function::proc_mem_string.3stap - Man Page
Human readable string of process memory usage
1) proc_mem_string:string()
2) proc_mem_string:string(pid:long)
- pid
The pid of process to examine
1) Returns a human readable string showing the size, rss, shr, txt and data of the memory used by the current process. For example“size: 301m, rss: 11m, shr: 8m, txt: 52k, data: 2248k”.
2) Returns a human readable string showing the size, rss, shr, txt and data of the memory used by the given process. For example“size: 301m, rss: 11m, shr: 8m, txt: 52k, data: 2248k”.
See Also0
November 2024 SystemTap Tapset Reference Memory Tapset