SoOverrideElement.3coin4 - Man Page
The SoOverrideElement maintains a list of overridable elements and a list over which elements should be overridden.
#include <Inventor/elements/SoOverrideElement.h>
Inherits SoElement.
Public Types
enum FlagBits { AMBIENT_COLOR = 0x00000001, COLOR_INDEX = 0x00000002, COMPLEXITY = 0x00000004, COMPLEXITY_TYPE = 0x00000008, CREASE_ANGLE = 0x00000010, DIFFUSE_COLOR = 0x00000020, DRAW_STYLE = 0x00000040, EMISSIVE_COLOR = 0x00000080, FONT_NAME = 0x00000100, FONT_SIZE = 0x00000200, LIGHT_MODEL = 0x00000400, LINE_PATTERN = 0x00000800, LINE_WIDTH = 0x00001000, MATERIAL_BINDING = 0x00002000, POINT_SIZE = 0x00004000, PICK_STYLE = 0x00008000, SHAPE_HINTS = 0x00010000, SHININESS = 0x00020000, SPECULAR_COLOR = 0x00040000, POLYGON_OFFSET = 0x00080000, TRANSPARENCY = 0x00100000, TRANSPARENCY_TYPE = 0x00200000, NORMAL_VECTOR = 0x00400000, NORMAL_BINDING = 0x00800000 }
Public Member Functions
virtual void init (SoState *state)
virtual void push (SoState *state)
FIXME: write doc.
virtual SbBool matches (const SoElement *element) const
FIXME: write doc.
virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo (void) const
FIXME: write doc.
virtual void print (FILE *file) const
FIXME: write doc.
Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
const SoType getTypeId (void) const
int getStackIndex (void) const
virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)
void setDepth (const int depth)
int getDepth (void) const
virtual ~SoElement ()
Static Public Member Functions
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void * createInstance (void)
static void initClass (void)
static uint32_t getFlags (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getAmbientColorOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getColorIndexOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getComplexityOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getComplexityTypeOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getCreaseAngleOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getDiffuseColorOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getDrawStyleOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getEmissiveColorOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getFontNameOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getFontSizeOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getLightModelOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getLinePatternOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getLineWidthOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getMaterialBindingOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getPickStyleOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getPointSizeOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getPolygonOffsetOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getShapeHintsOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getShininessOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getSpecularColorOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getTransparencyOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getTransparencyTypeOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getNormalVectorOverride (SoState *const state)
static SbBool getNormalBindingOverride (SoState *const state)
static void setAmbientColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setColorIndexOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setComplexityOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setComplexityTypeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setCreaseAngleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setDiffuseColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setDrawStyleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setEmissiveColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setFontNameOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setFontSizeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setLightModelOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setLinePatternOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setLineWidthOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setMaterialBindingOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
FIXME: write doc.
static void setPickStyleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setPointSizeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setPolygonOffsetOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setShapeHintsOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setShininessOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setSpecularColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setTransparencyOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setTransparencyTypeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setNormalVectorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
static void setNormalBindingOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
static void initClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void initElements (void)
static int getNumStackIndices (void)
static SoType getIdFromStackIndex (const int stackIndex)
Protected Member Functions
virtual ~SoOverrideElement ()
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement
SoElement (void)
void capture (SoState *const state) const
virtual void captureThis (SoState *state) const
void setTypeId (const SoType typeId)
void setStackIndex (const int index)
SoElement * getNextInStack (void) const
SoElement * getNextFree (void) const
Additional Inherited Members
Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement
static SoElement * getElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static const SoElement * getConstElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static int createStackIndex (const SoType id)
Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
SoType typeId
int stackIndex
int depth
Static Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
static int classStackIndex
static SoTypeList * stackToType
Detailed Description
The SoOverrideElement maintains a list of overridable elements and a list over which elements should be overridden.
Only certain elements can be overridden.
The remaining class documentation describes a single, special case:
A common request for functionality is to override only the transparency of the full scene graph, or parts of the scene graph.
In the original SGI Inventor, this is nearly impossible, as the API was designed to only make it possible to override all or none of the fields of a node. So calling SoNode::setOverride() on an SoMaterial node will cause all material settings of that node to override all material settings further on in the scene graph, and there is no way to override only the transparency settings.
In Coin, we have added in a little hack to overcome this problem, since it is such a common request for functionality: to have separate transparency override settings, set the environment variable COIN_SEPARATE_DIFFUSE_TRANSPARENCY_OVERRIDE to "1" to enable this hack.
(Do however note that this will not work when the SoPackedColor or SoVertexProperty node is used to specify diffuse color and transparency -- only with the SoMaterial node.)
Here is a complete, standalone example which demonstrates how to accomplish this:
#include <Inventor/Qt/SoQt.h> #include <Inventor/Qt/viewers/SoQtExaminerViewer.h> #include <Inventor/nodes/SoSeparator.h> #include <Inventor/nodes/SoMaterial.h> // ************************************************************************* const char * scene = "#Inventor V2.1 asci\n" "\n" "Separator {" " Cone { }" " Translation { translation 1 0 5 }" "" " DEF OVERRIDEMATERIAL Material { transparency 0.5 }" "" " DEF OBJMATERIAL Material {" " diffuseColor 0.5 0 0" " transparency 0" " }" " Sphere { }" "}" ; int main(int argc, char ** argv) { QWidget * window = SoQt::init(argv[0]); (void)coin_setenv("COIN_SEPARATE_DIFFUSE_TRANSPARENCY_OVERRIDE", "1", TRUE); SoInput * in = new SoInput; in->setBuffer(scene, strlen(scene)); SoSeparator * root = SoDB::readAll(in); assert(root); delete in; root->ref(); SoMaterial * overridemat = (SoMaterial *) SoBase::getNamedBase("OVERRIDEMATERIAL", SoMaterial::getClassTypeId()); assert(overridemat); overridemat->diffuseColor.setIgnored(TRUE); overridemat->setOverride(TRUE); SoQtExaminerViewer * viewer = new SoQtExaminerViewer(window); viewer->setSceneGraph(root); viewer->show(); SoQt::show(window); SoQt::mainLoop(); delete viewer; root->unref(); return 0; }
Member Enumeration Documentation
enum SoOverrideElement::FlagBits
FIXME: write doc.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
SoOverrideElement::~SoOverrideElement (void ) [protected], [virtual]
Member Function Documentation
SoType SoOverrideElement::getClassTypeId (void ) [static]
This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.
int SoOverrideElement::getClassStackIndex (void ) [static]
This static method returns the state stack index for the class.
void * SoOverrideElement::createInstance (void ) [static]
This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.
Creates a new instance of the class type corresponding to the SoType object.
void SoOverrideElement::initClass (void ) [static]
Initialize relevant common data for all instances, like the type system.
void SoOverrideElement::init (SoState * state) [virtual]
Initializes the element to its default value. The default value for flags is 0.
Reimplemented from SoElement.
void SoOverrideElement::push (SoState * state) [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
Reimplemented from SoElement.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::matches (const SoElement * element) const [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
Implements SoElement.
SoElement * SoOverrideElement::copyMatchInfo (void ) const [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
Implements SoElement.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getAmbientColorOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getColorIndexOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getComplexityOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getComplexityTypeOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getCreaseAngleOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getDiffuseColorOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getDrawStyleOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getEmissiveColorOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getFontNameOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getFontSizeOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getLightModelOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getLinePatternOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getLineWidthOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getMaterialBindingOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getPickStyleOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getPointSizeOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getPolygonOffsetOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getShapeHintsOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getShininessOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getSpecularColorOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getTransparencyOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getTransparencyTypeOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getNormalVectorOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
Returns normal vector override value.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
SbBool SoOverrideElement::getNormalBindingOverride (SoState *const state) [static]
Returns normal binding override value.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
void SoOverrideElement::setAmbientColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setColorIndexOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setComplexityOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setComplexityTypeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setCreaseAngleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setDiffuseColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
Can be used to set diffuse color override. This will also set the transparency override. Since we feel this is a design flaw, it is possible to override this behaviour by setting an environment value called COIN_SEPARATE_DIFFUSE_TRANSPARENCY_OVERRIDE to 1.
Please note that separate override will not work for the PackedColor or SoVertexProperty nodes.
void SoOverrideElement::setDrawStyleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setEmissiveColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setFontNameOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setFontSizeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setLightModelOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setLinePatternOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setLineWidthOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setPickStyleOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setPointSizeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setPolygonOffsetOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setShapeHintsOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setShininessOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setSpecularColorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
FIXME: write doc.
void SoOverrideElement::setTransparencyOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
Can be used to set the transparency override.
- See also
void SoOverrideElement::setTransparencyTypeOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
Can be used to set the transparency type override.
- See also
void SoOverrideElement::setNormalVectorOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
Can be used to set normal vector override.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
void SoOverrideElement::setNormalBindingOverride (SoState *const state, SoNode *const node, const SbBool override) [static]
Can be used to set normal binding override.
This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.
- Since
Coin 2.0
void SoOverrideElement::print (FILE * file) const [virtual]
FIXME: write doc.
Reimplemented from SoElement.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code.