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SSL_stream_reset.3ossl - Man Page

reset a QUIC stream


 #include <openssl/ssl.h>

 typedef struct ssl_stream_reset_args_st {
     uint64_t quic_error_code;

 int SSL_stream_reset(SSL *ssl,
                      const SSL_STREAM_RESET_ARGS *args,
                      size_t args_len);


The SSL_stream_reset() function resets the send part of a QUIC stream when called on a QUIC stream SSL object, or on a QUIC connection SSL object with  a default stream attached.

If args is non-NULL, args_len must be set to sizeof(*args).

quic_error_code is an application-specified error code, which must be in the range [0, 2**62-1]. If args is NULL, a value of 0 is used.

Resetting a stream indicates to an application that the sending part of the stream is terminating abnormally. When a stream is reset, the implementation does not guarantee that any data already passed to SSL_write(3) will be received by the peer, and data already passed to SSL_write(3) but not yet transmitted may or may not be discarded. As such, you should only reset a stream when the information transmitted on the stream no longer matters, for example due to an error condition.

This function cannot be called on a unidirectional stream initiated by the peer, as only the sending side of a stream can initiate a stream reset.

It is also possible to trigger a stream reset by calling SSL_free(3); see the documentation for SSL_free(3) for details.

The receiving part of the stream (for bidirectional streams) continues to function normally.


This function corresponds to the QUIC RESET_STREAM frame.

Return Values

Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.

This function fails if called on a QUIC connection SSL object without a default stream attached, or on a non-QUIC SSL object.

After the first call to this function succeeds for a given stream, subsequent calls succeed but are ignored. The application error code used is that passed to the first successful call to this function.

See Also



SSL_stream_reset() was added in OpenSSL 3.2.

Referenced By

openssl-quic.7ossl(7), ossl-guide-quic-multi-stream.7ossl(7), SSL_free.3ossl(3), SSL_get_stream_read_state.3ossl(3), SSL_shutdown.3ossl(3).

2024-04-04 3.2.1 OpenSSL