HPL_dlatcpy - Man Page

B := A^T


#include "hpl.h"
 void HPL_dlatcpy( const int M, const int N, const double * A, const int LDA, double * B, const int LDB );


HPL_dlatcpy copies the transpose of an array A into an array B.


M       (local input)           const int

On entry,  M specifies the number of  rows of the array B and the number of columns of A. M must be at least zero.

N       (local input)           const int

On entry,  N specifies the number of  rows of the array A and the number of columns of B. N must be at least zero.

A       (local input)           const double *

On entry, A points to an array of dimension (LDA,M).

LDA     (local input)           const int

On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of the array A. LDA must be at least MAX(1,N).

B       (local output)          double *

On entry, B points to an array of dimension (LDB,N). On exit, B is overwritten with the transpose of A.

LDB     (local input)           const int

On entry, LDB specifies the leading dimension of the array B. LDB must be at least MAX(1,M).


#include "hpl.h"
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  double a[2*2], b[2*2];
  a[0] = 1.0; a[1] = 3.0; a[2] = 2.0; a[3] = 4.0;
  HPL_dlacpy( 2, 2, a, 2, b, 2 );
  printf("  [%f,%f]\n", b[0], b[2]);
  printf("b=[%f,%f]\n", b[1], b[3]);
  exit(0); return(0);

See Also

HPL_dlacpy (3).

Referenced By


February 24, 2016 HPL 2.2 HPL Library Functions