PhysicsFS maintainers had to (poorly) maintain a significant amount of localization work. The app couldn't parse the strings, even if they counted on a specific language, since some were dynamically generated. In 2.1 and later, this always returns a static string in English; you may use it as a key string for your own localizations if you like, as we'll promise not to change existing error strings. Also, if your application wants to look at specific errors, we now offer a better option: use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() instead.

Get the last PhysicsFS error message as a human-readable, null-terminated string. This will return NULL if there's been no error since the last call to this function. The pointer returned by this call points to an internal buffer. Each thread has a unique error state associated with it, but each time a new error message is set, it will overwrite the previous one associated with that thread. It is safe to call this function at anytime, even before PHYSFS_init().

PHYSFS_getLastError() and PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() both reset the same thread-specific error state. Calling one will wipe out the other's data. If you need both, call PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode(), then pass that value to PHYSFS_getErrorByCode().

As of PhysicsFS 2.1, this function only presents text in the English language, but the strings are static, so you can use them as keys into your own localization dictionary. These strings are meant to be passed on directly to the user.

Generally, applications should only concern themselves with whether a given function failed; however, if your code require more specifics, you should use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() instead of this function.


READ ONLY string of last error message.

See also



PHYSFS_ErrorCode PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode (void )

Get machine-readable error information. Get the last PhysicsFS error message as an integer value. This will return PHYSFS_ERR_OK if there's been no error since the last call to this function. Each thread has a unique error state associated with it, but each time a new error message is set, it will overwrite the previous one associated with that thread. It is safe to call this function at anytime, even before PHYSFS_init().

PHYSFS_getLastError() and PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() both reset the same thread-specific error state. Calling one will wipe out the other's data. If you need both, call PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode(), then pass that value to PHYSFS_getErrorByCode().

Generally, applications should only concern themselves with whether a given function failed; however, if you require more specifics, you can try this function to glean information, if there's some specific problem you're expecting and plan to handle. But with most things that involve file systems, the best course of action is usually to give up, report the problem to the user, and let them figure out what should be done about it. For that, you might prefer PHYSFS_getErrorByCode() instead.


Enumeration value that represents last reported error.

See also


PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_getLastModTime (const char * filename)

Get the last modification time of a file.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_stat() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow.

The modtime is returned as a number of seconds since the Unix epoch (midnight, Jan 1, 1970). The exact derivation and accuracy of this time depends on the particular archiver. If there is no reasonable way to obtain this information for a particular archiver, or there was some sort of error, this function returns (-1).

You must use this and not PHYSFS_stat() if binary compatibility with PhysicsFS 2.0 is important (which it may not be for many people).


filename filename to check, in platform-independent notation.


last modified time of the file. -1 if it can't be determined.

See also


void PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion (PHYSFS_Version * ver)

Get the version of PhysicsFS that is linked against your program. If you are using a shared library (DLL) version of PhysFS, then it is possible that it will be different than the version you compiled against.

This is a real function; the macro PHYSFS_VERSION tells you what version of PhysFS you compiled against:

PHYSFS_Version compiled;
PHYSFS_Version linked;

printf("We compiled against PhysFS version %d.%d.%d ...\n",
          compiled.major, compiled.minor, compiled.patch);
printf("But we linked against PhysFS version %d.%d.%d.\n",
          linked.major, linked.minor, linked.patch);

This function may be called safely at any time, even before PHYSFS_init().

See also


const char * PHYSFS_getMountPoint (const char * dir)

Determine a mounted archive's mountpoint. You give this function the name of an archive or dir you successfully added to the search path, and it reports the location in the interpolated tree where it is mounted. Files mounted with a NULL mountpoint or through PHYSFS_addToSearchPath() will report '/'. The return value is READ ONLY and valid until the archive is removed from the search path.


dir directory or archive previously added to the path, in platform-dependent notation. This must match the string used when adding, even if your string would also reference the same file with a different string of characters.


READ-ONLY string of mount point if added to path, NULL on failure (bogus archive, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also




const char * PHYSFS_getPrefDir (const char * org, const char * app)

Get the user-and-app-specific path where files can be written. Helper function.

Get the 'pref dir'. This is meant to be where users can write personal files (preferences and save games, etc) that are specific to your application. This directory is unique per user, per application.

This function will decide the appropriate location in the native filesystem, create the directory if necessary, and return a string in platform-dependent notation, suitable for passing to PHYSFS_setWriteDir().

On Windows, this might look like: 'C:\\Users\\bob\\AppData\\Roaming\\My Company\\My Program Name'

On Linux, this might look like: '/home/bob/.local/share/My Program Name'

On Mac OS X, this might look like: '/Users/bob/Library/Application Support/My Program Name'


You should probably use the pref dir for your write dir, and also put it near the beginning of your search path. Older versions of PhysicsFS offered only PHYSFS_getUserDir() and left you to figure out where the files should go under that tree. This finds the correct location for whatever platform, which not only changes between operating systems, but also versions of the same operating system.

You specify the name of your organization (if it's not a real organization, your name or an Internet domain you own might do) and the name of your application. These should be proper names.

Both the (org) and (app) strings may become part of a directory name, so please follow these rules:

  • Try to use the same org string (including case-sensitivity) for all your applications that use this function.
  • Always use a unique app string for each one, and make sure it never changes for an app once you've decided on it.
  • Unicode characters are legal, as long as it's UTF-8 encoded, but...
  • ...only use letters, numbers, and spaces. Avoid punctuation like 'Game Name 2: Bad Guy's Revenge!' ... 'Game Name 2' is sufficient.

The pointer returned by this function remains valid until you call this function again, or call PHYSFS_deinit(). This is not necessarily a fast call, though, so you should call this once at startup and copy the string if you need it.

You should assume the path returned by this function is the only safe place to write files (and that PHYSFS_getUserDir() and PHYSFS_getBaseDir(), while they might be writable, or even parents of the returned path, aren't where you should be writing things).


org The name of your organization.
app The name of your application.


READ ONLY string of user dir in platform-dependent notation. NULL if there's a problem (creating directory failed, etc).

See also



const char * PHYSFS_getRealDir (const char * filename)

Figure out where in the search path a file resides. The file is specified in platform-independent notation. The returned filename will be the element of the search path where the file was found, which may be a directory, or an archive. Even if there are multiple matches in different parts of the search path, only the first one found is used, just like when opening a file.

So, if you look for 'maps/', and C:\mygame is in your search path and C:\mygame\maps\ exists, then 'C:\mygame' is returned.

If a any part of a match is a symbolic link, and you've not explicitly permitted symlinks, then it will be ignored, and the search for a match will continue.

If you specify a fake directory that only exists as a mount point, it'll be associated with the first archive mounted there, even though that directory isn't necessarily contained in a real archive.


This will return NULL if there is no real directory associated with (filename). Specifically, PHYSFS_mountIo(), PHYSFS_mountMemory(), and PHYSFS_mountHandle() will return NULL even if the filename is found in the search path. Plan accordingly.


filename file to look for.


READ ONLY string of element of search path containing the the file in question. NULL if not found.

char ** PHYSFS_getSearchPath (void )

Get the current search path. The default search path is an empty list.

The returned value is an array of strings, with a NULL entry to signify the end of the list:

char **i;

for (i = PHYSFS_getSearchPath(); *i != NULL; i++)
    printf("[%s] is in the search path.\n", *i);

When you are done with the returned information, you may dispose of the resources by calling PHYSFS_freeList() with the returned pointer.


Null-terminated array of null-terminated strings. NULL if there was a problem (read: OUT OF MEMORY).

See also




void PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback (PHYSFS_StringCallback c, void * d)

Enumerate the search path, using an application-defined callback. Internally, PHYSFS_getSearchPath() just calls this function and then builds a list before returning to the application, so functionality is identical except for how the information is represented to the application.

Unlike PHYSFS_getSearchPath(), this function does not return an array. Rather, it calls a function specified by the application once per element of the search path:

static void printSearchPath(void *data, const char *pathItem)
    printf("[%s] is in the search path.\n", pathItem);

// ...
PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback(printSearchPath, NULL);

Elements of the search path are reported in order search priority, so the first archive/dir that would be examined when looking for a file is the first element passed through the callback.


c Callback function to notify about search path elements.
d Application-defined data passed to callback. Can be NULL.

See also



const char * PHYSFS_getUserDir (void )

Get the path where user's home directory resides.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, you probably want PHYSFS_getPrefDir().

Helper function.

Get the 'user dir'. This is meant to be a suggestion of where a specific user of the system can store files. On Unix, this is her home directory. On systems with no concept of multiple home directories (MacOS, win95), this will default to something like 'C:\mybasedir\users\username' where 'username' will either be the login name, or 'default' if the platform doesn't support multiple users, either.


READ ONLY string of user dir in platform-dependent notation.

See also



const char * PHYSFS_getWriteDir (void )

Get path where PhysicsFS will allow file writing. Get the current write dir. The default write dir is NULL.


READ ONLY string of write dir in platform-dependent notation, OR NULL IF NO WRITE PATH IS CURRENTLY SET.

See also


int PHYSFS_init (const char * argv0)

Initialize the PhysicsFS library. This must be called before any other PhysicsFS function.

This should be called prior to any attempts to change your process's current working directory.


argv0 the argv[0] string passed to your program's mainline. This may be NULL on most platforms (such as ones without a standard main() function), but you should always try to pass something in here. Unix-like systems such as Linux need to pass argv[0] from main() in here.


nonzero on success, zero on error. Specifics of the error can be gleaned from PHYSFS_getLastError().

See also



int PHYSFS_isDirectory (const char * fname)

Determine if a file in the search path is really a directory.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_stat() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow.

Determine if the first occurence of (fname) in the search path is really a directory entry.

Note that entries that are symlinks are ignored if PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1) hasn't been called, so you might end up further down in the search path than expected.


fname filename in platform-independent notation.


non-zero if filename exists and is a directory. zero otherwise.

See also



int PHYSFS_isInit (void )

Determine if the PhysicsFS library is initialized. Once PHYSFS_init() returns successfully, this will return non-zero. Before a successful PHYSFS_init() and after PHYSFS_deinit() returns successfully, this will return zero. This function is safe to call at any time.


non-zero if library is initialized, zero if library is not.

See also



int PHYSFS_mkdir (const char * dirName)

Create a directory. This is specified in platform-independent notation in relation to the write dir. All missing parent directories are also created if they don't exist.

So if you've got the write dir set to 'C:\mygame\writedir' and call PHYSFS_mkdir('downloads/maps') then the directories 'C:\mygame\writedir\downloads' and 'C:\mygame\writedir\downloads\maps' will be created if possible. If the creation of 'maps' fails after we have successfully created 'downloads', then the function leaves the created directory behind and reports failure.


dirName New dir to create.


nonzero on success, zero on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also


int PHYSFS_mount (const char * newDir, const char * mountPoint, int appendToPath)

Add an archive or directory to the search path. If this is a duplicate, the entry is not added again, even though the function succeeds. You may not add the same archive to two different mountpoints: duplicate checking is done against the archive and not the mountpoint.

When you mount an archive, it is added to a virtual file system...all files in all of the archives are interpolated into a single hierachical file tree. Two archives mounted at the same place (or an archive with files overlapping another mountpoint) may have overlapping files: in such a case, the file earliest in the search path is selected, and the other files are inaccessible to the application. This allows archives to be used to override previous revisions; you can use the mounting mechanism to place archives at a specific point in the file tree and prevent overlap; this is useful for downloadable mods that might trample over application data or each other, for example.

The mountpoint does not need to exist prior to mounting, which is different than those familiar with the Unix concept of 'mounting' may expect. As well, more than one archive can be mounted to the same mountpoint, or mountpoints and archive contents can overlap...the interpolation mechanism still functions as usual.

Specifying a symbolic link to an archive or directory is allowed here, regardless of the state of PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(). That function only deals with symlinks inside the mounted directory or archive.


newDir directory or archive to add to the path, in platform-dependent notation.
mountPoint Location in the interpolated tree that this archive will be 'mounted', in platform-independent notation. NULL or '' is equivalent to '/'.
appendToPath nonzero to append to search path, zero to prepend.


nonzero if added to path, zero on failure (bogus archive, dir missing, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also





int PHYSFS_mountHandle (PHYSFS_File * file, const char * newDir, const char * mountPoint, int appendToPath)

Add an archive, contained in a PHYSFS_File handle, to the search path.


Unless you have some special, low-level need, you should be using PHYSFS_mount() instead of this.

Archives-in-archives may be very slow! While a PHYSFS_File can seek even when the data is compressed, it may do so by rewinding to the start and decompressing everything before the seek point. Normal archive usage may do a lot of seeking behind the scenes. As such, you might find normal archive usage extremely painful if mounted this way. Plan accordingly: if you, say, have a self-extracting .zip file, and want to mount something in it, compress the contents of the inner archive and make sure the outer .zip file doesn't compress the inner archive too.

This function operates just like PHYSFS_mount(), but takes a PHYSFS_File handle instead of a pathname. This handle contains all the data of the archive, and is used instead of a real file in the physical filesystem. The PHYSFS_File may be backed by a real file in the physical filesystem, but isn't necessarily. The most popular use for this is likely to mount archives stored inside other archives.

(newDir) must be a unique string to identify this archive. It is used to optimize archiver selection (if you name it, we might try the ZIP archiver first, for example, or directly choose an archiver that can only trust the data is valid by filename extension). It doesn't need to refer to a real file at all. If the filename extension isn't helpful, the system will try every archiver until one works or none of them do. This filename must be unique, as the system won't allow you to have two archives with the same name.

(file) must remain until the archive is unmounted. When the archive is unmounted, the system will call PHYSFS_close(file). If you need this handle to survive, you will have to wrap this in a PHYSFS_Io and use PHYSFS_mountIo() instead.

If this function fails, PHYSFS_close(file) is not called.


file The PHYSFS_File handle containing archive data.
newDir Filename that can represent this stream.
mountPoint Location in the interpolated tree that this archive will be 'mounted', in platform-independent notation. NULL or '' is equivalent to '/'.
appendToPath nonzero to append to search path, zero to prepend.


nonzero if added to path, zero on failure (bogus archive, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also




int PHYSFS_mountIo (PHYSFS_Io * io, const char * newDir, const char * mountPoint, int appendToPath)

Add an archive, built on a PHYSFS_Io, to the search path.


Unless you have some special, low-level need, you should be using PHYSFS_mount() instead of this.

This function operates just like PHYSFS_mount(), but takes a PHYSFS_Io instead of a pathname. Behind the scenes, PHYSFS_mount() calls this function with a physical-filesystem-based PHYSFS_Io.

(newDir) must be a unique string to identify this archive. It is used to optimize archiver selection (if you name it, we might try the ZIP archiver first, for example, or directly choose an archiver that can only trust the data is valid by filename extension). It doesn't need to refer to a real file at all. If the filename extension isn't helpful, the system will try every archiver until one works or none of them do. This filename must be unique, as the system won't allow you to have two archives with the same name.

(io) must remain until the archive is unmounted. When the archive is unmounted, the system will call (io)->destroy(io), which will give you a chance to free your resources.

If this function fails, (io)->destroy(io) is not called.


io i/o instance for archive to add to the path.
newDir Filename that can represent this stream.
mountPoint Location in the interpolated tree that this archive will be 'mounted', in platform-independent notation. NULL or '' is equivalent to '/'.
appendToPath nonzero to append to search path, zero to prepend.


nonzero if added to path, zero on failure (bogus archive, stream i/o issue, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also




int PHYSFS_mountMemory (const void * buf, PHYSFS_uint64 len, void(* del )(void *), const char * newDir, const char * mountPoint, int appendToPath)

Add an archive, contained in a memory buffer, to the search path.


Unless you have some special, low-level need, you should be using PHYSFS_mount() instead of this.

This function operates just like PHYSFS_mount(), but takes a memory buffer instead of a pathname. This buffer contains all the data of the archive, and is used instead of a real file in the physical filesystem.

(newDir) must be a unique string to identify this archive. It is used to optimize archiver selection (if you name it, we might try the ZIP archiver first, for example, or directly choose an archiver that can only trust the data is valid by filename extension). It doesn't need to refer to a real file at all. If the filename extension isn't helpful, the system will try every archiver until one works or none of them do. This filename must be unique, as the system won't allow you to have two archives with the same name.

(ptr) must remain until the archive is unmounted. When the archive is unmounted, the system will call (del)(ptr), which will notify you that the system is done with the buffer, and give you a chance to free your resources. (del) can be NULL, in which case the system will make no attempt to free the buffer.

If this function fails, (del) is not called.


buf Address of the memory buffer containing the archive data.
len Size of memory buffer, in bytes.
del A callback that triggers upon unmount. Can be NULL.
newDir Filename that can represent this stream.
mountPoint Location in the interpolated tree that this archive will be 'mounted', in platform-independent notation. NULL or '' is equivalent to '/'.
appendToPath nonzero to append to search path, zero to prepend.


nonzero if added to path, zero on failure (bogus archive, etc). Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also




PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openAppend (const char * filename)

Open a file for appending. Open a file for writing, in platform-independent notation and in relation to the write dir as the root of the writable filesystem. The specified file is created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, the writing offset is set to the end of the file, so the first write will be the byte after the end.

Note that entries that are symlinks are ignored if PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1) hasn't been called, and opening a symlink with this function will fail in such a case.


filename File to open.


A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also





PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openRead (const char * filename)

Open a file for reading. Open a file for reading, in platform-independent notation. The search path is checked one at a time until a matching file is found, in which case an abstract filehandle is associated with it, and reading may be done. The reading offset is set to the first byte of the file.

Note that entries that are symlinks are ignored if PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1) hasn't been called, and opening a symlink with this function will fail in such a case.


filename File to open.


A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also





PHYSFS_File * PHYSFS_openWrite (const char * filename)

Open a file for writing. Open a file for writing, in platform-independent notation and in relation to the write dir as the root of the writable filesystem. The specified file is created if it doesn't exist. If it does exist, it is truncated to zero bytes, and the writing offset is set to the start.

Note that entries that are symlinks are ignored if PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(1) hasn't been called, and opening a symlink with this function will fail in such a case.


filename File to open.


A valid PhysicsFS filehandle on success, NULL on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also





PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_read (PHYSFS_File * handle, void * buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount)

Read data from a PhysicsFS filehandle. The file must be opened for reading.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_readBytes() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow. This function never clarified what would happen if you managed to read a partial object, so working at the byte level makes this cleaner for everyone, especially now that PHYSFS_Io interfaces can be supplied by the application.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_openRead().
buffer buffer to store read data into.
objSize size in bytes of objects being read from (handle).
objCount number of (objSize) objects to read from (handle).


number of objects read. PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() can shed light on the reason this might be < (objCount), as can PHYSFS_eof(). -1 if complete failure.

See also



PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_readBytes (PHYSFS_File * handle, void * buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Read bytes from a PhysicsFS filehandle. The file must be opened for reading.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_openRead().
buffer buffer of at least (len) bytes to store read data into.
len number of bytes being read from (handle).


number of bytes read. This may be less than (len); this does not signify an error, necessarily (a short read may mean EOF). PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() can shed light on the reason this might be < (len), as can PHYSFS_eof(). -1 if complete failure.

See also


int PHYSFS_readSBE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint16 * val)

Read and convert a signed 16-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 16-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readSBE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint32 * val)

Read and convert a signed 32-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 32-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readSBE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint64 * val)

Read and convert a signed 64-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 64-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_readSLE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint16 * val)

Read and convert a signed 16-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 16-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readSLE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint32 * val)

Read and convert a signed 32-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 32-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readSLE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint64 * val)

Read and convert a signed 64-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read a signed 64-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_readUBE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint16 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 16-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 16-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readUBE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint32 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 32-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 32-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readUBE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint64 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 64-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 64-bit bigendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_readULE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint16 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 16-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 16-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readULE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint32 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 32-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 32-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_readULE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint64 * val)

Read and convert an unsigned 64-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Read an unsigned 64-bit littleendian value from a file and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


file PhysicsFS file handle from which to read.
val pointer to where value should be stored.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. If successful, (*val) will store the result. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_registerArchiver (const PHYSFS_Archiver * archiver)

Add a new archiver to the system.


This is advanced, hardcore stuff. You don't need this unless you really know what you're doing. Most apps will not need this.

If you want to provide your own archiver (for example, a custom archive file format, or some virtual thing you want to make look like a filesystem that you can access through the usual PhysicsFS APIs), this is where you start. Once an archiver is successfully registered, then you can use PHYSFS_mount() to add archives that your archiver supports to the search path, or perhaps use it as the write dir. Internally, PhysicsFS uses this function to register its own built-in archivers, like .zip support, etc.

You may not have two archivers that handle the same extension. If you are going to have a clash, you can deregister the other archiver (including built-in ones) with PHYSFS_deregisterArchiver().

The data in (archiver) is copied; you may free this pointer when this function returns.

Once this function returns successfully, PhysicsFS will be able to support archives of this type until you deregister the archiver again.


archiver The archiver to register.


Zero on error, non-zero on success.

See also



int PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath (const char * oldDir)

Remove a directory or archive from the search path.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_unmount() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow. There's no functional difference except the vocabulary changed from 'adding to the search path' to 'mounting' when that functionality was extended, and thus the preferred way to accomplish this function's work is now called 'unmounting.'

This function is equivalent to:


You must use this and not PHYSFS_unmount if binary compatibility with PhysicsFS 1.0 is important (which it may not be for many people).

See also




int PHYSFS_seek (PHYSFS_File * handle, PHYSFS_uint64 pos)

Seek to a new position within a PhysicsFS filehandle. The next read or write will occur at that place. Seeking past the beginning or end of the file is not allowed, and causes an error.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().
pos number of bytes from start of file to seek to.


nonzero on success, zero on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also


int PHYSFS_setAllocator (const PHYSFS_Allocator * allocator)

Hook your own allocation routines into PhysicsFS. (This is for limited, hardcore use. If you don't immediately see a need for it, you can probably ignore this forever.)

By default, PhysicsFS will use whatever is reasonable for a platform to manage dynamic memory (usually ANSI C malloc/realloc/free, but some platforms might use something else), but in some uncommon cases, the app might want more control over the library's memory management. This lets you redirect PhysicsFS to use your own allocation routines instead. You can only call this function before PHYSFS_init(); if the library is initialized, it'll reject your efforts to change the allocator mid-stream. You may call this function after PHYSFS_deinit() if you are willing to shut down the library and restart it with a new allocator; this is a safe and supported operation. The allocator remains intact between deinit/init calls. If you want to return to the platform's default allocator, pass a NULL in here.

If you aren't immediately sure what to do with this function, you can safely ignore it altogether.


allocator Structure containing your allocator's entry points.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. This call only fails when used between PHYSFS_init() and PHYSFS_deinit() calls.

int PHYSFS_setBuffer (PHYSFS_File * handle, PHYSFS_uint64 bufsize)

Set up buffering for a PhysicsFS file handle. Define an i/o buffer for a file handle. A memory block of (bufsize) bytes will be allocated and associated with (handle).

For files opened for reading, up to (bufsize) bytes are read from (handle) and stored in the internal buffer. Calls to PHYSFS_read() will pull from this buffer until it is empty, and then refill it for more reading. Note that compressed files, like ZIP archives, will decompress while buffering, so this can be handy for offsetting CPU-intensive operations. The buffer isn't filled until you do your next read.

For files opened for writing, data will be buffered to memory until the buffer is full or the buffer is flushed. Closing a handle implicitly causes a flush...check your return values!

Seeking, etc transparently accounts for buffering.

You can resize an existing buffer by calling this function more than once on the same file. Setting the buffer size to zero will free an existing buffer.

PhysicsFS file handles are unbuffered by default.

Please check the return value of this function! Failures can include not being able to seek backwards in a read-only file when removing the buffer, not being able to allocate the buffer, and not being able to flush the buffer to disk, among other unexpected problems.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().
bufsize size, in bytes, of buffer to allocate.


nonzero if successful, zero on error.

See also





void PHYSFS_setErrorCode (PHYSFS_ErrorCode code)

Set the current thread's error code. This lets you set the value that will be returned by the next call to PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode(). This will replace any existing error code, whether set by your application or internally by PhysicsFS.

Error codes are stored per-thread; what you set here will not be accessible to another thread.

Any call into PhysicsFS may change the current error code, so any code you set here is somewhat fragile, and thus you shouldn't build any serious error reporting framework on this function. The primary goal of this function is to allow PHYSFS_Io implementations to set the error state, which generally will be passed back to your application when PhysicsFS makes a PHYSFS_Io call that fails internally.

This function doesn't care if the error code is a value known to PhysicsFS or not (but PHYSFS_getErrorByCode() will return NULL for unknown values). The value will be reported unmolested by PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


code Error code to become the current thread's new error state.

See also



int PHYSFS_setSaneConfig (const char * organization, const char * appName, const char * archiveExt, int includeCdRoms, int archivesFirst)

Set up sane, default paths. Helper function.

The write dir will be set to the pref dir returned by

PHYSFS_getPrefDir(organization, appName)

, which is created if it doesn't exist.

The above is sufficient to make sure your program's configuration directory is separated from other clutter, and platform-independent.

The search path will be:

  • The Write Dir (created if it doesn't exist)
  • The Base Dir (PHYSFS_getBaseDir())
  • All found CD-ROM dirs (optionally)

These directories are then searched for files ending with the extension (archiveExt), which, if they are valid and supported archives, will also be added to the search path. If you specified 'PKG' for (archiveExt), and there's a file named data.PKG in the base dir, it'll be checked. Archives can either be appended or prepended to the search path in alphabetical order, regardless of which directories they were found in. All archives are mounted in the root of the virtual file system ('/').

All of this can be accomplished from the application, but this just does it all for you. Feel free to add more to the search path manually, too.


organization Name of your company/group/etc to be used as a dirname, so keep it small, and no-frills.
appName Program-specific name of your program, to separate it from other programs using PhysicsFS.
archiveExt File extension used by your program to specify an archive. For example, Quake 3 uses 'pk3', even though they are just zipfiles. Specify NULL to not dig out archives automatically. Do not specify the '.' char; If you want to look for ZIP files, specify 'ZIP' and not '.ZIP' ... the archive search is case-insensitive.
includeCdRoms Non-zero to include CD-ROMs in the search path, and (if (archiveExt) != NULL) search them for archives. This may cause a significant amount of blocking while discs are accessed, and if there are no discs in the drive (or even not mounted on Unix systems), then they may not be made available anyhow. You may want to specify zero and handle the disc setup yourself.
archivesFirst Non-zero to prepend the archives to the search path. Zero to append them. Ignored if !(archiveExt).


nonzero on success, zero on error. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

int PHYSFS_setWriteDir (const char * newDir)

Tell PhysicsFS where it may write files. Set a new write dir. This will override the previous setting.

This call will fail (and fail to change the write dir) if the current write dir still has files open in it.


newDir The new directory to be the root of the write dir, specified in platform-dependent notation. Setting to NULL disables the write dir, so no files can be opened for writing via PhysicsFS.


non-zero on success, zero on failure. All attempts to open a file for writing via PhysicsFS will fail until this call succeeds. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also


int PHYSFS_stat (const char * fname, PHYSFS_Stat * stat)

Get various information about a directory or a file. Obtain various information about a file or directory from the meta data.

This function will never follow symbolic links. If you haven't enabled symlinks with PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(), stat'ing a symlink will be treated like stat'ing a non-existant file. If symlinks are enabled, stat'ing a symlink will give you information on the link itself and not what it points to.


fname filename to check, in platform-indepedent notation.
stat pointer to structure to fill in with data about (fname).


non-zero on success, zero on failure. On failure, (stat)'s contents are undefined.

See also


const PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo ** PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes (void )

Get a list of supported archive types. Get a list of archive types supported by this implementation of PhysicFS. These are the file formats usable for search path entries. This is for informational purposes only. Note that the extension listed is merely convention: if we list 'ZIP', you can open a PkZip-compatible archive with an extension of 'XYZ', if you like.

The returned value is an array of pointers to PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo structures, with a NULL entry to signify the end of the list:

PHYSFS_ArchiveInfo **i;

for (i = PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes(); *i != NULL; i++)
    printf("Supported archive: [%s], which is [%s].\n",
             (*i)->extension, (*i)->description);

The return values are pointers to internal memory, and should be considered READ ONLY, and never freed. The returned values are valid until the next call to PHYSFS_deinit(), PHYSFS_registerArchiver(), or PHYSFS_deregisterArchiver().


READ ONLY Null-terminated array of READ ONLY structures.

See also



PHYSFS_sint16 PHYSFS_swapSBE16 (PHYSFS_sint16 val)

Swap bigendian signed 16 to platform's native byte order. Take a 16-bit signed value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_sint32 PHYSFS_swapSBE32 (PHYSFS_sint32 val)

Swap bigendian signed 32 to platform's native byte order. Take a 32-bit signed value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_swapSBE64 (PHYSFS_sint64 val)

Swap bigendian signed 64 to platform's native byte order. Take a 64-bit signed value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

PHYSFS_sint16 PHYSFS_swapSLE16 (PHYSFS_sint16 val)

Swap littleendian signed 16 to platform's native byte order. Take a 16-bit signed value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_sint32 PHYSFS_swapSLE32 (PHYSFS_sint32 val)

Swap littleendian signed 32 to platform's native byte order. Take a 32-bit signed value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_swapSLE64 (PHYSFS_sint64 val)

Swap littleendian signed 64 to platform's native byte order. Take a 64-bit signed value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

PHYSFS_uint16 PHYSFS_swapUBE16 (PHYSFS_uint16 val)

Swap bigendian unsigned 16 to platform's native byte order. Take a 16-bit unsigned value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_uint32 PHYSFS_swapUBE32 (PHYSFS_uint32 val)

Swap bigendian unsigned 32 to platform's native byte order. Take a 32-bit unsigned value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_uint64 PHYSFS_swapUBE64 (PHYSFS_uint64 val)

Swap bigendian unsigned 64 to platform's native byte order. Take a 64-bit unsigned value in bigendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

PHYSFS_uint16 PHYSFS_swapULE16 (PHYSFS_uint16 val)

Swap littleendian unsigned 16 to platform's native byte order. Take a 16-bit unsigned value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_uint32 PHYSFS_swapULE32 (PHYSFS_uint32 val)

Swap littleendian unsigned 32 to platform's native byte order. Take a 32-bit unsigned value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.

PHYSFS_uint64 PHYSFS_swapULE64 (PHYSFS_uint64 val)

Swap littleendian unsigned 64 to platform's native byte order. Take a 64-bit unsigned value in littleendian format and convert it to the platform's native byte order.


val value to convert


converted value.


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_symbolicLinksPermitted (void )

Determine if the symbolic links are permitted. This reports the setting from the last call to PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(). If PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks() hasn't been called since the library was last initialized, symbolic links are implicitly disabled.


non-zero if symlinks are permitted, zero if not.

See also


PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_tell (PHYSFS_File * handle)

Determine current position within a PhysicsFS filehandle.


handle handle returned from PHYSFS_open*().


offset in bytes from start of file. -1 if error occurred. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also


int PHYSFS_ucs4stricmp (const PHYSFS_uint32 * str1, const PHYSFS_uint32 * str2)

Case-insensitive compare of two UCS-4 strings. This is a strcasecmp/stricmp replacement that expects both strings to be in UCS-4 (aka UTF-32) encoding. It will do 'case folding' to decide if the Unicode codepoints in the strings match.

It will report which string is 'greater than' the other, but be aware that this doesn't necessarily mean anything: 'a' may be 'less than' 'b', but a Japanese kuten has no meaningful alphabetically relationship to a Greek lambda, but being able to assign a reliable 'value' makes sorting algorithms possible, if not entirely sane. Most cases should treat the return value as 'equal' or 'not equal'.

Like stricmp, this expects both strings to be NULL-terminated.


str1 First string to compare.
str2 Second string to compare.


-1 if str1 is 'less than' str2, 1 if 'greater than', 0 if equal.

int PHYSFS_unmount (const char * oldDir)

Remove a directory or archive from the search path. This is functionally equivalent to PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(), but that function is deprecated to keep the vocabulary paired with PHYSFS_mount().

This must be a (case-sensitive) match to a dir or archive already in the search path, specified in platform-dependent notation.

This call will fail (and fail to remove from the path) if the element still has files open in it.


This function wants the path to the archive or directory that was mounted (the same string used for the 'newDir' argument of PHYSFS_addToSearchPath or any of the mount functions), not the path where it is mounted in the tree (the 'mountPoint' argument to any of the mount functions).


oldDir dir/archive to remove.


nonzero on success, zero on failure. Use PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() to obtain the specific error.

See also



int PHYSFS_utf16stricmp (const PHYSFS_uint16 * str1, const PHYSFS_uint16 * str2)

Case-insensitive compare of two UTF-16 strings. This is a strcasecmp/stricmp replacement that expects both strings to be in UTF-16 encoding. It will do 'case folding' to decide if the Unicode codepoints in the strings match.

It will report which string is 'greater than' the other, but be aware that this doesn't necessarily mean anything: 'a' may be 'less than' 'b', but a Japanese kuten has no meaningful alphabetically relationship to a Greek lambda, but being able to assign a reliable 'value' makes sorting algorithms possible, if not entirely sane. Most cases should treat the return value as 'equal' or 'not equal'.

Like stricmp, this expects both strings to be NULL-terminated.


str1 First string to compare.
str2 Second string to compare.


-1 if str1 is 'less than' str2, 1 if 'greater than', 0 if equal.

void PHYSFS_utf8FromLatin1 (const char * src, char * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UTF-8 string to a Latin1 string. Latin1 strings are 8-bits per character: a popular 'high ASCII' encoding.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is double the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 expands latin1 codepoints over 127 from 1 to 2 bytes, so the string may grow in some cases.

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-8 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.

Please note that we do not supply a UTF-8 to Latin1 converter, since Latin1 can't express most Unicode codepoints. It's a legacy encoding; you should be converting away from it at all times.


src Null-terminated source string in Latin1 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UTF-8 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

void PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs2 (const PHYSFS_uint16 * src, char * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UCS-2 string to a UTF-8 string.


you almost certainly should use PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16(), which became available in PhysicsFS 2.1, unless you know what you're doing.

This function will not report an error if there are invalid UCS-2 values in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UCS-2 strings are 16-bits per character: TCHAR on Windows, when building with Unicode support. Please note that modern versions of Windows use UTF-16, which is an extended form of UCS-2, and not UCS-2 itself. You almost certainly want PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16() instead.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is double the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 never uses more than 32-bits per character, so while it may shrink a UCS-2 string, it may also expand it.

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-8 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UCS-2 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UTF-8 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

See also


void PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4 (const PHYSFS_uint32 * src, char * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UCS-4 string to a UTF-8 string.


This function will not report an error if there are invalid UCS-4 values in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UCS-4 (aka UTF-32) strings are 32-bits per character: wchar_t on Unix.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is the same size as the source buffer. UTF-8 never uses more than 32-bits per character, so while it may shrink a UCS-4 string, it will never expand it.

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-8 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UCS-4 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UTF-8 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

void PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16 (const PHYSFS_uint16 * src, char * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UTF-16 string to a UTF-8 string.


This function will not report an error if there are invalid UTF-16 sequences in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UTF-16 strings are 16-bits per character (except some chars, which are 32-bits): TCHAR on Windows, when building with Unicode support. Modern Windows releases use UTF-16. Windows releases before 2000 used TCHAR, but only handled UCS-2. UTF-16 is UCS-2, except for the characters that are 4 bytes, which aren't representable in UCS-2 at all anyhow. If you aren't sure, you should be using UTF-16 at this point on Windows.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is double the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 never uses more than 32-bits per character, so while it may shrink a UTF-16 string, it may also expand it.

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-8 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UTF-16 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UTF-8 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

int PHYSFS_utf8stricmp (const char * str1, const char * str2)

Case-insensitive compare of two UTF-8 strings. This is a strcasecmp/stricmp replacement that expects both strings to be in UTF-8 encoding. It will do 'case folding' to decide if the Unicode codepoints in the strings match.

If both strings are exclusively low-ASCII characters, this will do the right thing, as that is also valid UTF-8. If there are any high-ASCII chars, this will not do what you expect!

It will report which string is 'greater than' the other, but be aware that this doesn't necessarily mean anything: 'a' may be 'less than' 'b', but a Japanese kuten has no meaningful alphabetically relationship to a Greek lambda, but being able to assign a reliable 'value' makes sorting algorithms possible, if not entirely sane. Most cases should treat the return value as 'equal' or 'not equal'.

Like stricmp, this expects both strings to be NULL-terminated.


str1 First string to compare.
str2 Second string to compare.


-1 if str1 is 'less than' str2, 1 if 'greater than', 0 if equal.

void PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs2 (const char * src, PHYSFS_uint16 * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-2 string.


you almost certainly should use PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16(), which became available in PhysicsFS 2.1, unless you know what you're doing.

This function will not report an error if there are invalid UTF-8 sequences in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UCS-2 strings are 16-bits per character: TCHAR on Windows, when building with Unicode support. Please note that modern versions of Windows use UTF-16, which is an extended form of UCS-2, and not UCS-2 itself. You almost certainly want PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16() instead, but you need to understand how that changes things, too.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is double the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 uses from one to four bytes per character, but UCS-2 always uses two, so an entirely low-ASCII string will double in size!

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UCS-2 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UTF-8 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UCS-2 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

See also


void PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs4 (const char * src, PHYSFS_uint32 * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UTF-8 string to a UCS-4 string.


This function will not report an error if there are invalid UTF-8 sequences in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UCS-4 (aka UTF-32) strings are 32-bits per character: wchar_t on Unix.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is four times the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 uses from one to four bytes per character, but UCS-4 always uses four, so an entirely low-ASCII string will quadruple in size!

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UCS-4 sequence at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UTF-8 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UCS-4 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

void PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16 (const char * src, PHYSFS_uint16 * dst, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Convert a UTF-8 string to a UTF-16 string.


This function will not report an error if there are invalid UTF-8 sequences in the source string. It will replace them with a '?' character and continue on.

UTF-16 strings are 16-bits per character (except some chars, which are 32-bits): TCHAR on Windows, when building with Unicode support. Modern Windows releases use UTF-16. Windows releases before 2000 used TCHAR, but only handled UCS-2. UTF-16 is UCS-2, except for the characters that are 4 bytes, which aren't representable in UCS-2 at all anyhow. If you aren't sure, you should be using UTF-16 at this point on Windows.

To ensure that the destination buffer is large enough for the conversion, please allocate a buffer that is double the size of the source buffer. UTF-8 uses from one to four bytes per character, but UTF-16 always uses two to four, so an entirely low-ASCII string will double in size! The UTF-16 characters that would take four bytes also take four bytes in UTF-8, so you don't need to allocate 4x the space just in case: double will do.

Strings that don't fit in the destination buffer will be truncated, but will always be null-terminated and never have an incomplete UTF-16 surrogate pair at the end. If the buffer length is 0, this function does nothing.


src Null-terminated source string in UTF-8 format.
dst Buffer to store converted UTF-16 string.
len Size, in bytes, of destination buffer.

See also


PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_write (PHYSFS_File * handle, const void * buffer, PHYSFS_uint32 objSize, PHYSFS_uint32 objCount)

Write data to a PhysicsFS filehandle. The file must be opened for writing.


As of PhysicsFS 2.1, use PHYSFS_writeBytes() instead. This function just wraps it anyhow. This function never clarified what would happen if you managed to write a partial object, so working at the byte level makes this cleaner for everyone, especially now that PHYSFS_Io interfaces can be supplied by the application.


handle retval from PHYSFS_openWrite() or PHYSFS_openAppend().
buffer buffer of bytes to write to (handle).
objSize size in bytes of objects being written to (handle).
objCount number of (objSize) objects to write to (handle).


number of objects written. PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() can shed light on the reason this might be < (objCount). -1 if complete failure.

See also


PHYSFS_sint64 PHYSFS_writeBytes (PHYSFS_File * handle, const void * buffer, PHYSFS_uint64 len)

Write data to a PhysicsFS filehandle. The file must be opened for writing.

Please note that while (len) is an unsigned 64-bit integer, you are limited to 63 bits (9223372036854775807 bytes), so we can return a negative value on error. If length is greater than 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, this function will immediately fail. For systems without a 64-bit datatype, you are limited to 31 bits (0x7FFFFFFF, or 2147483647 bytes). We trust most things won't need to do multiple gigabytes of i/o in one call anyhow, but why limit things?


handle retval from PHYSFS_openWrite() or PHYSFS_openAppend().
buffer buffer of (len) bytes to write to (handle).
len number of bytes being written to (handle).


number of bytes written. This may be less than (len); in the case of an error, the system may try to write as many bytes as possible, so an incomplete write might occur. PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode() can shed light on the reason this might be < (len). -1 if complete failure.

int PHYSFS_writeSBE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint16 val)

Convert and write a signed 16-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 16-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeSBE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint32 val)

Convert and write a signed 32-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 32-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeSBE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint64 val)

Convert and write a signed 64-bit bigending value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 64-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_writeSLE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint16 val)

Convert and write a signed 16-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 16-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeSLE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint32 val)

Convert and write a signed 32-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 32-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeSLE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_sint64 val)

Convert and write a signed 64-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert a signed 64-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_sint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_writeUBE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint16 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 16-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 16-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeUBE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint32 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 32-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 32-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeUBE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint64 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 64-bit bigendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 64-bit value from the platform's native byte order to bigendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.

int PHYSFS_writeULE16 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint16 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 16-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 16-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeULE32 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint32 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 32-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 32-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().

int PHYSFS_writeULE64 (PHYSFS_File * file, PHYSFS_uint64 val)

Convert and write an unsigned 64-bit littleendian value. Convenience function. Convert an unsigned 64-bit value from the platform's native byte order to littleendian and write it to a file.


file PhysicsFS file handle to which to write.
val Value to convert and write.


zero on failure, non-zero on success. On failure, you can find out what went wrong from PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode().


Remember, PHYSFS_uint64 is only 32 bits on platforms without any sort of 64-bit support.


Generated automatically by Doxygen for physfs from the source code.

Referenced By

The man pages PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(3), PHYSFS_caseFold(3), PHYSFS_close(3), PHYSFS_deinit(3), PHYSFS_delete(3), PHYSFS_deregisterArchiver(3), PHYSFS_enumerate(3), PHYSFS_EnumerateCallback(3), PHYSFS_EnumerateCallbackResult(3), PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(3), PHYSFS_enumerateFilesCallback(3), PHYSFS_ENUM_ERROR(3), PHYSFS_EnumFilesCallback(3), PHYSFS_ENUM_OK(3), PHYSFS_ENUM_STOP(3), PHYSFS_eof(3), PHYSFS_ERR_APP_CALLBACK(3), PHYSFS_ERR_ARGV0_IS_NULL(3), PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_FILENAME(3), PHYSFS_ERR_BAD_PASSWORD(3), PHYSFS_ERR_BUSY(3), PHYSFS_ERR_CORRUPT(3), PHYSFS_ERR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY(3), PHYSFS_ERR_DUPLICATE(3), PHYSFS_ERR_FILES_STILL_OPEN(3), PHYSFS_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT(3), PHYSFS_ERR_IO(3), PHYSFS_ERR_IS_INITIALIZED(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NO_SPACE(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_A_FILE(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_FOUND(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NOT_MOUNTED(3), PHYSFS_ERR_NO_WRITE_DIR(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OK(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OPEN_FOR_READING(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OPEN_FOR_WRITING(3), PHYSFS_ErrorCode(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OS_ERROR(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OTHER_ERROR(3), PHYSFS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY(3), PHYSFS_ERR_PAST_EOF(3), PHYSFS_ERR_PERMISSION(3), PHYSFS_ERR_READ_ONLY(3), PHYSFS_ERR_SYMLINK_FORBIDDEN(3), PHYSFS_ERR_SYMLINK_LOOP(3), PHYSFS_ERR_UNSUPPORTED(3), PHYSFS_exists(3), PHYSFS_file(3), PHYSFS_fileLength(3), PHYSFS_FileType(3), PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY(3), PHYSFS_FILETYPE_OTHER(3), PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR(3), PHYSFS_FILETYPE_SYMLINK(3), PHYSFS_flush(3), PHYSFS_freeList(3), PHYSFS_getAllocator(3), PHYSFS_getBaseDir(3), PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(3), PHYSFS_getCdRomDirsCallback(3), PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(3), PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(3), PHYSFS_getLastError(3), PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode(3), PHYSFS_getLastModTime(3), PHYSFS_getLinkedVersion(3), PHYSFS_getMountPoint(3), PHYSFS_getPrefDir(3), PHYSFS_getRealDir(3), PHYSFS_getSearchPath(3), PHYSFS_getSearchPathCallback(3), PHYSFS_getUserDir(3), PHYSFS_getWriteDir(3), PHYSFS_init(3), PHYSFS_isDirectory(3), PHYSFS_isInit(3), PHYSFS_isSymbolicLink(3), PHYSFS_mkdir(3), PHYSFS_mount(3), PHYSFS_mountHandle(3), PHYSFS_mountIo(3), PHYSFS_mountMemory(3), PHYSFS_openAppend(3), PHYSFS_openRead(3), PHYSFS_openWrite(3), PHYSFS_permitSymbolicLinks(3), PHYSFS_read(3), PHYSFS_readBytes(3), PHYSFS_readSBE16(3), PHYSFS_readSBE32(3), PHYSFS_readSBE64(3), PHYSFS_readSLE16(3), PHYSFS_readSLE32(3), PHYSFS_readSLE64(3), PHYSFS_readUBE16(3), PHYSFS_readUBE32(3), PHYSFS_readUBE64(3), PHYSFS_readULE16(3), PHYSFS_readULE32(3), PHYSFS_readULE64(3), PHYSFS_registerArchiver(3), PHYSFS_removeFromSearchPath(3), PHYSFS_seek(3), PHYSFS_setAllocator(3), PHYSFS_setBuffer(3), PHYSFS_setErrorCode(3), PHYSFS_setSaneConfig(3), PHYSFS_setWriteDir(3), PHYSFS_sint16(3), PHYSFS_sint32(3), PHYSFS_sint64(3), PHYSFS_sint8(3), PHYSFS_stat(3), PHYSFS_StringCallback(3), PHYSFS_supportedArchiveTypes(3), PHYSFS_swapSBE16(3), PHYSFS_swapSBE32(3), PHYSFS_swapSBE64(3), PHYSFS_swapSLE16(3), PHYSFS_swapSLE32(3), PHYSFS_swapSLE64(3), PHYSFS_swapUBE16(3), PHYSFS_swapUBE32(3), PHYSFS_swapUBE64(3), PHYSFS_swapULE16(3), PHYSFS_swapULE32(3), PHYSFS_swapULE64(3), PHYSFS_symbolicLinksPermitted(3), PHYSFS_tell(3), PHYSFS_ucs4stricmp(3), PHYSFS_uint16(3), PHYSFS_uint32(3), PHYSFS_uint64(3), PHYSFS_uint8(3), PHYSFS_unmount(3), PHYSFS_utf16stricmp(3), PHYSFS_utf8FromLatin1(3), PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs2(3), PHYSFS_utf8FromUcs4(3), PHYSFS_utf8FromUtf16(3), PHYSFS_utf8stricmp(3), PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs2(3), PHYSFS_utf8ToUcs4(3), PHYSFS_utf8ToUtf16(3), PHYSFS_VERSION(3), PHYSFS_write(3), PHYSFS_writeBytes(3), PHYSFS_writeSBE16(3), PHYSFS_writeSBE32(3), PHYSFS_writeSBE64(3), PHYSFS_writeSLE16(3), PHYSFS_writeSLE32(3), PHYSFS_writeSLE64(3), PHYSFS_writeUBE16(3), PHYSFS_writeUBE32(3), PHYSFS_writeUBE64(3), PHYSFS_writeULE16(3), PHYSFS_writeULE32(3) and PHYSFS_writeULE64(3) are aliases of physfs.h(3).

Version 3.0.2 physfs