al_save_bitmap_f - Man Page

Allegro 5 API


#include <allegro5/allegro.h>

bool al_save_bitmap_f(ALLEGRO_FILE *fp, const char *ident,
   ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap)


Saves an ALLEGRO_BITMAP(3) to an ALLEGRO_FILE(3) stream. The file type is determined by the passed `ident' parameter, which is a file name extension including the leading dot.

Returns true on success, false on error. The file remains open afterwards.

Note: the core Allegro library does not support any image file formats by default. You must use the allegro_image addon, or register your own format handler.

See Also

al_save_bitmap(3), al_register_bitmap_saver_f(3), al_init_image_addon(3)

Referenced By

al_init_image_addon(3), al_register_bitmap_saver_f(3), al_save_bitmap(3).

Allegro reference manual