curs_legacy.3x - Man Page

get curses cursor and window coordinates or attributes (legacy)


#include <curses.h>

int getattrs(const WINDOW *win);

int getbegx(const WINDOW *win);
int getbegy(const WINDOW *win);

int getcurx(const WINDOW *win);
int getcury(const WINDOW *win);

int getmaxx(const WINDOW *win);
int getmaxy(const WINDOW *win);

int getparx(const WINDOW *win);
int getpary(const WINDOW *win);


These legacy functions are simpler to use than the X/Open curses functions:

Return Value

Except as noted, these functions return an integer, or ERR if the window parameter is null.


These functions were supported on Version 7, BSD or System V implementations. None of those implementations checked the window parameter.

The getattrs function and macro are defined to return a (signed) integer for compatibility with those implementations although an unsigned type would have been more appropriate.

See Also

curses(3X), curs_getyx(3X), curs_opaque(3X)

Referenced By

The man pages getattrs.3x(3), getbegx.3x(3), getbegy.3x(3), getcurx.3x(3), getcury.3x(3), getmaxx.3x(3), getmaxy.3x(3), getparx.3x(3) and getpary.3x(3) are aliases of curs_legacy.3x(3).

2024-05-25 ncurses 6.5 Library calls