gl_LocalInvocationID.3G - Man Page

contains the index of work item currently being operated on by a compute shader


in uvec3 gl_LocalInvocationID ;.SH "DESCRIPTION"

In the compute language, gl_LocalInvocationID is an input variable containing the n-dimensional index of the local work invocation within the work group that the current shader is executing in. The possible values for this variable range across the local work group size, i.e., (0,0,0) to (gl_WorkGroupSize.x - 1, gl_WorkGroupSize.y - 1, gl_WorkGroupSize.z - 1).

Version Support

OpenGL Shading Language Version
Variable Name1.101.201.301.401.503.304.

See Also

gl_NumWorkGroups(), gl_WorkGroupID(), gl_WorkGroupSize(), gl_GlobalInvocationID()

Referenced By

gl_GlobalInvocationID.3G(3), gl_LocalInvocationIndex.3G(3), gl_NumWorkGroups.3G(3), gl_WorkGroupID.3G(3), gl_WorkGroupSize.3G(3).
