CMCIClientFT.associators - Man Page

Enumerate instances associated with an Instance


#include <cmci.h>



Enumerate instances associated with the Instance defined by op reference.

Arguments are the client object pointer cl, an ObjectPath object  pointer op with the reference that contains namespace and classname components, assocClass, where if it's not NULL is an association class name that  is used to filter the returned set of instance objects by eliminating  objects that aren't associated to the source object by an instance of  this class or one of its subclasses, resultClass, where if it's not NULL is a valid class name that  is used to filter the returned set of Objects by eliminating objects that aren't an Instance of this Class or one of its subclasses, role, where if it's not NULL is a valid property name that  is used to filter the returned set of instance objects by eliminating objects that aren't associated to the source object by an association  where the source object plays the specified role, i.e. the name of the  property in the association class that refers to the source object  has to match the value of this parameter, resultRole, where if it's not NULL is a valid property name that  is used to filter the returned set of instance objects by eliminating  objects that aren't associated to the source object by an association where the returned object plays the specified role, i.e. the name of  the property in the association class that refers to the returned object has to match the value of this parameter, flags that affect the content of the returned class instance structures, a properties array, and rc which returns the operation status  (suppressed when NULL).

The flags argument is a bit mask that can contains the following flags -  CMPI_FLAG_IncludeQualifiers and CMPI_FLAG_IncludeClassOrigin.

Return Value

When successful the CMCIClientFT.associators() function returns a pointer to a CMPIEnumeration object that contains the class instances  found for the class that match the association criteria and sets a  successful operation status code in rc. When unsuccessful it returns a NULL pointer and sets the operation  status error code and corresponding error string in rc.



Conforming to

See Also

Common Manageability Programming Interface (CMPI) - OpenGroup,
CMCIClient(3), CMPIEnumeration(3), CMPIObjectPath(3), CMPIFlags(3), CMPIStatus(3)

Referenced By


sfcc SFCBroker Client Library