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yad-tools - Man Page

show some miscellaneous stuff.


yad-tools [Options] STRING


yad-tools is a small command-line utility for getting information that may be usefull in scripts.


General options

-f,  --pfd

This mode is intended to transform font names from pango to xft specification and vice versa. Additional argument is font name.

-i,  --icon

This mode is intended to get full path to icon file from icon name. Additional argument is icon name.

PFD mode options

-x,  --xft

Print font name in xft format. This is default.

-p,  --pango

Print font name in pango format.

Icon mode options

-s,  --size=SIZE

Use specified icon size. Default is 24.

-t,  --type=TYPE

Obtain icon size from one of predefined GTK+ types. TYPE is one of the following menu, button, small_toolbar, large_toolbar, dnd or dialog,


Use specified icon theme instead of default.


March 2021