SoSFImage3.3coin4 - Man Page
The SoSFImage3 class is used to store 3D (volume) images.
#include <Inventor/fields/SoSFImage3.h>
Inherits SoSField.
Public Member Functions
virtual SoType getTypeId (void) const
virtual void copyFrom (const SoField &field)
const SoSFImage3 & operator= (const SoSFImage3 &field)
virtual SbBool isSame (const SoField &field) const
const unsigned char * getValue (SbVec3s &size, int &nc) const
void setValue (const SbVec3s &size, const int nc, const unsigned char *bytes)
int operator== (const SoSFImage3 &field) const
int operator!= (const SoSFImage3 &field) const
unsigned char * startEditing (SbVec3s &size, int &nc)
void finishEditing (void)
Public Member Functions inherited from SoSField
virtual ~SoSField ()
Public Member Functions inherited from SoField
virtual ~SoField ()
void setIgnored (SbBool ignore)
SbBool isIgnored (void) const
void setDefault (SbBool defaultVal)
SbBool isDefault (void) const
SbBool isOfType (const SoType type) const
void enableConnection (SbBool flag)
SbBool isConnectionEnabled (void) const
SbBool connectFrom (SoEngineOutput *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE)
SbBool appendConnection (SoEngineOutput *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE)
void disconnect (SoEngineOutput *engineoutput)
SbBool isConnectedFromEngine (void) const
SbBool getConnectedEngine (SoEngineOutput *&master) const
SbBool connectFrom (SoField *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE, SbBool append=FALSE)
SbBool appendConnection (SoField *master, SbBool notnotify=FALSE)
void disconnect (SoField *field)
SbBool isConnectedFromField (void) const
SbBool getConnectedField (SoField *&master) const
int getNumConnections (void) const
int getForwardConnections (SoFieldList &slavelist) const
int getConnections (SoFieldList &masterlist) const
void disconnect (void)
SbBool isConnected (void) const
void setContainer (SoFieldContainer *cont)
SoFieldContainer * getContainer (void) const
SbBool set (const char *valuestring)
void get (SbString &valuestring)
SbBool shouldWrite (void) const
virtual void touch (void)
virtual void startNotify (void)
virtual void notify (SoNotList *nlist)
SbBool enableNotify (SbBool on)
SbBool isNotifyEnabled (void) const
void addAuditor (void *f, SoNotRec::Type type)
void removeAuditor (void *f, SoNotRec::Type type)
int operator== (const SoField &f) const
int operator!= (const SoField &f) const
virtual void connectionStatusChanged (int numconnections)
SbBool isReadOnly (void) const
virtual void fixCopy (SbBool copyconnections)
virtual SbBool referencesCopy (void) const
void copyConnection (const SoField *fromfield)
virtual SbBool read (SoInput *input, const SbName &name)
virtual void write (SoOutput *out, const SbName &name) const
virtual void countWriteRefs (SoOutput *out) const
void setFieldType (int type)
int getFieldType (void) const
SbBool getDirty (void) const
void setDirty (SbBool dirty)
void evaluate (void) const
Static Public Member Functions
static void * createInstance (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void initClass (void)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoSField
static void initClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static void atexit_cleanup (void)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoField
static void initClass (void)
static void initClasses (void)
static void cleanupClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
Additional Inherited Members
Public Types inherited from SoField
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoSField
SoSField (void)
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoField
SoField (void)
void valueChanged (SbBool resetdefault=TRUE)
virtual void evaluateConnection (void) const
virtual SbBool readConnection (SoInput *in)
virtual void writeConnection (SoOutput *out) const
SbBool isDestructing (void) const
virtual SoNotRec createNotRec (SoBase *cont)
Detailed Description
The SoSFImage3 class is used to store 3D (volume) images.
The SoSFImage3 class provides storage for inline 3D image maps. 3D images in Coin are mainly used for 3D texture mapping support.
SoSFImage3 instances can be exported and imported as any other field class in Coin.
The components of an SoSFImage3 is: its image dimensions (width, height and depth), the number of bytes used for describing each pixel (number of components) and an associated pixel buffer. The size of the pixel buffer will be width*height*depth*components.
For texture maps, the components / bytes-per-pixel setting translates as follows: use 1 for a grayscale imagemap, 2 for grayscale + opacity (i.e. alpha value), 3 for RGB (1 byte each for red, green and blue) and 4 components means 3 bytes for RGB + 1 byte opacity value (aka RGBA).
This field is serializable into the Inventor / Coin file format in the following manner:
"X", "Y" and "Z" are the image dimensions along the given axes, "C" is the number of components in the image. The number of 0xRRGGBBAA pixel color specifications needs to equal the exact number of pixels, which is X*Y*Z. Each part of the pixel color value is in the range 0x00 to 0xff (hexadecimal, 0 to 255 decimal).
For 3-component images, the pixel-format is 0xXXRRGGBB, where the byte in the pixel color value marked as "XX" is ignored and can be left out.
For 2-component images, the pixel-format is 0xXXXXGGAA, where the bytes in the pixel color values marked as "XX" are ignored and can be left out. "GG" is the part which gives a grayscale value and "AA" is for opacity.
For 1-component images, the pixel-format is 0xXXXXXXGG, where the bytes in the pixel color values marked as "XX" are ignored and can be left out.
The pixels are read as being ordered in rows along X (width), columns along Y (height, bottom to top) and Z "planes" (depth, front to back).
Here's a simple example of the file format serialization, for a 2x2x2 RGB-image inside an SoTexture3 node:
Texture3 { images 2 2 2 3 0x000000 0x00ff00 0xff0000 0xffff00 0x000000 0x0000ff 0x00ff00 0x00ffff }
The image above is colored black+green on the first line and red+yellow on the second line in the first Z plane. The second Z plane is colored black+blue on the first line and green+cyan on the second line.
Be aware that this class is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- See also
SoTexture3, SoSFImage
- Since
Coin 2.0
TGS Inventor 2.6
Member Function Documentation
void * SoSFImage3::createInstance (void ) [static]
This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.
Creates a new instance of the class type corresponding to the SoType object.
SoType SoSFImage3::getClassTypeId (void ) [static]
This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
SoType SoSFImage3::getTypeId (void ) const [virtual]
Returns the type identification of an object derived from a class inheriting SoField. This is used for runtime type checking and "downward" casting.
Implements SoField.
void SoSFImage3::copyFrom (const SoField & f) [virtual]
Copy value(s) from f into this field. f must be of the same type as this field.
Implements SoField.
SbBool SoSFImage3::isSame (const SoField & f) const [virtual]
Check for equal type and value(s).
Implements SoField.
void SoSFImage3::initClass (void ) [static]
Internal method called upon initialization of the library (from SoDB::init()) to set up the type system.
const unsigned char * SoSFImage3::getValue (SbVec3s & size, int & nc) const
Return pixel buffer, set size to contain the image dimensions and nc to the number of components in the image.
void SoSFImage3::setValue (const SbVec3s & size, const int nc, const unsigned char * bytes)
Initialize this field to size and nc.
If bytes is not NULL, the image data is copied from bytes into this field. If bytes is NULL, the image data is cleared by setting all bytes to 0 (note that the behavior on passing a NULL pointer is specific for Coin, Open Inventor will crash if you try it).
int SoSFImage3::operator== (const SoSFImage3 & field) const
Compare image of field with the image in this field and return TRUE if they are equal.
int SoSFImage3::operator!= (const SoSFImage3 & field) const [inline]
Compare image of field with the image in this field and return FALSE if they are equal.
unsigned char * SoSFImage3::startEditing (SbVec3s & size, int & nc)
Return pixel buffer, set size to contain the image dimensions and nc to the number of components in the image.
The field's container will not be notified about the changes until you call finishEditing().
void SoSFImage3::finishEditing (void )
Notify the field's auditors that the image data have been modified.
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