MrmRegisterClass - Man Page
Saves the information needed for MRM to access the widget creation function for user-defined widgets
#include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h> Cardinal MrmRegisterClass( MrmType class_code, String class_name, String create_name, Widget (*create_proc) (), WidgetClass class_record);
The MrmRegisterClass function allows MRM to access user-defined widget classes. This function registers the necessary information for MRM to create widgets of this class. You must call MrmRegisterClass prior to fetching any user-defined class widget.
MrmRegisterClass saves the information needed to access the widget creation function and to do type conversion of argument lists by using the information in MRM databases.
- class_code
This argument is ignored; it is present for compatibility with previous releases.
- class_name
This argument is ignored; it is present for compatibility with previous releases.
- create_name
Specifies the case-sensitive name of the low-level widget creation function for the class. An example from the Motif Toolkit is XmCreateLabel. Arguments are parent_widget, name, override_arglist, and override_argcount.
For user-defined widgets, create_name is the creation procedure in the UIL that defines this widget.
- create_proc
Specifies the address of the creation function that you named in create_name.
- class_record
Specifies a pointer to the class record.
This function returns one of the following status return constants:
The function executed successfully.
The function failed.