ncl_lblbar - Man Page

Draws a complete label bar.



C-Binding Synopsis

#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>

void c_lblbar (int ihov, float xleb, float xreb,
float ybeb, float yteb, int nbox, float wsfb,
float hsfb, int *lfin,  int iftp,  char *llbs[],
int nlbs, int lbab)



(an input expression of type INTEGER) is zero if the bar is to be  oriented horizontally and non-zero if the bar is to be oriented  vertically.


(input expressions of type REAL) specify a rectangular area  in the plotter frame in which the entire bar, including  labels, is to fit. Each is a real number between 0 and 1,  inclusive. XLEB specifies the position of the left edge of the area; XREB, the position of the right edge of the area; YBEB,  the position of the bottom edge of the area; and YTEB, the  position of the top edge of the area. A horizontal bar should probably be made wider than it is high; similarly, a vertical  bar should probably be made higher than it is wide.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) may be positive or negative; its absolute value specifies the number of rectangular pieces (let's call them boxes) into which the bar should be divided.  All the boxes will be the same size. A horizontal bar will be divided into boxes using vertical lines and a vertical bar will be divided into boxes using horizontal lines. The boxes in a horizontal bar are considered to be ordered from left to right and the boxes in a vertical bar from bottom to top. This ordering determines the order in which fill indices and  labels are given. If NBOX is positive, the boxes will be outlined after being drawn; if NBOX is negative, the boxes will not be outlined.


(input expressions of type REAL) determine what part of  each box is to be color-filled or pattern-filled. Each is a number between 0 and 1; they specify the horizontal and vertical dimensions, respectively, of the filled sub-box, as fractions  of the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the whole box.  The exact position of each sub-box within its box will be determined for you, depending on how you choose to  have the bar labeled.


(an input array of type INTEGER) contains a list of indices, one  for each box in the bar; each index determines how the filling  of the associated box is to be done. These may be color indices  or some other kind of indices, depending on the value of the  next argument, IFTP.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies how the sub-boxes  should be filled, as follows:

  • If the value of IFTP is zero, LBLBAR fills each sub-box by  calling the routine SFSGFA, in the package Softfill. In this  case, the value of the Softfill internal parameter `TY'  determines whether filling is done by calls to the GKS  routine GFA or by drawing closely-spaced colored lines,  which simulates solid fill, or by drawing lines which form  patterns of different apparent densities.
  • If the value of IFTP is non-zero, the routine LBFILL will be  called to do the filling. You may supply your own version of the routine LBFILL.

Prior to the filling of the boxes, the current polyline color  and width will be set as specified by the values of the internal parameters 'CFL' and 'WFL', respectively. Therefore, if lines  are used to do the fill and the method chosen does not  otherwise set polyline color and width, the values of 'CFL' and 'WFL' will take effect.

After filling is complete, the filled sub-boxes may be outlined using the color and line width specified by the Labelbar internal parameters `CBL' and `WBL'. (As mentioned above, this is done  only if the argument NBOX is positive; it is suppressed if  NBOX is negative.)


(an input array of type CHARACTER) provides a list of labels for the  bar; the number of such labels may be equal to:

  • the number of boxes less one, in which case the labels are associated with the divisions between the boxes, or to
  • the number of boxes, in which case the labels are associated  with the boxes themselves, or to
  • the number of boxes plus one, in which case the first label is associated with the beginning of the bar, the last label with  the end of the bar, and the ones in between with the divisions between the boxes.

The labels are drawn by calls to the Plotchar routine PLCHHQ. They are drawn in the color specified by the Labelbar internal parameter 'CLB' and using the polyline width specified by the Labelbar internal parameter 'WLB'.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies the number  of labels in the array LLBS.


(an input expression of type INTEGER) specifies on which side or  sides of the bar the labels are to be written. The value 0  specifies that the bar is to be unlabeled, the value 1 that  the labels are to be below a horizontal bar or to the right of  a vertical bar, the value 2 that the labels are to be above a horizontal bar or to the left of a vertical bar,  and the value 3 that the labels are to be repeated on both  sides of the bar. The labels will be scaled in such a way as  not to overlap one another or to run outside the area in which  the label bar is to lie (except perhaps for labels at the ends  of the bar).

C-Binding Description

The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN  argument descriptions.


Use the ncarg command to see the following relevant examples:  colcon, cpex05, cpex07, cpex08, elblba, tconpa, and tlblba.


To use LBLBAR or c_lblbar, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.  


See the labelbar man page for a description of all Labelbar error messages and/or informational messages.

See Also

Online: labelbar, labelbar_params, lbfill, lbgeti, lbgetr, lbseti, lbsetr, ncarg_cbind

Hardcopy: NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version
