glDepthMask.3G - Man Page

enable or disable writing into the depth buffer

C Specification

void glDepthMask(GLboolean flag);



Specifies whether the depth buffer is enabled for writing. If flag is GL_FALSE, depth buffer writing is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. Initially, depth buffer writing is enabled.


glDepthMask specifies whether the depth buffer is enabled for writing. If flag is GL_FALSE, depth buffer writing is disabled. Otherwise, it is enabled. Initially, depth buffer writing is enabled.

Associated Gets

glGet() with argument GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK


Even if the depth buffer exists and the depth mask is non-zero, the depth buffer is not updated if the depth test is disabled. In order to unconditionally write to the depth buffer, the depth test should be enabled and set to GL_ALWAYS (see glDepthFunc()).

Version Support

OpenGL Version
Function / Feature Name2.

See Also

glColorMask(), glDepthFunc(), glDepthRange(), glStencilMask()

Referenced By

glClear.3G(3), glColorMask.3G(3), glColorMask,_glColorMaski.3G(3), glIndexMask.3G(3), glStencilMask.3G(3), glStencilMaskSeparate.3G(3).
