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ldns_dnssec_name_new - Man Page

functions for ldns_dnssec_name


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <ldns/ldns.h>

ldns_dnssec_name* ldns_dnssec_name_new(void);

ldns_dnssec_name* ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr(ldns_rr *rr);

void ldns_dnssec_name_free(ldns_dnssec_name *name);

ldns_rdf* ldns_dnssec_name_name(const ldns_dnssec_name *name);

void ldns_dnssec_name_set_name(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rdf *dname);

void ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr *nsec);

int ldns_dnssec_name_cmp(const void *a, const void *b);

ldns_status ldns_dnssec_name_add_rr(ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr *rr);

ldns_dnssec_rrsets* ldns_dnssec_name_find_rrset(const ldns_dnssec_name *name, ldns_rr_type type);

void ldns_dnssec_name_print(FILE *out, const ldns_dnssec_name *name);


ldns_dnssec_name_new() Create a new data structure for a dnssec name
Returns the allocated structure

ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr() Create a new data structure for a dnssec name for the given RR

rr: the RR to derive properties from, and to add to the name

ldns_dnssec_name_free() Frees the name structure and its rrs and rrsets. Individual ldns_rr records therein are not freed

name: the structure to free

ldns_dnssec_name_name() Returns the domain name of the given dnssec_name structure

name: the dnssec name to get the domain name from
Returns the domain name

ldns_dnssec_name_set_name() Sets the domain name of the given dnssec_name structure

name: the dnssec name to set the domain name of
dname: the domain name to set it to. This data is *not* copied.

ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec() Sets the NSEC(3) RR of the given dnssec_name structure

name: the dnssec name to set the domain name of
nsec: the nsec rr to set it to. This data is *not* copied.

ldns_dnssec_name_cmp() Compares the domain names of the two arguments in their canonical ordering.

a: The first dnssec_name to compare
b: The second dnssec_name to compare
Returns -1 if the domain name of a comes before that of b in canonical ordering, 1 if it is the other way around, and 0 if they are equal

ldns_dnssec_name_add_rr() Inserts the given rr at the right place in the current dnssec_name No checking is done whether the name matches

name: The ldns_dnssec_name to add the RR to
rr: The RR to add
Returns LDNS_STATUS_OK on success, error code otherwise

ldns_dnssec_name_find_rrset() Find the RRset with the given type in within this name structure

name: the name to find the RRset in
type: the type of the RRset to find
Returns the RRset, or NULL if not present

ldns_dnssec_name_print() Prints the RRs in the  dnssec name structure to the given file descriptor

out: the file descriptor to print to
name: the name structure to print the contents of


The ldns team at NLnet Labs.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to ldns-team@nlnetlabs.nl or in  our bugzilla at http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/index.html

See Also

ldns_dnssec_zone. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034  and RFC4035.


This manpage was automatically generated from the ldns source code.

Referenced By

The man pages ldns_dnssec_name_add_rr(3), ldns_dnssec_name_cmp(3), ldns_dnssec_name_find_rrset(3), ldns_dnssec_name_free(3), ldns_dnssec_name_name(3), ldns_dnssec_name_new_frm_rr(3), ldns_dnssec_name_print(3), ldns_dnssec_name_set_name(3) and ldns_dnssec_name_set_nsec(3) are aliases of ldns_dnssec_name_new(3).

30 May 2006