ldns_key_origttl - Man Page
read ldns_keys
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <ldns/ldns.h>
size_t ldns_key_list_key_count(const ldns_key_list *key_list);
ldns_key* ldns_key_list_key(const ldns_key_list *key, size_t nr);
RSA* ldns_key_rsa_key(const ldns_key *k);
DSA* ldns_key_dsa_key(const ldns_key *k);
ldns_signing_algorithm ldns_key_algorithm(const ldns_key *k);
unsigned char* ldns_key_hmac_key(const ldns_key *k);
uint32_t ldns_key_origttl(const ldns_key *k);
uint32_t ldns_key_inception(const ldns_key *k);
uint32_t ldns_key_expiration(const ldns_key *k);
uint16_t ldns_key_keytag(const ldns_key *k);
ldns_rdf* ldns_key_pubkey_owner(const ldns_key *k);
uint16_t ldns_key_flags(const ldns_key *k);
ldns_key_list_key_count() returns the number of keys in the key list
key_list: the key_list
Returns the numbers of keys in the list
ldns_key_list_key() returns a pointer to the key in the list at the given position
key: the key
nr: the position in the list
Returns the key
ldns_key_rsa_key() returns the (openssl) RSA struct contained in the key
k: the key to look in
Returns the RSA * structure in the key
ldns_key_dsa_key() returns the (openssl) DSA struct contained in the key
ldns_key_algorithm() return the signing alg of the key
k: the key
Returns the algorithm
ldns_key_hmac_key() return the hmac key data
k: the key
Returns the hmac key data
ldns_key_origttl() return the original ttl of the key
k: the key
Returns the original ttl
ldns_key_inception() return the key's inception date
k: the key
Returns the inception date
ldns_key_expiration() return the key's expiration date
k: the key
Returns the expiration date
ldns_key_keytag() return the keytag
k: the key
Returns the keytag
ldns_key_pubkey_owner() return the public key's owner
k: the key
Returns the owner
ldns_key_flags() return the flag of the key
k: the key
Returns the flag
The ldns team at NLnet Labs.
Reporting Bugs
Please report bugs to ldns-team@nlnetlabs.nl or in our bugzilla at http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/index.html
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs.
Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See Also
ldns_key. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035.
This manpage was automatically generated from the ldns source code.
Referenced By
The man pages ldns_key_algorithm(3), ldns_key_dsa_key(3), ldns_key_expiration(3), ldns_key_flags(3), ldns_key_hmac_key(3), ldns_key_inception(3), ldns_key_keytag(3), ldns_key_list_key(3), ldns_key_list_key_count(3), ldns_key_pubkey_owner(3) and ldns_key_rsa_key(3) are aliases of ldns_key_origttl(3).