Load_path.Dir.3o - Man Page
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Module Load_path.Dir
Module Dir
: sig end
type t
Represent one directory in the load path.
val create : hidden:bool -> string -> t
val path : t -> string
val files : t -> string list
All the files in that directory. This doesn't include files in sub-directories of this directory.
val hidden : t -> bool
If the modules in this directory should not be bound in the initial scope
val find : t -> string -> string option
find dir fn returns the full path to fn in dir .
val find_normalized : t -> string -> string option
As Load_path.Dir.find , but search also for uncapitalized name, i.e. if name is Foo.ml, either /path/Foo.ml or /path/foo.ml may be returned.
2024-07-18 OCamldoc OCaml library