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zvbi-atsc-cc - Man Page

ATSC Closed Caption decoder


zvbi-atsc-cc [ options ] [-n] station name


zvbi-atsc-cc captures ATSC TV transmissions using a Linux DVB device and decodes the enclosed Closed Caption data. It can record both NTSC caption (EIA 608-B) and DTVCC caption (CEA 708-C).


-? -h --help --usage

Print a short usage message.

-q --quiet

Suppress all progress and error messages.

-v --verbose

Increase verbosity.

Device options

-a number
--adapter-num number

Select a different DVB device to capture the signal (/dev/dvb/adapterN). The default is adapter 0.

-i number
--frontend-id number

Select a different frontend on the DVB device (/dev/dvb/adapterN/frontendM). Most devices have only one frontend. The default is frontend 0.

-d number
--demux-id number

Select a different demultiplexer on the DVB device (/dev/dvb/adapterN/demuxM). Most devices have only one demultiplexer. The default is demultiplexer 0.

-r number
--dvr-id number

Select a different DVR interface on the DVB device (/dev/dvb/adapterN/dvrM). Most devices have only one DVR interface. The default is DVR interface 0.


Decode an MPEG-2 Transport Stream on standard input instead of opening a DVB device. This option is mainly intended for debugging.

Since Transport Streams can contain multiple programs you must still specify one or more station names, which zvbi-atsc-cc will look up in a channel configuration file to determine the Program ID of the video elementary stream or streams it should extract. You should also add the --atsc option to clarify that this is an ATSC TS and the program should expect an azap channel configuration file, which is otherwise inferred from the DVB device capabilities.

Tuning options

-e file name
--channel-conf file name

To tune in a TV station zvbi-atsc-cc needs a channel configuration file. We use the config file of the azap tuning tool from the linuxtv-dvb-apps package. You can create it with the scan tool from the same package.

The azap channel configuration file is a text file which lists one station per line. Each line contains six fields separated by a colon: The station name, the transponder frequency in Hz, the modulation used (8VSB, 16VSB, QAM_64, QAM_256), the video stream PID, the audio stream PID, and the service ID. Empty lines and lines starting with a number sign will be ignored.

This option selects a different channel configuration file. The default is

-L --list

List all stations in the channel configuration file and their transponder frequency.

-n station name
--station station name

The station to tune in. Usually the -n can be omitted.

zvbi-atsc-cc can record caption from multiple stations at once if they share a transponder frequency. Just specify multiple station names on the command line to enable this.

Caption options

With the caption and XDS options you specify which data zvbi-atsc-cc should extract. If multiple station names are given these options apply to the succeeding station name. You must specify at least one of these options for each station.

-c --cc

Print any received caption on standard output.

-C file name
--cc-file file name

Append any received caption to the specified file.

-l number
--channel number

Print NTSC Closed Caption channel 1, 2, 3 or 4 on standard output.

-1 ... -4 file name
--cc1-file ... --cc4-file file name

Filter out NTSC Closed Caption channel CC1 ... CC4 and append the text to the specified file. CC1 is the primary, CC3 the secondary caption service. If both services are transmitted CC1 usually carries English, CC3 Spanish caption.

-5 ... -8 file name
--t1-file ... --t4-file file name

Filter out NTSC Text service T1 ... T4 and append the text to the specified file.

-9 ... -0 file name
--s1-file ... --s2-file file name

Filter out DTVCC service 1 or 2 and append the text to the specified file. Service 1 is the primary, service 2 the secondary caption service. If both services are transmitted service 1 usually carries English, service 2 Spanish caption.

Digital TV stations are supposed to transmit language codes and other information about the available caption services but these are not presently evaluated. zvbi-atsc-cc filters out text which does not appear to be caption, such as tickers or vertically printed text.

-b --no-webtv

Do not print WebTV links.

-m --timestamps

Prepend timestamps (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) to caption lines.

-s --sentences

Print caption one sentence at a time.

-j type
--format type

When type is "plain" zvbi-atsc-cc prints caption and XDS text without any markup. When type is "vt100" it faithfully reproduces the caption foreground and background color, italic and underline attributes by inserting VT.100 terminal control codes. With type "ntsc-cc" it mimics the output of the ntsc-cc and zvbi-ntsc-cc tool. The default is "ntsc-cc".

zvbi-atsc-cc supports all Closed Caption character sets and converts to the encoding of the current locale, usually UTF-8.

-p --plain

Same as -j plain

XDS options

-x --xds

Print all received XDS data on standard output.

-X file name
--xds-file file name

Filter out eXtended Data Service data (station name, program name, program rating etc.) and append it as text to the specified file.

-f type[,type]*
--filter type[,type]*

Filter out specific XDS information: all, call (station call sign), desc (program synopsis), length, network, rating, time, timecode, timezone, title. Multiple -f options accumulate. The default is "all".


zvbi-atsc-cc -c NJN-HD

zvbi-atsc-cc --cc1-file wnyw.txt WNYW-DT --cc1-file wwor.txt WWOR-DT

(NJN-HD, WNYW-DT and WWOR-DT are TV stations in New York. WNYW-DT
and WWOR-DT can be captured simultaneously because they share a
transponder frequency.)



See Also

zvbi-ntsc-cc, azap



Michael H. Schimek (mschimek AT users.sourceforge.net)
Mike Baker
Mark K. Kim