HPL_indxl2g - Man Page

Map a index-process pair into a global index.


#include "hpl.h"
 int HPL_indxl2g( const int IL, const int INB, const int NB, const int PROC, const int SRCPROC, const int NPROCS );


HPL_indxl2g computes the global index of a matrix  entry  pointed to by the local index IL of the process indicated by PROC.


IL      (input)                 const int

On entry, IL specifies the local  index of the matrix  entry. IL must be at least zero.

INB     (input)                 const int

On entry,  INB  specifies  the size of the first block of the global matrix. INB must be at least one.

NB      (input)                 const int

On entry,  NB specifies the blocking factor used to partition and distribute the matrix A. NB must be larger than one.

PROC    (input)                 const int

On entry, PROC  specifies the coordinate of the process whose local array row or column is to be determined. PROC  must  be at least zero and strictly less than NPROCS.

SRCPROC (input)                 const int

On entry,  SRCPROC  specifies  the coordinate of the  process that possesses the first row or column of the matrix. SRCPROC must be at least zero and strictly less than NPROCS.

NPROCS  (input)                 const int

On entry,  NPROCS  specifies the total number of process rows or columns over which the matrix is distributed.  NPROCS must be at least one.

See Also

HPL_indxg2l (3), HPL_indxg2lp (3), HPL_indxg2p (3), HPL_numroc (3), HPL_numrocI (3).

Referenced By

HPL_indxg2l(3), HPL_indxg2lp(3), HPL_indxg2p(3), HPL_infog2l(3), HPL_numroc(3), HPL_numrocI(3).

February 24, 2016 HPL 2.2 HPL Library Functions