znc.1e - Man Page
An advanced IRC bouncer
znc --help
znc --version
znc --makepass
znc [-n] [-d datadir] [-D] [-f]
znc [-n] [-d datadir] [-D] [-f] --makeconf
znc [-n] [-d datadir] [-D] [-f] --makepem
znc is an IRC proxy. It runs as a daemon and connects to IRC server, then allows you to connect from a workstation and work as the user that is logged in to the IRC server. After you disconnect, it maintains the connection to the server. It acts like any normal IRC server, so you can use any IRC client to connect to it.
- -h, --help
Output a brief help message.
- -v, --version
Show the full version number.
- -n, --no-color
Don't use any color escape sequences.
- -f, --foreground
Don't fork the ZNC process into the background.
- -D, --debug
Print debug output to the console. Implies --foreground.
- -d DATADIR, --datadir=DATADIR
Specify another datadir. This is where znc saves everything.
- -c, --makeconf
Interactively create a new configuration.
- -s, --makepass
Hash a password for use in znc.conf.
- -p, --makepem
Generate znc.pem. This is the server certificate znc uses. You need this for SSL.
- -r, --allow-root
Don't complain if ZNC is run with root privileges.
This section explains how znc reacts to different signals:
Exit ZNC. This is equivalent to /znc shutdown
Reload znc.conf. This is equivalent to /znc rehash. DO NOT do this very often, things can break badly!
Rewrite znc.conf. This is equivalent to /znc saveconfig
- /usr/local/share/znc/
Static module data like webadmin skins
- /usr/local/lib/znc/
znc installs its modules to this directory.
- /usr/local/include/znc/
These are the headers needed for compiling own modules.
- ~/.znc
This is the default datadir. The following paths assume that you use this. If you change this via --datadir then the following lines are relative to that dir.
- ~/.znc/znc.pem
This is the server certificate znc uses for listening on SSL ports. You can generate this via --makepem and you may replace this with your own certificate, if you want to.
- ~/.znc/modules/
If you compile your own modules, you can save them here.
- ~/.znc/configs/znc.conf
This is the path to znc.conf. Use --makeconf for an easy way to generate it.
- ~/.znc/users/USERNAME/
The data for every user is saved in this dir. USERNAME refers to the user name of that user.
- ~/.znc/users/USERNAME/moddata/MODULENAME/
This is where each module can save some stuff. This is mainly used for remembering module settings that are not part of znc.conf.
- ~/.znc/moddata/MODULENAME/
This is where global modules may save their settings.
See Also
Full documentation at: https://znc.in/