yambar - Man Page

modular status panel for X11 and Wayland


yambar [Options]...



Backend to use. The default is auto. In this mode, yambar will look for the environment variable WAYLAND_DISPLAY, and if available, use the Wayland backend. If not, the XCB backend is used.


Use an alternative configuration file instead of the default one.


Verify the configuration and then quit. If no errors are detected, nothing is printed and the exit code is 0. If there are errors, these are printed on stdout and the exit code is non-zero.


Print PID to this file, or FD, when successfully started. The file (or FD) is closed immediately after writing the PID. When a FILE as been specified, the file is unlinked exit.


Log level, used both for log output on stderr as well as syslog. Default: warning.


Enables or disables colorization of log output on stderr.


Disables syslog logging. Logging is only done on stderr.


Show the version number and quit


yambar is a lightweight and configurable status panel (bar, for short) for X11 and Wayland.

It has a number of modules that provide information in the form of tags. For example, the clock module has a date tag that contains the current date.

The modules do not know how to present the information though. This is instead done by particles. And the user, you, decides which particles (and thus how to present the data) to use.

Furthermore, each particle can have a decoration. These are things like a different background, or an graphical underline.

There is no support for images or icons. use an icon font (e.g. Font Awesome, or Material Icons) if you want a graphical representation.

There are a number of modules and particles builtin. More can be added as plugins. You can even write your own!


See yambar(5)

