SoGLCacheContextElement.3coin4 - Man Page

The SoGLCacheContextElement class handles the OpenGL cache for a context.


#include <Inventor/elements/SoGLCacheContextElement.h>

Inherits SoElement.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual void init (SoState *state)
virtual SbBool matches (const SoElement *elt) const
virtual SoElement * copyMatchInfo (void) const

Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
const SoType getTypeId (void) const
int getStackIndex (void) const
virtual void push (SoState *state)
virtual void pop (SoState *state, const SoElement *prevTopElement)
void setDepth (const int depth)
int getDepth (void) const
virtual void print (FILE *file=stdout) const
virtual ~SoElement ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void * createInstance (void)
static void initClass (void)
static void set (SoState *state, int context, SbBool twopasstransparency, SbBool remoterendering)
static int get (SoState *state)
static int getExtID (const char *str)
static void getOpenGLVersion (SoState *state, int &major, int &minor)
static SbBool extSupported (SoState *state, int extid)
static SbBool areMipMapsFast (SoState *state)
static void shouldAutoCache (SoState *state, int bits)
static void setAutoCacheBits (SoState *state, int bits)
static int resetAutoCacheBits (SoState *state)
static SbBool getIsRemoteRendering (SoState *state)
static uint32_t getUniqueCacheContext (void)
static void scheduleDeleteCallback (const uint32_t contextid, SoScheduleDeleteCB *cb, void *closure)
static void incNumShapes (SoState *state)
static int getNumShapes (SoState *state)
static void incNumSeparators (SoState *state)
static int getNumSeparators (SoState *state)

Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoElement
static void initClass (void)
static SoType getClassTypeId (void)
static int getClassStackIndex (void)
static void initElements (void)
static int getNumStackIndices (void)
static SoType getIdFromStackIndex (const int stackIndex)

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~SoGLCacheContextElement ()

Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement
SoElement (void)
void capture (SoState *const state) const
virtual void captureThis (SoState *state) const
void setTypeId (const SoType typeId)
void setStackIndex (const int index)
SoElement * getNextInStack (void) const
SoElement * getNextFree (void) const

Additional Inherited Members

Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SoElement

static SoElement * getElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static const SoElement * getConstElement (SoState *const state, const int stackIndex)
static int createStackIndex (const SoType id)

Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
SoType typeId
int stackIndex
int depth

Static Protected Attributes inherited from SoElement
static int classStackIndex
static SoTypeList * stackToType

Detailed Description

The SoGLCacheContextElement class handles the OpenGL cache for a context.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SoGLCacheContextElement::~SoGLCacheContextElement () [protected], [virtual]


Member Function Documentation

SoType SoGLCacheContextElement::getClassTypeId (void ) [static]

This static method returns the SoType object associated with objects of this class.

int SoGLCacheContextElement::getClassStackIndex (void ) [static]

This static method returns the state stack index for the class.

void * SoGLCacheContextElement::createInstance (void ) [static]

This API member is considered internal to the library, as it is not likely to be of interest to the application programmer.

Creates a new instance of the class type corresponding to the SoType object.

void SoGLCacheContextElement::initClass (void ) [static]

Initialize relevant common data for all instances, like the type system.    

void SoGLCacheContextElement::init (SoState * state) [virtual]

This function initializes the element type in the given SoState. It is called for the first element of each enabled element type in SoState objects.

Reimplemented from SoElement.

SbBool SoGLCacheContextElement::matches (const SoElement * element) const [virtual]

This function returns TRUE is the element matches another element (of the same class), with respect to cache validity.

If the application programmer's extension element has a matches() function, it should also have a copyMatchInfo() function.

Implements SoElement.

SoElement * SoGLCacheContextElement::copyMatchInfo (void ) const [virtual]

This function creates a copy of the element that contains enough information to enable the matches() function to work.

Used to help with scene graph traversal caching operations.

Implements SoElement.

void SoGLCacheContextElement::set (SoState * state, int context, SbBool twopasstransparency, SbBool remoterendering) [static]

Sets data for context.

int SoGLCacheContextElement::get (SoState * state) [static]

Returns context id.

Note that the signature on this function is slightly wrong: the function should really return an uint32_t, like SoGLRenderAction::getCacheContext() does. It is kept like this for compatibility reasons.

The value returned will always be a positive integer.

int SoGLCacheContextElement::getExtID (const char * str) [static]

Returns an extension id based on the GL extension string. The extension id can be used to quickly test for the availability of an extension later, using extSupported().

void SoGLCacheContextElement::getOpenGLVersion (SoState * state, int & major, int & minor) [static]

Returns the OpenGL version for the current context. This method is an extension versus the Open Inventor API.

SbBool SoGLCacheContextElement::extSupported (SoState * state, int extid) [static]

Returns TRUE if the extension is supported for the current context. extid must be an id returned from getExtId(). The test result is cached so this method is pretty fast and can be used at runtime.

SbBool SoGLCacheContextElement::areMipMapsFast (SoState * state) [static]

Returns if mipmapped textures are fast for the current context. In Coin, we just return TRUE for the moment.

void SoGLCacheContextElement::shouldAutoCache (SoState * state, int bits) [static]

Update auto cache bits.

void SoGLCacheContextElement::setAutoCacheBits (SoState * state, int bits) [static]

Sets the auto cache bits.

int SoGLCacheContextElement::resetAutoCacheBits (SoState * state) [static]

Not properly supported yet.

SbBool SoGLCacheContextElement::getIsRemoteRendering (SoState * state) [static]

Returns TRUE if rendering is indirect / remote.

uint32_t SoGLCacheContextElement::getUniqueCacheContext (void ) [static]

Returns an unique cache context id, in the range [1, ->.

If you render the same scene graph into two or different cache contexts, and you've not using display list and texture object sharing among contexts, the cache context id need to be unique for rendering to work.

This function is an extension for Coin, and it is not available in the original SGI Open Inventor v2.1 API.

See also


void SoGLCacheContextElement::scheduleDeleteCallback (const uint32_t contextid, SoScheduleDeleteCB * cb, void * closure) [static]

Can be used to receive a callback the next time Coin knows that the context (specified by contextid) is the current OpenGL context.

This function can be used to free OpenGL resources for a context.

Note that the callback will be invoked only once, and then removed from the internal list of scheduled callbacks.


Coin 2.3

void SoGLCacheContextElement::incNumShapes (SoState * state) [static]

Increment the number of shapes in a open cache.


Coin 3.0

int SoGLCacheContextElement::getNumShapes (SoState * state) [static]

Returns the number of shapes in an open cache.


Coin 3.0

void SoGLCacheContextElement::incNumSeparators (SoState * state) [static]

Increment the number of separators in an open cache.


Coin 3.0

int SoGLCacheContextElement::getNumSeparators (SoState * state) [static]

Returns the number of separators in an open cache.


Coin 3.0


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Thu Jan 16 2025 00:00:00 Version 4.0.3 Coin