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cmap_iter_init - Man Page

Initialize iterator for keys stored in CMAP


#include <corosync/cmap.h>

cs_error_t cmap_iter_init (cmap_handle_t handle, const char *prefix, cmap_iter_handle_t *cmap_iter_handle);


The cmap_iter_init function is used to initialize iteration of all keys with given prefix. The handle argument is connection to CMAP database obtained by calling cmap_initialize(3) function. prefix is string, and every returned key must have name with given prefix. This variable can also be NULL (or empty string) and then all keys are iterated.

cmap_iter_init is used only for initialize context for future cmap_iter_next(3) calls and handle needed for that function is returned in cmap_iter_handle variable. When you have finished iteration over objects, call cmap_iter_finalize(3) function to free up memory associated with iteration.

Return Value

This call returns the CS_OK value if successful. If there are no items with given prefixes, CS_ERR_NO_SECTIONS is returned.

See Also

cmap_iter_next(3), cmap_iter_finalize(3), cmap_initialize(3), cmap_overview(3)

CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable

CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument

CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied

CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed

CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call interrupted by a signal

CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functionality not supported

CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received

CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to complete the requested task

Referenced By

cmap_iter_finalize(3), cmap_iter_next(3), cmap_overview(3).

03/02/2012 corosync Man Page Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual