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asn1_print_structure - Man Page

API function


#include <libtasn1.h>

void asn1_print_structure(FILE * out, asn1_node_const structure, const char * name, int mode);


FILE * out

pointer to the output file (e.g. stdout).

asn1_node_const structure

pointer to the structure that you want to visit.

const char * name

an element of the structure

int mode

specify how much of the structure to print, can be ASN1_PRINT_NAME, ASN1_PRINT_NAME_TYPE, ASN1_PRINT_NAME_TYPE_VALUE, or ASN1_PRINT_ALL.


Prints on the  out file descriptor the structure's tree starting from the  name element inside the structure  structure .

See Also

The full documentation for libtasn1 is maintained as a Texinfo manual.  If the info and libtasn1 programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info libtasn1

should give you access to the complete manual. As an alternative you may obtain the manual from:



4.19.0 libtasn1