PKCS12_add_cert.3ossl - Man Page

Add an object to a set of PKCS#12 safeBags


 #include <openssl/pkcs12.h>

 PKCS12_SAFEBAG *PKCS12_add_cert(STACK_OF(PKCS12_SAFEBAG) **pbags, X509 *cert);
                               EVP_PKEY *key, int key_usage, int iter,
                               int key_nid, const char *pass);
 PKCS12_SAFEBAG *PKCS12_add_key_ex(STACK_OF(PKCS12_SAFEBAG) **pbags,
                                   EVP_PKEY *key, int key_usage, int iter,
                                   int key_nid, const char *pass,
                                   OSSL_LIB_CTX *ctx, const char *propq);

 PKCS12_SAFEBAG *PKCS12_add_secret(STACK_OF(PKCS12_SAFEBAG) **pbags,
                                  int nid_type, const unsigned char *value, int len);


These functions create a new PKCS12_SAFEBAG and add it to the set of safeBags in pbags.

PKCS12_add_cert() creates a PKCS#12 certBag containing the supplied certificate and adds this to the set of PKCS#12 safeBags.

PKCS12_add_key() creates a PKCS#12 keyBag (unencrypted) or a pkcs8shroudedKeyBag (encrypted) containing the supplied EVP_PKEY and adds this to the set of PKCS#12 safeBags. If key_nid is not -1 then the key is encrypted with the supplied algorithm, using pass as the passphrase and iter as the iteration count. If iter is zero then a default value for iteration count of 2048 is used.

PKCS12_add_key_ex() is identical to PKCS12_add_key() but allows for a library context ctx and property query propq to be used to select algorithm implementations.

PKCS12_add_secret() creates a PKCS#12 secretBag with an OID corresponding to the supplied nid_type containing the supplied value as an ASN1 octet string. This is then added to the set of PKCS#12 safeBags.


If a certificate contains an alias or a keyid then this will be used for the corresponding friendlyName or localKeyID in the PKCS12 structure.

PKCS12_add_key() makes assumptions regarding the encoding of the given pass phrase. See passphrase-encoding(7) for more information.

Return Values

A valid PKCS12_SAFEBAG structure or NULL if an error occurred.

Conforming to

IETF RFC 7292 (<>)

See Also



PKCS12_add_secret() and PKCS12_add_key_ex() were added in OpenSSL 3.0.

Referenced By

The man pages PKCS12_add_key.3ossl(3), PKCS12_add_key_ex.3ossl(3) and PKCS12_add_secret.3ossl(3) are aliases of PKCS12_add_cert.3ossl(3).

2025-01-29 3.2.2 OpenSSL