ldns_buffer_remaining_at - Man Page

check buffer status


#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <ldns/ldns.h>

size_t ldns_buffer_remaining_at(const ldns_buffer *buffer, size_t at);

size_t ldns_buffer_remaining(const ldns_buffer *buffer);

int ldns_buffer_available_at(const ldns_buffer *buffer, size_t at, size_t count);

int ldns_buffer_available(const ldns_buffer *buffer, size_t count);

ldns_status ldns_buffer_status(const ldns_buffer *buffer);

bool ldns_buffer_status_ok(const ldns_buffer *buffer);


ldns_buffer_remaining_at() returns the number of bytes remaining between the indicated position and the limit.
buffer: the buffer
at: indicated position
Returns number of bytes

ldns_buffer_remaining() returns the number of bytes remaining between the buffer's position and limit.
buffer: the buffer
Returns the number of bytes

ldns_buffer_available_at() checks if the buffer has at least COUNT more bytes available. Before reading or writing the caller needs to ensure enough space is available!
buffer: the buffer
at: indicated position
count: how much is available
Returns true or false (as int?)

ldns_buffer_available() checks if the buffer has count bytes available at the current position
buffer: the buffer
count: how much is available
Returns true or false (as int?)

ldns_buffer_status() returns the status of the buffer \param[in] buffer
Returns the status

ldns_buffer_status_ok() returns true if the status of the buffer is LDNS_STATUS_OK, false otherwise
buffer: the buffer
Returns true or false


The ldns team at NLnet Labs.

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs to ldns-team@nlnetlabs.nl or in  our bugzilla at http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs/index.html

See Also

ldns_buffer. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034  and RFC4035.


This manpage was automatically generated from the ldns source code.

Referenced By

The man pages ldns_buffer_available(3), ldns_buffer_available_at(3), ldns_buffer_remaining(3), ldns_buffer_status(3) and ldns_buffer_status_ok(3) are aliases of ldns_buffer_remaining_at(3).

30 May 2006