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XmCvtByteStreamToXmString - Man Page

A compound string function that converts from a compound string in Byte Stream format to a compound string


#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmString XmCvtByteStreamToXmString(
unsigned char *property);


XmCvtByteStreamToXmString converts a stream of bytes representing a compound string in Byte Stream format to a compound string. This routine is typically used by the destination of a data transfer operation to produce a compound string from a transferred Byte Stream representation.


Specifies a compound string representation in Byte Stream format.


Returns a compound string. The function allocates space to hold the returned compound string. The application is responsible for managing this allocated space. The application can recover this allocated space by calling XmStringFree.

Referenced By

XmCvtXmStringToByteStream(3), XmString(3).