CMPIObjectPath - Man Page

CMPIObjectPath class implementation


Public Attributes

int void * hdl
Opaque pointer to class instance data.
CMPIObjectPathFT * ft
Pointer to the Args Function Table.


CMPIStatus(* release )(CMPIObjectPath *op)
The ObjectPath object will not be used any further and may be freed by CMPI run time system.
CMPIObjectPath *(* clone )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Create an independent copy of this ObjectPath object.
CMPIStatus(* setNameSpace )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *ns)
Set/replace the namespace component.
CMPIString *(* getNameSpace )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get the namespace component.
CMPIStatus(* setHostname )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *hn)
Set/replace the hostname component.
CMPIString *(* getHostname )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get the hostname component.
CMPIStatus(* setClassName )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *cn)
Set/replace the classname component.
CMPIString *(* getClassName )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get the classname component.
CMPIStatus(* addKey )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *name, CMPIValue *value, CMPIType type)
Adds/replaces a named key property.
CMPIData(* getKey )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *name, CMPIStatus *rc)
Gets a named key property value.
CMPIData(* getKeyAt )(CMPIObjectPath *op, unsigned int index, CMPIString **name, CMPIStatus *rc)
Gets a key property value defined by its index.
unsigned int(* getKeyCount )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Gets the number of key properties contained in this ObjectPath.
CMPIStatus(* setNameSpaceFromObjectPath )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIObjectPath *src)
Set/replace namespace and classname components from <src>.
CMPIStatus(* setHostAndNameSpaceFromObjectPath )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIObjectPath *src)
Set/replace hostname, namespace and classname components from <src>.
CMPIData(* getClassQualifier )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *qName, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get class qualifier value.
CMPIData(* getPropertyQualifier )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *pName, const char *qName, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get property qualifier value.
CMPIData(* getMethodQualifier )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *methodName, const char *qName, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get method qualifier value.
CMPIData(* getParameterQualifier )(CMPIObjectPath *op, const char *mName, const char *pName, const char *qName, CMPIStatus *rc)
Get method parameter quailifier value.
CMPIString *(* toString )(CMPIObjectPath *op, CMPIStatus *rc)
Generates a well formed string representation of this ObjectPath.


Native CMPIObjectPath implementation.

This is the native CMPIObjectPath implementation as used for remote providers. It reflects the well-defined interface of a regular CMPIObjectPath, however, it works independently from the management broker.

It is part of a native broker implementation that simulates CMPI data types rather than interacting with the entities in a full-grown CIMOM.


CMPIString * namespace = objpath->ft->getNameSpace(objectpath, NULL);
CMPIString * classname = objpath->ft->getClassName(objectpath, NULL);
int numkeys = objectpath->ft->getKeyCount(objectpath, NULL);

See Also

Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI) - OpenGroup

Referenced By

CMCIClientFT.associatorNames(3), CMCIClientFT.associators(3), CMCIClientFT.createInstance(3), CMCIClientFT.deleteInstance(3), CMCIClientFT.enumClasses(3), CMCIClientFT.enumClassNames(3), CMCIClientFT.enumInstanceNames(3), CMCIClientFT.enumInstances(3), CMCIClientFT.execQuery(3), CMCIClientFT.getClass(3), CMCIClientFT.getInstance(3), CMCIClientFT.getProperty(3), CMCIClientFT.invokeMethod(3), CMCIClientFT.referenceNames(3), CMCIClientFT.references(3), CMCIClientFT.setInstance(3), CMCIClientFT.setProperty(3).

sfcc SFCBroker Client Library