ibnd_discover_fabric - Man Page

initialize ibnetdiscover library.


#include <infiniband/ibnetdisc.h>

ibnd_fabric_t *ibnd_discover_fabric(struct ibmad_port *ibmad_port, int timeout_ms, ib_portid_t *from, int hops)
void ibnd_destroy_fabric(ibnd_fabric_t *fabric)
void ibnd_debug(int i)
void ibnd_show_progress(int i)
int ibnd_set_max_smps_on_wire(int i)


ibnd_discover_fabric() Discover the fabric connected to the port specified by ibmad_port, using a timeout specified.  The "from" and "hops" parameters are optional and allow one to scan part of a fabric by specifying a node "from" and a number of hops away from that node to scan, "hops".  This gives the user a "sub-fabric" which is "centered" anywhere they chose.

ibmad_port must be opened with at least IB_SMI_CLASS and IB_SMI_DIRECT_CLASS classes for ibnd_discover_fabric to work.

ibnd_destroy_fabric() free all memory and resources associated with the fabric.

ibnd_debug() Set the debug level to be printed as library operations take place.

ibnd_show_progress() Indicate that the library should print debug output which shows it's progress through the fabric.

ibnd_set_max_smps_on_wire() Set the number of SMP's which will be issued on the wire simultaneously.

Return Value

ibnd_discover_fabric() return NULL on failure, otherwise a valid ibnd_fabric_t object.

ibnd_destory_fabric(), ibnd_debug() NONE

ibnd_set_max_smps_on_wire() The previous value is returned


Discover the entire fabric connected to device mthca0 , port 1.

int mgmt_classes[2] = {IB_SMI_CLASS, IB_SMI_DIRECT_CLASS}; struct ibmad_port *ibmad_port = mad_rpc_open_port(ca, ca_port, mgmt_classes, 2); ibnd_fabric_t *fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibmad_port, 100, NULL, 0); ... ibnd_destroy_fabric(fabric); mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port);

Discover only a single node and those nodes connected to it.

... str2drpath(&(port_id.drpath), from, 0, 0); ... ibnd_discover_fabric(ibmad_port, 100, &port_id, 1); ...

See Also

libibmad, mad_rpc_open_port


Ira Weiny <weiny2@llnl.gov>

Referenced By

The man pages ibnd_debug(3), ibnd_destroy_fabric(3), ibnd_set_max_smps_on_wire(3) and ibnd_show_progress(3) are aliases of ibnd_discover_fabric(3).

July 25, 2008 OpenIB Programmer's Manual