Load_path.3o - Man Page
Management of include directories.
Module Load_path
Module Load_path
: sig end
Management of include directories.
This module offers a high level interface to locating files in the load path, which is constructed from -I and -H command line flags and a few other parameters.
It makes the assumption that the contents of include directories doesn't change during the execution of the compiler.
val add_dir : hidden:bool -> string -> unit
Add a directory to the end of the load path (i.e. at lowest priority.)
val remove_dir : string -> unit
Remove a directory from the load path
val reset : unit -> unit
Remove all directories
module Dir : sig end
type auto_include_callback = (Dir.t -> string -> string option) -> string -> string
The type of callback functions on for init ~auto_include
val no_auto_include : auto_include_callback
No automatic directory inclusion: misses in the load path raise Not_found as normal.
val init : auto_include:auto_include_callback -> visible:string list -> hidden:string list -> unit
init ~visible ~hidden is the same as reset ();
List.iter add_dir (List.rev hidden);
List.iter add_dir (List.rev visible)
val auto_include_otherlibs : (string -> unit) -> auto_include_callback
auto_include_otherlibs alert is a callback function to be passed to Load_path.init and automatically adds -I +lib to the load path after calling alert lib .
val get_path_list : unit -> string list
Return the list of directories passed to add_dir so far.
type paths = {
visible : string list ;
hidden : string list ;
val get_paths : unit -> paths
Return the directories passed to add_dir so far.
val find : string -> string
Locate a file in the load path. Raise Not_found if the file cannot be found. This function is optimized for the case where the filename is a basename, i.e. doesn't contain a directory separator.
val find_normalized : string -> string
Same as find , but search also for normalized unit name (see Misc.normalized_unit_filename ), i.e. if name is Foo.ml , allow /path/Foo.ml and /path/foo.ml to match.
type visibility =
| Visible
| Hidden
val find_normalized_with_visibility : string -> string * visibility
Same as find_normalized , but also reports whether the cmi was found in a -I directory (Visible) or a -H directory (Hidden)
val add : Dir.t -> unit
Old name for Load_path.append_dir
val append_dir : Dir.t -> unit
append_dir d adds d to the end of the load path (i.e. at lowest priority.
val prepend_dir : Dir.t -> unit
prepend_dir d adds d to the start of the load path (i.e. at highest priority.
val get_visible : unit -> Dir.t list
Same as get_paths () , except that it returns a Dir.t list , and doesn't include the -H paths.